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Results 48241-48270 of 184,431 sorted by author
L : New York Public Library Dr Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr Searle and requests the Honour of his Company at Dinner tomorrow. Addressed: Honble Mr. Searle / Hotel de Valois / Rue de Richelieu Notation: Note from Dor. Franklin 15 March In WTF ’s hand. Searle sent an acceptance later that day ( APS ), but he may not have attended. On April 7, below, BF told Dumas that Searle had...
Copy: Library of Congress By Letters I am daily receiving, I find there are in various Prisons of France a number of American Sailors, who having been forced into the english Service and since taken, remain confined with those of that Nation; but are very desirous of serving their own Country, in any of our Ships of War; and to that end, request I would obtain their Discharge from their...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Council of the Royal Society having put Sir John Pringle, Bart. in nomination for President; and being myself persuaded from what I know of his Learning in general, his thorough Acquaintance with Experimental Philosophy, his constant Attendance at our Meetings, and his extensive Reputation in the Republick of Letters throughout Europe, that he would...
Copy: Library of Congress I have just received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 7th. of January, with the Duplicates of Sundry others. In mine by this Conveyance you will be pretty fully informed of the State of our Funds here, by which you will be enabled so to regulate your Drafts as that our Credit in Europe may not be ruined, and your Friend kill’d with Vexation. The...
LS : American Philosophical Society September saw a turning point in the relationship between Madame Brillon and the Doctor, and we outline here our tentative reconstruction of their correspondence during that month. It is obvious from the exchange published under July 27 that, “peace treaty” notwithstanding, an impasse had been reached. The solution they adopted, certainly one of the lady’s...
Copy: Library of Congress The Person mentioned in your Excellency’s Letter of yesterday, has been with me, and by the Papers he show’d me I was Satisfy’d of his having been a Lieutenant in our Canadian Regiment, commanded by Col. Livingston. I gave him Money, as he had none Left, to bear his Expenses to Nantes, where he hop’d to find a Passage to America. He proposed to set out directly for...
MS not found; extract reprinted from New York Colonial Documents , VI , 1008–9. Conraed Weiser informs me that the Six Nations have actually sent a Message to the Indians in their Alliance at Aukwick and the Ohio, to sharpen their arrows and prepare for war, for they are now determined to drive the French from Ohio, and do all in their power to assist the English. In a letter from Pownall to...
Printed by Benjamin Franklin, Passy: Yale University Library This letter, known to modern readers as “Bilked for Breakfast,” is one of the least-known of the bagatelles and the only one which has left no trace as to its origin. The manuscript has not survived, and there is nothing conclusive in the text to suggest any one year over another. By 1780, Franklin had developed the bantering tone...
ALS : Western Reserve Historical Society It gave me great Pleasure to learn from Dr. Robertson, that you and Lady Dick and your lovely Bairns, were all well and happy. Now that the long Litigation between our Province and the Proprietaries, which I had the Care of, is finished, I hope to be a better and more punctual Correspondent. My Time will be more my own. I am in debt to my Friends in...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 428. I received the letter you did me the honour of writing to me requesting a recommendation to America of Mr. Joshua Grigby. I have accordingly written one; and having an opportunity the other day, I sent it under cover to Mr. Benjamin Vaughan. The...
ALS : Yale University Library Having waited here near Eight Weeks for a Passage to England, we are at length told we shall certainly sail tomorrow. For your Amusement I enclose you a Copy of a Letter I lately sent to a philosophical Friend in Carolina. I shall not forget your Thermometer, and shall be glad to hear from you when in England. I am, Dear Sir, with great Esteem, Your most obedient...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook draft: Library of Congress I received yours of Dec. 28 and Jan. 6. and am glad to find you were so well. I do not recollect the Miss Moore’s you mention, whom Ben visited before they went away. As to Mrs. Wright, I have done all I could to serve her here; but I have somehow or other, I know not which way, displeas’d her of late, so that she does...
As your Separation from the Ranger, and the Appointment of Lieutenant Simpson to the Command of her, will be liable to Misinterpretations and Misrepresentations by Persons who are unacquainted with the real Causes of those Facts. We hereby certify, that your leaving the Ranger was by our Consent, at the express Request of his Excellency Monsieur De Sartine, who informed Us that he had occasion...
L (draft): University of Pennsylvania Library Where as it is represented to me, and appears by authentic Documents, that the articles of Merchandise mentioned in the annexed Invoice were delivered by Mr—Jona. Williams Junr. at Nantes to Mr. J. D. Schweighauser supposing them to belong to the Public of the United States, and whereas the said goods (except case No. 3) have been Since exported to...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Library of Congress The Intention of his Majesty, (which you have done me the honour to signify to me in your Letter of the 24th Instant) to have the Contestation relative to the Taking of the Ship Flora, brought before the Tribunals of the Realm, there to be judged according to the Laws and Rules established for French Privateers,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We got well over here last Night about 8 aClock. I believe I shall not return the same Road with the Company, but go round by Winchester, and so to Carlisle, in order to settle the Posts, which the Assembly agreed to Support for a Year between the Camp and Philadelphia. My Love to all. I have receiv’d sundry Pacquets of Newspapers here from England, which I...
AL : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Mr Franklin presents his Respects to M. le Comte de Vergennes, and begs leave to lay before his Excellency the enclos’d Letter from Messieurs Alexanders, and to request he would be pleased to give it a little of his Attention. William and his brother Alexander John, who had recently arrived from Grenada, where he had been engaged in a lengthy...
ALS : British Museum; draft: American Philosophical Society I have now before me your several Favours of July 10, Aug. 23, and Nov. 5. A long Journey I took in the Summer and Autumn for the Establishment of my Health, prevented my answering sooner the two first. I hope the State of your Health also is mended by your Retirement into the Country, as mine has sensibly been by that Journey. You...
Copy: Library of Congress I am much obliged by the Care you have so kindly taken of the poor American Prisoners that has been brought into Lisbon. I beg you to accept my Thankfull acknowledgements and that you will be assured, that what you have already disbursed, or may hereafter think proper to disburse for their Relief in furnishing them with Necessaries, Mr. dohrman continuing to neglect...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress <London, January 6, 1773. Has paid Mr. Wheeler twenty guineas, pursuant to the instructions of November 16, and encloses his receipt. > Richard Wheeler had been the agent for Evans and James in their land purchase the year before; see above, XIX , 97–9, 168–9, 413, 421.
D : Library of Congress <Amsterdam, August 26, 1779: The articles in question, to be purchased in Holland and delivered to Nantes by La Ville de Bordeaux , Capt. Claas, are thirteen in number. Eleven of them call for pharmaceuticals, two for textiles. The pharmaceuticals comprise large quantities of hipoquana root and jalap (both purgatives), sublimated sulphur ( fleur de soufre ), pannacea...
48262Memorandum, [18 April 1746] (Franklin Papers)
MS : American Philosophical Society Sally was inoculated April 18, being Fryday at 10 a Clock in the Morning. Sarah Franklin (Genealogy, D.3) was about two and a half years old. Her brother Francis had died of smallpox before he was inoculated. See above, II , 154. The memorandum is in BF ’s hand.
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copies: Harvard University Library, Library of Congress, National Archives (two) I receiv’d yours of the 29th. past, and after the Manner in which you quitted the Ship, my clear and positive Refusal of replacing you contained in mine of March the 12th. and my furnishing you with a considerable Sum to enable you to go to America for a Trial, I am...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have received your kind Letters of Sept. 26. Oct. and Nov. 7. That of Sept. 26. is directed to my Wife, but she sent it to me, I suppose that I might see your Opinion of Mr. Bache: I am glad you approve the Choice they have made. I write a few Lines to Mr. Leadly: I cannot say much on that Subject till I see Mr. Foxcroft, whom I now expect daily. I am...
Reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., The Works of Benjamin Franklin … (10 vols., Boston, 1836–40), VII , 543–5. On my return from a late tour through Ireland and Scotland, for the establishment of my health, I found your respected letter of June 25th, with the papers therein referred to, relating to the townships settled eastward of Penobscot River. I immediately waited on Mr. Bollan to consult...
Copy: American Philosophical Society The anniversary of American independence, which fell on a Sunday in 1779, was celebrated on both sides of the Atlantic on Monday, the fifth of July. While back in Philadelphia the French minister plenipotentiary, consul, local officials, and visiting dignitaries were being hosted by Congress, in Passy Franklin was hosting Americans and French friends of the...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society I have received much Instruction and Pleasure in reading your excellent Writings; I wish it were in my Power to make you a suitable Return of the same kind. I embrace the Opportunity my much esteemed Friend Mr Carmichael affords me, of sending you a late Collection of some of my occasional Pieces, of which, if I should live to get home I hope to...
ALS (fragments): American Philosophical Society You should never be without Tubs sufficient in the Area to catch the Rain Water; for if it overflows there often, it may occasion the Foundation to settle, and hurt the Wall. I am sending you per Budden (or Robinson) a Copper to be set in your Kitchen, with some other Things. Let me have the Breadth of the Pier, that I may get a handsome Glass...
48269Extracts from the Gazette, 1744 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 3 to December 25, 1744. Wednesday last a Fire broke out in the Roof of a House in Second Street near the Church, but there being sufficient Help at hand, it was presently extinguished. Axes were observ’d to be of great Use; for when Holes were made in the Shingling, the Water from Engines and Buckets readily enter’d, and did ten times the Service...
Copies: National Archives, Library of Congress I have just received the Letter you did me the honor of writing to me the 28 past, acquainting me that you are appointed by the Officers & Crew of the Alliance Frigate to be their attorneys & Agents to receive for them what may be due to them of Prize Money. I am glad to hear of this appointment, & wish it had been made sooner. But the Demand of...