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Results 481-490 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
MS not found; facsimiles of ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania and Boston Public Library The Person from whom you had the Power of Attorney to receive a Legacy, was born in Holland, and at first call’d Aletta Crell; but not being Christen’d when the Family came to live among the English in America, she was baptiz’d by the Name of Mary . This Change of Name probably might be unknown to...
ADS (mutilated): American Philosophical Society I Benjamin Franklin of the City of Philadelphia Printer, being in perfect Health of Body and Mind, (blessed be God) do this twenty second Day of June, in the Year 1750, make, publish, sign and seal this my last Will and Testament, viz. First, I give to my honoured Mother Abiah Franklin, Twenty Pounds per Annum during her Life, to be paid...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I wrote a Line to you last Post, and sent you some Electrical Observations and Experiments. You formerly had those Papers of mine out of which something has been taken by Mr. Watson, and inserted in the Transactions: If you have forgot the Contents of those Papers, I am afraid some Things in that I last sent you will be hardly understood, as they depend on...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received thy Letter from the Trustees and Bill per £100 on Jno Gurnell & Company which is accepted. I was really unwilling to undertake a New affair haveing so little Time to spare and yett I was as Unwilling so Benevolent a Design should suffer for want of my Concurrence. I have therefore procured your Value of Books of Whiston who I would willingly...
ALS : Library Company of Philadelphia If I catch the Bagg before its taken away its more than I expect. Can only Acknowledge the favour of thine June 1st with Bartram and Hopkinsons. As to thine the Letter I left in the Country, I sent per Next Ship and return’d thy Sons Journal. I shall be Concern’d it Miscarried. I am in hopes it may yett Come to hand but I have so many Affairs, I can’t Keep...
DS : Huntington Library By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esqr: Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over His Majestys Province of New Jersey and Territories thereon depending in America Chancellor and Vice Admiral in the Same &c. No. III  Pay to Benjamin Franklin or Order the Sum of Thirty one pounds ten Shillings proclamation Money for printing Sundry Acts and Laws before the 14 day...
Copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences Mr. Watson I believe wrote his Observations on my last Paper in Haste; without having first well considered the Experiments related in §17 *Of the third Letter. which still appear to me decisive in the Question; Whether the Accumulation of Electrical Fire be in the Electrified Glass, or in the Non-electric Matter connected with the Glass? and to...
Copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences As you first put us on Electrical Experiments by sending to our Library-Company a Tube with Directions how to use it; and as our honourable Proprietor enabled us to carry those Experiments to a greater Height, by his generous Present of a complete Electrical Apparatus; ’Tis fit that both should know from Time to Time what Progress we make. It was in...
Copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences Opinions and Conjectures concerning the Properties and Effects of the Electrical Matter, arising from Experiments and Observations made in Philadelphia, 1749. §1. The Electrical Matter consists of Particles extreamly subtile, since it can permeate common Matter, even the densest Mettals, with such Ease and Freedom, as not to receive any perceptible...
MS Minutes of the Common Council: Free Library of Philadelphia Within a few weeks of their organization, Nov. 13, 1749, the Academy trustees had received subscriptions amounting to more than £700. Twenty-three trustees alone subscribed £383 annually for five years—William Allen’s pledge of £75 a year was the largest; and some forty or fifty other citizens promised a total of £322 8 s. the...