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Results 48201-48250 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Hope you will Excuse my freedom of troubling you with these few lines as I Have Been in this Prison Ever since the first day of January and have aplied to the Comissary here for to get me my Releasment but all in Vain my name is James Longwell an american was born in the Upper part of Merryland Joining Chester & newcastle County and did Belong to the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Louis Tardy presents his respects to Mr Franklin begs the favour that he will be so obliging as to give him the address, in town, of the purser of the ship of war, the Alliance. If you have any thing Bulky to send to Nantes I shall deliver it safe thither. I set out for that place in one day or two. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / a Passy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be presented you by Mr Wilkinson the ingenious Director, and indeed the projector, of a very fine Foundery on this River.— I am under particular obligations to this Gentleman for his Civility to me and many americans I have conducted to see his Works, the last was Mr Adams, who was much pleased at the Simplicity & Ingenuity of his Machinery. I beg...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your favours of the 18 & 27 past and have honoured the Draft you mention. Capt. Jones has not yet apply’d to me for the Cannon you are providing. If he is willing to give for them what they cost, I believe I shall consent to his having them. I will consider about those you tell me are to be sold at Ferrol: Do you know why they were not received for the...
Copy: Library of Congress I am glad to hear that you are at Length clear of your Mutineers; and that your Iron Work is repaired. I hope you will have a good Passage to Nantz. The Bearer of this, Mr. Joseph Wharton, is a friend of mine, a Merchant of Philadelphia who is about to return thither. If you can conveniently accomodate him with a Passage in the Alliance, you will oblige me. I do not...
Copy: Library of Congress I have before me your favour of March 20 & one of a Post preceding without date. Your Orders to Capt. Landais to finish his Refitt at Brest were good, if he could obtain Permission & Conveniencies there: But I have understood that it could not be, and he writes me of the 28 past, that he proposes sailing for Nantes in 8 Days. I approve much of the Orders you have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Reflecting upon the great advantages, that England, since the Commencement of hostilities between her and France, has obtained over the French by Sea: and least it should be compelled by it’s Losses to withdraw its protection from America; which, considering the present great armaments of England, and which would then be totally exerted against America,...
LS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to write these few lines to let You know a little of my misfortunes Since I left my Native Country I am the Widow and Daughter of Mary Richardson the occasian of my leaving my Native Country was upon the hearing of the famous Doctor Taylor at London by Advertizement in the Paper my Mother being totally blind she was willing to try for her Sight...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 26. du mois dernier relativement à 3. Sujets des Etats Unis qui étoient sur les Navires échoués à Calais, et qui desireroient servir contre les Anglois. J’ai en consequence donné des Ordres au Commissaire des Classes d’accorder la liberté à ces trois Prisonniers s’ils vouloient servir sur les...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received Your favour of the 27th ult. It is true I would Chuse rather all Americains for the Ship’s crew than part of it french for that mixture has ever since the begining of the war brought trouble and discontent on board the Ships have had it beside they Should be of litle use having no officers that tock french, However I would prefer to have Some of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society These presents humbley make known to you the distressing Case of your pettitioner who is a dissenting minister (a native of america) who left that country in a very early period of life when his parents went to England with the Rev. Mr Whitefield. I have for four years past been imploy.d in that important work dureing which time I have suffered the sharpest...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I should bee for Ever obleaged to you if your oner woold Clear me of imprisonment & Drect me to Philadelphia as i have wife & fameley there & at this time i was Going Pashinger on board of the Ship when takin by the barren moumrancy of Rochel bound for nueyork to Get to my famley as they was no orther way for me to Get there from ingland I acted on board as...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I remain without a single line from you since the arrival of Monsr. Gerard, and esteem myself very unfortunate in so doing, however I continue paying my attentions to you by every opportunity I hear of—this goes via St. Eustatia, and serves to hand to you a circular Letter from Mr. Shee and myself, having formed a Connection with that Gentleman to do...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I cannot resist the inclination I have to assure you how interest’d we alwaies must feel about a friend whom we have so much loved & esteem’d & whom we now so much admire— It gave us great uneasiness to hear you had the Gout but we hope it will secure you a long long series of health hereafter. The Genel: Verdiery who breakfast’d with us this Morng. told me...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library M Amelot qui est cette année President de l’Academie des sçiences, vient de m’ecrire qu’il entendroit avec plaisir lundy prochain chez luy après diné les memoires qui sont destinés pour l’assemblée publique du 14 de ce mois. Ayant appris que vous vous proposiez de lire un de ces memoires il m’a chargé de vous inviter à diner chez luy ce meme Jour lundy,...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Wharton presents his Respects to his Exellency Mr. Franklin, & sends Him the News paper, and a correct List of all the regular Forces in Ireland. The letter He has just received from a Friend; Who has the best Opportunity of officialy , acquiring a State of the Army. Mr. Wharton did not receive A News paper by the last post. Addressed: A’ Son Excellence /...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library You some time since advised me not to meddle in the Affairs of Prisoners, and I have endeavoured to follow your Advice because in fact not being the agent it does not belong to me.— I cannot however as a private Man help feeling for Distresses I see, and as a private Man I am always willing to contribute my Share, but it is...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress I did myself the honor of writing to you a few Days since. Last Night I received yours of the 31st past. I am glad to hear the Ship is so far in order. As to the Discontents you find among the Officers and People, it is impossible for me at this Distance to judge of them, or of the means of removing them: I must therefore, as in...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the Honor to write to me of the 1st. inst. I am sorry for the Disappointments you have met with in your Commerce with America, and hope you will have better Success hereafter. In answer to your Request of a Passage for your selves and Goods in the Alliance, I can only say that no Goods can be taken upon Freight in our Ships of War, the...
LS and copy: Library of Congress Great Objections having been made by the honble. Mr Arthur Lee to the Accounts of Mr Jonathan Williams late Agent for the Commissioners at Nantes, which are therefore yet unsettled, and as not being conversant in mercantile Business, I cannot well judge of them, and therefore, as well as for other Reasons, I did not and cannot undertake to examine them myself,...
Copy: Library of Congress Mr. Wm. Lee has lately been here from Frankfort: he had desired me to make such an Application in Behalf of the State of Virginia, as you request in Behalf of Maryland. Mrs. D’Acosta & Co had complained to me that they had provided what Mr. Lee wanted, in Pursuance of a Contract made with Mr. A. Lee, who had refused to take the Goods off his Hands. I proposed to Mr....
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress Understanding that you expect an explicit Order from me, this is to require you to receive on Board your Ship the Alliance, the Honourable John Adams Esq. with his Son and Servant, and give them a Passage therein to America. I have the Honour to be Sir your most obedient humble Servant In Gellée’s hand. Written at JA ’s request...
Copy: Library of Congress I have before me your favour of the 3d. inst. I am glad to hear of the Arrival of the Prisoners, & doubt not of your finishing the Exchange as soon as possible. You will, no doubt, answer the Letter of the Commrs. in acquainting them as they desired with the Particulars of the Treatment the English Prisoners have received here. I will endeavour to send you by next...
Copy: Library of Congress Too much Business, too much Interruption by friendly Visits, & a little Remaining Indisposition, have occasioned the Delay in answering your late Letters. You desire a Line “relative to the Complexion of Affairs.” If you mean our Affair at this Court, they wear as good a Complexion as ever they did. I know not what to advise concerning Mr. Monthieu’s Proposition....
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’apprens à l’instant, Monsieur, que vous vous proposèz de lire un mémoire à la Seance publique de l’academie des sciences qui se tiendra le 14 de ce mois . J’ai l’honneur de vous prévenir que ceux de MM. de l’academie des sciences qui ont des mémoires pour la même séance doivent se réunir chèz moi à Paris le Lundi 12, me faire l’honneur d’y diner, et y...
Copy: Yale University Library When I transmitted my last account to the Commissioners I made a memorandum at the Foot showing that when all the demands were paid the Balance would be in my favour. I now enclose the account as it now stands only £2979.19.9. and the Deans anchors, yet unpaid for which Mr. Gourlade this day demands of me amount to £6350..13.— Being under a Cruel accusation & my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous vous rappellez surement, Mon cher Maitre, les belles experiences de Physique et de Chymie que vous avez vu faire a M Brongniard, sa dexterité à operer, sa netteté a exposer, sa sagesse a expliquer ce qui peut l’etre et a rejetter les vaines hypotheses auxquelles on a attaché tant d’importance . Si vous en avez eté aussi satisfait que vous me le parutes...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Our friend Mr. B——n having given me an oppertunity to convey a letter by a safer conveyance than that of the common post, I make free to inclose it to you in order to be forwarded to Mr W——n should he be out of P——s. I have but a few minutes before Mr. B—— closes his packet to appologise for the freedom I take & to offer my services here. I am not many...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since my last of last weak I saw your old femal friend in town. She came to sea me at my lodgings. She is very wel and in good spirits and desires me to send you her best wishes and to acquaint you that she recieved your kind lettre of Jan. last and will answer it in a short time. I will endeavour to bring you the copper for to roast a chicken in by a bold...
ALS : American Philosophical Society After two and one-half years of false starts, editorial anguish, and printer’s delays, Benjamin Vaughan was finally sending Franklin the first set of sheets for Political, Miscellaneous and Philosophical Pieces . The editor’s work was far from finished. He had not yet collected all the pieces he was hoping to include, and he continued to make editorial...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Robert Gover Aged 25 years Belonging to Baltermore in Maryland Saild from that port September 10: 1775 mate of a ship Bound to London at his Arrivel went out mate of a ship to Senegall returnd Back to London October 1: 1777 Saild from London Febuary 20 for Newyork Intending to git home at his Arrivel at Newyork was not allowd a pass by the mayor of that...
Transcript: Library of Congress I have had some conferences respecting terms of peace wch. I have pressed in the strongest manner whether with effect or no will appear after the holidays. The grounds upon wch. I argued it were confidence & certainty and upon those grounds a friend of yours wd gladly offer his Services, but that friend of yours will never lend himself to transmitt or to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your obliging favour of the 18th of March came safe to hand, for which I beg you will accept my best thanks. I must apologize to you for the liberty I am about to take but as I have much reason to be assured of your Friendship and as there is no Gentleman who’s advice I would so soon follow as your’s—permit me therefore, to ask your opinion on the following...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Annexed is Copy of what I had the honor to write you the 29th. April 1778 since which have not been favoured with a line from you. The purport of this letter is to acquaint you that I have this day drawn on Messrs. Saml. & J. H. Delap Sundry Bills of Exchange Viz for p.4000 in favour of Monsr. Jacque Toutant Beaugaud p.1000 in favour of Michael Poupart...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellencies favour of the 18’ ult. Came Safe to hand, the Contents were as soon as practicable, Communicated to the princeable Conserned in this town & Neighbourhood— I am by them Instructted to Enforme you, that unless their had been really a Considerable number Resolved on the Expedittion mentioned in my Last of the 21st. Nov., the application had...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania My Cousin Jona Williams tertius will have the honour of delivering you this.— He lately arrived from America & will therefore be able to give you many pieces of Information which perhaps may have not found their way through a public Channel.— His views in coming to France were principaly to reestablish his Health, having succeeded in this he wishes to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I send the Servant who occasionally does my little messages, for that Protection for the Good Intent Capt. Francis Mugford , to go to and from Labradore, to the Moravian mission Settlements for the conversion of the Heathen, so kindly promised last Friday. The Person who was to have brought it yesterday never came. I hope it has not miscarried. Many thanks...
Two copies: Library of Congress The Religious Society commonly called the Moravian Brethren having established a Mission on the Coast of Labrador, for the Conversion of the Savages there to the Christian Religion, which has already had very good Effects, in turning them from their ancient Practices of surprizing plundering and murdering such White People Americans and Europeans, as for the...
ALS : Dartmouth College Library I am obliged to you, for the Mention you have been so good as to make of me in several of your letters to my Pappa, whom I have accompanied to Brest & back to Nantes. I hope you have recovered a perfect state of Health & that you will enjoy it a long time. I beg of you to remember me respectfully to Mr Franklin & affectionately to Mr Benjamin. I have wrote...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. de la Blancherie présente ses respects à Monsieur frankelin a l’honneur de prier son Excellence de vouloir bien lui accorder enfin l’honneur de sa présence mercredi prochain après la séance de l’Académie. Il attend cette faveur comme les Israélistes attendoient la manne du ciel. The enterprising La Blancherie (for whom see XXVI , 379) inserted a notice...
Two DS : American Philosophical Society I promise to pay to the honbl. the President of Congress or his Order the sum of three hundred & sixty four Livres, twelve sols, for Value recd. of Mr. Coffin at Dunkirk, & of B. Franklin esq; at Passy. I have signed three Notes of this Tenor & Date to Serve as one. Mace appears on the Alphabetical List of Escaped Prisoners where he is recorded as...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The report of the Commitee’s for to morrow has been declined by M. le Roy, & is delay’d till Saturday next. I again beg earnestly you would be So good as to be present then to give your opinion, which will be requested by M. le Comte de Maillebois. Was it not now so material a point to the Author, that a candid judgement should be pass’d upon his work, he...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society I had Yesterday the Honour of yours of the third of this Month. C. Landais had So much diffidence in Some of his Crew, that he could not think of carrying home any of the most culpable of the Conspirators, especially as he was so weak handed. The naval Code of the united States, has great occasion for Amendments in many Particulars, without...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am favour’d with your Excellencys Letter of 31 March, sent me by Messrs Hopes: for having been taken ill, I had advised them accordingly. I have been many days confined to my Rooms with the blind Piles; have suffer’d intolerably, but am now better— My Journey to & from Stockholm, travelling night & day, without rest, probably brought on the complaint— As...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I recvd your Favour of the 8th Instant per this days post.— I am surely the most unlucky of all accused Persons for all my Endeavours to bring on a Trial are unsuccessfull. Of the Gentlemen named there remains here only three Mr Johnson Mr Gridley & Mr Schweighauser the two last are so ill as to make their attendance...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne puis menpecher de vous troubler pour vous assurer de mes plus tendre respect et vous donner avis quaprees avoir Etez fait prisonnier deux jour avant lentrée des anglois Dans Philadelphia et detenu depuis ce tems la jé sependant par le moyen d’un amis passé en Engleterre ou je suis presentement mais les perte que jé faite depuis mon Emprisonnement mon...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society I thank you very much indeed for that kind Paper of Protection & Safeguard & Recommendation for our Vessel, which you offerd me at once, and which was so kindly and handsomely drawn. I have sent it to England to my Brethren, who know your Good Will, and who will be comforted by it, and will hope for the same thing, in kind, from Mr de Sartine....
ALS : American Philosophical Society M Le Roy vient de presenter a Lacademie un ouvrage qui minteresse dautant plus que je le regarde comme Le Votre, nÿ auroit til point de lindiscretion a Vous demander un exemplaire en attendant que jay L’honneur de Vous presenter un ouvräge qui est actuellement sous presse. Je suis avec respect Monsieur Votre très humble et très obeissant serviteur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I took courage & went this morning to Versailles to Mr de Sartine who immediately did all I desired. I now therefore can go on my Journey with chearfulness, & thankfulness to you for your kindness to my people & to me. I am sure your giving me that Protection had the wished for Effect here. How many obligations have I & my People in America to you! It is a...
AD : American Philosophical Society Monsieur franklin doit pour la Pension de Mr. son petit fils Les deux quartiers et plusrs. jours de Pension ce qu fait au total 270 Six mois de Mtre. de Dessein 108 6 mois de danse 72 6 paires de Souliers 27 Les Semaines 31 12 Lait pour les dejeuner 29 15 6 mois de Perruquier 12 Les Etrennes des Sous Mtres et domestiques