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Presuming that the appointment of register to the land office at cincinnati would shortly be made, I have taken the liberty of giving an opinion as to the most suitable amongst the persons who have applyed for the office. Daniel Symmes William Ludlow & Aaron Gofourth are considered as best qualified, should either of them be appointed I believe the duties of the office Would be well...
When we last conversed together on the subject we were both of opinion that the Minister expected from France should be received. Subsequent circumstances have perhaps induced an additional embarrassment on this point and render it adviseable to reconsider the opinion generally and to raise this further question—Whether he ought to be received absolutely or with qualifications? The King has...
Richmond, 12 Feb. 1781. This letter is identical in substance with TJ’s letter of this date to Samuel Huntington , q.v. RC ( DLC : Washington Papers); 2 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by TJ; endorsed (in part): “recd 28u. Ansd. 21st March.” PrC of Tr ( DLC ). Printed from Tr in HAW Henry A. Washington, ed., The Writings of Thomas Jefferson , Washington, 1853–1854
You will be surprized at recieving a letter from me from this place—I did not contemplate being here & still less being in Europe as late as this— My very great anxiety to be again in America to attend to some of my affairs which required something to be immediately done, as the friend with whom I left my power to represent me at Philadelphia , M r Breck , had died without naming a substitute—...
I have just received your letter of yesterday, and have given orders to Capn. Read to furnish from the garrison the guard and the orderly sergeant which you request to attend the President of the Court Martial. I presume the different members of the Court have, before this time, arrived. With great consideration I am, Sir &c: &c: ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers,...
To the People of the State of New-York. AN objection of a nature different from that which has been stated and answered, in my last address, may perhaps be likewise urged against the principle of legislation for the individual citizens of America. It may be said, that it would tend to render the government of the Union too powerful, and to enable it to absorb in itself those residuary...
I thank you for a very pleasant letter, and I supplicate a continuance of them—I have given up the hopes of seeing the family, or any part of it this Year—but when the Marquis is gone I hope to have letters from your Brother, John, and yourself, which will help to keep up my old spirits a little longer, my heart & wishes and Prayers are with you forever—We have nothing to tell you here but...
Je viens de traduire de l’Anglais en Français un petit traité de morale trop bien connu de votre Excellence, pour me permettre de lui en faire l’éloge; c’est l’Economie de la vie humaine, par Robert Dodsley. Cet ouvrage manquait à ma patrie, j’ai cru devoir lui en faire le présent: en publiant de plus l’original à côté de ma traduction, j’ai tâché de favoriser le goût de ceux qui, partisans de...
Your letter of the 21st. is duly recieved, inclosing a commission of Lieutt. for John Williams. but the letters of recommendation to which you refer as inclosed, were in fact not inclosed. there was only a letter from Colo. Wharton speaking of recommendations from Colo. Brent. to save time I have signed & now inclose the commission; trusting that you are either satisfied or will be satisfied...
May I ask the favor of your advise, how to act on the subject of the board of the Students in consiquence of the suspension of the exercises of the schools at the University from the 6th February to the 1st of April—Up to what time should board be required of the Student? In most cases where I have settled since this suspension—I have retained board for the month of February, and only required...
It was the desire of the Revd Dr Gordon who, a few days ago, embarked for Europe, that according to his own practice I would weekly send to you the Independent Chronicle printed in this Town. I have the honor of enclosing one of the Papers for your Excellency at this time; requesting you to permit me to assure you that it will afford me very great satisfaction to continue so to do in a regular...
Since I did myself the honor to address Your Excellency on the 27th ult: I have had no Intelligence from Quebec. Mr Carrol in a letter of the 28th April dated at St Johns has advised me of the safe arrival of himself and his Brothers the Commissioners at that place on the preceeding day. He adds that twenty four Batteaux with troops had Already passed that place and that the remainder were...
The bearer hereof, Doctor Edwards, a citizen of the United States proposing to visit Paris, I avail myself of that occasion to recall myself to your recollection, and to recommend to your notice a person whose ta[lents?] information and worth will merit it. As the cause of freedom in one country is dear to the free of every other, and your partialities for our states may still interest you in...
Among the papers transmitted, by this post you will notice a copy of an award against the United States made by the Commors. under the 7 art: of the British treaty. The appropriation made for the payment of such demands having expired with the year 1800, there is at present no fund applicable to its discharge, and so I told Mr. Wood, the holder; at the same time suggesting that Congress would...
49530th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. A. met Mr. Jefferson, at Paris, in the forenoon. 31 The Marquis de la Fayette was here in the evening. He appears very well satisfied with his last voyage to America.
Your favors of May 26. & 28. are both recieved, and their contents duly noted. I this day draw on you in favor of Richard Richardson for 133.33 D to cover which mr Barnes makes you now a remittance of 200. Dol. and on this day week we shall remit you about 900. D. more to cover the purchase of the hams, J. W. Eppes’s draught on you in favor of Bell for 300. D. payable June 16. and some other...
I reciev’d a few days since your Letter of Sepr. 12th and yesterday that of october the 12th and thank you most sincerly for them both. Your account of Holland entertaind me much. You must have improv’d your time well to have visited so many places and notic’d so much. The fatigue was too great for you. It was this that made you sick. I was rejoic’d to find your dissorder whatever it was for...
I received the honor of your letter of yesterday, and in consequence thereof send you eight guineas. I mentioned to you that the settlement of Mr. Wayles’s affairs remained entirely with Mr. Eppes and Mr. Skipwith the acting executors. They alone possess the evidences of his debts and paiments, and they also alone know what is due, and to whom. I think it possible, and even probable, that the...
This may certify that Doctr Moses Baker has for some years past, been a reputable practitioner of Physic and Surgery in the Town of Canton, Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and that from my knowledge of his ample qualification for the duties of his profession and the high esteem, in which he has ever been held in the place of his residence I have no hesitation in declaring it as my opinion that...
I have the honor of submitting to your consideration copies of certain papers, which I have received from Canada. They contain information that some persons, acting under the authority of the State of Vermont, have attempted to exercise legal jurisdiction within districts now occupied by the King’s troops, and have committed acts of violence on the persons and property of British Subjects...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 36, I, 297). The manuscript is in JM’s hand. Charles Thomson entered “Madison, Bland” at the top to signify who made and seconded the motion, and “Madison” at the bottom to indicate that JM demanded a roll call. Below the second “Madison,” Thomson recorded the vote on the motion. On a cover addressed by a clerk of the War Office to “His Excellency, The President of...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 20 March 1796. On 27 March, GW wrote Pearce: “Yesterday brought me your letter of the 20th instant.”
503[Diary entry: 6 May 1772] (Washington Papers)
6. Rid to the Mill, Doeg Run, and Ferry before Dinner. In the Afternoon Doctr. Rumney and Mr. James Adam came here & lodged. James Adam’s visit today and Matthew Campbell’s calls during the next four days must have concerned GW’s current business with Robert Adam & Co.: the sale of 929,700 herring and 10,894 shad for a total price of £184 17s. and the purchase of three slaves for £185 (...
In behalf of the committee of Young Republican citizens, appointed at a numerous and respectable meeting, held on the 24th. ult. in this place, I forward you their address, under cover to our representative in Congress.—Hoping that this small tribute of their respect will not be unacceptable. Very Respectfully, Your obt. huml. Sert. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I am glad to find by yours of the 16th ulto that you had nearly surmountd the difficulties attending the march of the troops from Petersburg —I have no objection to you proceeding yourself to the southward, which I hope will afford that releif to your disorder, which you expect—You will give the most pointed orders to the Officer who shall be left to bring on the Rear, not to lose a moments...
The services of Captain Elliott, who is with a Company of Artillery drawn from Fort Mifflin, and now in Northampton County, being indispensable to make draughts for Cannon and to superintend a laboratory, which it is intended to commence without loss of time, I pray you to direct Capt McClellan, or any other Captain of the Corps you may think proper, to relieve him as soon as possible—Captain...
Valley Forge, February 16, 1778 . Describes sufferings at Camp because of lack of food and clothing. Asks Clinton to do all that is possible to forward supplies. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Reibelt. he understands from mr Reibelt’s letter of the 16th. inst. that he still has two copies of the Sentimental journey sur petit papier Velin. it is the Petit format size which Th: Jefferson regards rather than the quality of the paper, because he happens to have all the works of Sterne in petit format, except his sentimal journey. if therefore...
Were I as Ceremonious as I suppose the Ladies will be about their Tea visits, after the late Indulgence of Congress, I should hardly have taken up my pen at this time to disturb your repose, or Interrupt your Business. Are you Sensible how seldom you write to me or does it proceed from Choice or Necessity. My writeing at this Time is mearly to discharge A Duty of Friendship. I have scarcely A...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have so many Obligations to my kind Friend, that I dedicated a time to Visit all the Booksellers in London to search for foreign Electrical Books and could only find Two in French. One I take to be the same I sent for thy perusal but could not be certain which Elce [I] had not bought both for I sent it away just as I received it from France. I have many...