Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to James Searle, 15 March 1781

To James Searle

L:4 New York Public Library

Thursday 15 Mar. 81.

Dr Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr Searle and requests the Honour of his Company at Dinner tomorrow.

Addressed: Honble Mr. Searle / Hotel de Valois / Rue de Richelieu

Notation: Note from Dor. Franklin 15 March

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4In WTF’s hand. Searle sent an acceptance later that day (APS), but he may not have attended. On April 7, below, BF told Dumas that Searle had avoided all “Communication” with him and wondered why. Searle recently had complained to Joseph Reed that BF (named in code) was a “declared enemy of private State loans,” (and also that he gave countenance and protection to the schemer “G”, i.e., Silas Deane) so it is possible he was deliberately avoiding him: William B. Reed, ed., Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed … (2 vols., Philadelphia, 1847), II, 455–6.

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