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Results 481-530 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
481 Morrow, Jeremiah Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jeremiah Morrow, 7 November … 1807-11-07 Presuming that the appointment of register to the land office at cincinnati would shortly be...
482 Hamilton, Alexander Jay, John From Alexander Hamilton to John Jay, 9 April 1793 1793-04-09 When we last conversed together on the subject we were both of opinion that the Minister expected...
483 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 12 February … 1781-02-12 Richmond, 12 Feb. 1781. This letter is identical in substance with TJ’s letter of this date to...
484 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas William Short to Thomas Jefferson, 19 June 1810 1810-06-19 You will be surprized at recieving a letter from me from this place—I did not contemplate being...
485 Hamilton, Alexander Smith, William Stephens From Alexander Hamilton to William S. Smith, 15 August … 1799-08-15 I have just received your letter of yesterday, and have given orders to Capn. Read to furnish...
486 Hamilton, Alexander The Federalist No. 17, [5 December 1787] 1787-12-05 To the People of the State of New-York. AN objection of a nature different from that which has...
487 Adams, John Adams, Charles Francis From John Adams to Charles Francis Adams, 17 August … 1825-08-17 I thank you for a very pleasant letter, and I supplicate a continuance of them—I have given up...
488 Bordes, Jean Marie de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jean Marie de Bordes, 15 March … 1807-03-15 Je viens de traduire de l’Anglais en Français un petit traité de morale trop bien connu de votre...
489 Jefferson, Thomas Smith, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Smith, 26 August 1805 1805-08-26 Your letter of the 21st. is duly recieved, inclosing a commission of Lieutt. for John Williams....
490 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Madison, James Arthur S. Brockenbrough to James Madison, 10 April 1829 1829-04-10 May I ask the favor of your advise, how to act on the subject of the board of the Students in...
491 Eckley, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Eckley, 20 April 1786 1786-04-20 It was the desire of the Revd Dr Gordon who, a few days ago, embarked for Europe, that according...
492 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Philip … 1776-05-03 Since I did myself the honor to address Your Excellency on the 27th ult: I have had no...
493 Jefferson, Thomas Brissot de Warville, Jacques Pierre From Thomas Jefferson to Brissot de Warville, 8 May … 1793-05-08 The bearer hereof, Doctor Edwards, a citizen of the United States proposing to visit Paris, I...
494 Wagner, Jacob Madison, James To James Madison from Jacob Wagner, 7 September 1803 1803-09-07 Among the papers transmitted, by this post you will notice a copy of an award against the United...
495 Adams, John Quincy 30th. 1785-01-30 Mr. A. met Mr. Jefferson, at Paris, in the forenoon. 31 The Marquis de la Fayette was here in the...
496 Jefferson, Thomas Gibson & Jefferson From Thomas Jefferson to Gibson & Jefferson, 1 June … 1801-06-01 Your favors of May 26. & 28. are both recieved, and their contents duly noted. I this day draw on...
497 Cranch, Mary Smith Adams, Abigail Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 31 December 1786 1786-12-31 I reciev’d a few days since your Letter of Sepr. 12th and yesterday that of october the 12th and...
498 Jefferson, Thomas Necks, Lucy From Thomas Jefferson to Lucy Necks, 18 April 1786 1786-04-18 I received the honor of your letter of yesterday, and in consequence thereof send you eight...
499 Warren, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Warren, 20 September 1799 1799-09-20 This may certify that Doctr Moses Baker has for some years past, been a reputable practitioner of...
500 Hammond, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Hammond, 5 July 1792 1792-07-05 I have the honor of submitting to your consideration copies of certain papers, which I have...
501 Madison, James Motion on Point of Order, [3 May] 1782 1782-05-03 MS ( NA : PCC , No. 36, I, 297). The manuscript is in JM’s hand. Charles Thomson entered...
502 Pearce, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Pearce, 20 March 1796 … 1796-03-20 Letter not found: from William Pearce, 20 March 1796. On 27 March, GW wrote Pearce: “Yesterday...
503 Washington, George [Diary entry: 6 May 1772] 1772-05-06 6. Rid to the Mill, Doeg Run, and Ferry before Dinner. In the Afternoon Doctr. Rumney and Mr....
504 Pentland, Ephraim Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Ephraim Pentland, 30 October … 1808-10-30 In behalf of the committee of Young Republican citizens, appointed at a numerous and respectable...
505 Washington, George Scott, Charles From George Washington to Brigadier General Charles … 1779-12-14 I am glad to find by yours of the 16th ulto that you had nearly surmountd the difficulties...
506 McHenry, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James McHenry, 24 April 1799 1799-04-24 The services of Captain Elliott, who is with a Company of Artillery drawn from Fort Mifflin, and...
507 Washington, George Clinton, George George Washington to George Clinton, 16 February 1778 1778-02-16 Valley Forge, February 16, 1778 . Describes sufferings at Camp because of lack of food and...
508 Jefferson, Thomas Reibelt, Philippe From Thomas Jefferson to Philippe Reibelt, 19 November … 1804-11-19 Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Reibelt. he understands from mr Reibelt’s letter of...
509 Warren, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Warren, 30 April – 1 May 1776 1776-04-30 Were I as Ceremonious as I suppose the Ladies will be about their Tea visits, after the late...
510 Collinson, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, 5 February … 1750-02-05 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have so many Obligations to my kind Friend, that I...
511 Jefferson, Thomas Barnes, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 7 August 1801 1801-08-07 Yours of the 3d. came to hand yesterday morning. I shall be happy to hear of the arrival of the...
512 Adams, Abigail Shaw, Elizabeth Smith Abigail Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw, 10 March 1787 1787-03-10 Tho I have already acknowledged all your Letters, I will not let captain Scoet sail without a few...
513 Franklin, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Franklin, 26 November 1781 1781-11-26 I am honour’d with yours of the 19th. Inst. I received a Letter from Capt. Jackson dated at...
514 Allison, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Allison, 26 April 1784 1784-04-26 At a meeting of the Officers of the Continental line in October last to appoint officers of the...
515 Pitcairn, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Pitcairn, 26 January 1802 … 1802-01-26 26 January 1802, Hamburg. Wrote on 2 Dec. acknowledging receipt of JM’s 1 Aug. circular letter...
516 Barclay, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Barclay, 2 January 1793 1793-01-02 Cadiz, 2 Jan. 1793 . Contrary winds having detained the vessel by which he intends to proceed to...
517 Barry, Amelia Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Amelia Barry, 7 December 1781 1781-12-07 Copy: American Philosophical Society Your mind is too enlarged, as well as your Genius too...
518 Dickinson, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Dickinson, [18 March … 1800-03-18 John Dickinson accepts with many Thanks the Copy of the late Resolution of the Legislature of...
519 Jefferson, Thomas Girardin, Louis Hue Thomas Jefferson to Louis H. Girardin, 17 August 1821 1821-08-17 Your favor of Aug. 12. is duly recieved, covering the letter of mr Reynolds and some printed...
520 Hamilton, Alexander Rice, Nathan From Alexander Hamilton to Nathan Rice, 1 April 1800 1800-04-01 I have received your letter of March 23rd and have forwarded to the Secretary of War Capt:...
521 Adams, John Tudor, William From John Adams to William Tudor, 28 August 1774 1774-08-28 I received your obliging Letter at New York, and it was peculiarly acceptable to me and my...
522 Jefferson, Thomas Congress From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of … 1803-02-23 I lay before you a report of the Secretary of state on the case of the Danish brigantine Henrich,...
523 Adams, John Proclamation on Insurrection in Pennsylvania, 12 March … 1799-03-12 Whereas, combinations to defeat the execution of the law for the valuation of lands and...
524 Crookes, John Jefferson, Thomas John Crookes to Thomas Jefferson, 20 July 1814 1814-07-20 I inclose you a Versification of the Speech of Logan , which I have just published. The knowledge...
525 Adams, John Wednesday. May 22. 1771. 1771-05-22 At Plymouth. Put up at Wetheralls, near the County House—lodged with Mr. Angier, where we had a...
526 Adams, John Quincy 14th. 1785-09-14 Dined at Lincoln, and immediately after dinner we again proceeded on our journey and by 5...
527 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 February 1786] 1786-02-17 Friday 17th. Thermometer at 38 in the Morning—52 at Noon and 48 at Night. A thick fog till 9...
528 Lamb, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Lamb, 20 May 1787 1787-05-20 I Received your Excellency’s letter concerning the Cyphers . The Vessel that I am in here, and...
529 Washington, George Huntington, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Huntington, 14 April … 1781-04-14 By advices just received from Col. Brodhead, dated at Fort Pitt the 10th Ulto I am informed there...
530 Franklin, Benjamin Advertisement, 1 November 1750 1750-11-01 Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , November 1, 1750. Whereas on Saturday night last, the house...