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Results 4801-4810 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I Sottoscritti riconoscano di aver Ricevuto dal Sig re Tommaso Jefferson di Virginia negli Stati Uniti di America, per le mani del Sig re Tommaso Appleton Console di America in Livorno, la somma di quattrocento quarantaquattro Pezzi Duri, di Spagna, per un’Anno di Frutti sopra il Capitale che ritiene a Cambio il Suddetto Sig re Jefferson. Fatta in triplicata per un solo effetto, e pagamento, a...
I send you the three letters inclosed merely because they are the complement of those I sent in my letter of the 18 th inst. They are much too prolix to insist on your reading them—Burn them therefore by way of despatching if it should best suit you. The idea of sending them to you occurred to me merely because they offered some views on what has now become a mere historical subject; which...
I have just received your letter of the 13th. on its return from Charlottesville, and wish I could gratify you with all the information it asks. In place of it I can only observe that the System of Polity for the University of Virginia, being not yet finally digested & adopted, I can not venture to say what it will be in its precise form & details. It is probable that instead of a President or...
the copy of “Pains of the Imagination,” for […]ness. It is so long since I ceased to indulge […] the period when the imagination is most […] less pretend to decide on the merit of […] that on a cursory perusal my eye was […] inspiration; […] ⟨h⟩armony […] inclosed to me is addressed on the […] ⟨m⟩ention the mistake merely as proper […]ks Sir for the favor I have received Draft ( DLC )....
Since my note to you of 5th October last with a copy of the proceedings of the late convention of this State, I have discovered, that another copy has been printed at Albany far preferable to the one I sent you, it RC ( DLC ). Fragment. Docketed “Gelston, D.” by JM . The letter has not been found, but the copy of the proceedings first sent was probably [Charles Glidden Haines], Two Speeches,...
I wish the contents of this letter to be secret with you and myself. M r Gilmer, I am afraid, is determined to decline our Professorship of Law; for which I am very sorry. that appointment should not be given to a mere Common-place lawyer, without such other education as would qualify him to associate with his Colleagues, and to converse on scientific subjects worthily of a Professor of an...
Let the contents of this letter be known to you & my self only. we want a Professor of Ethics. mr Madison and myself think with predilection of George Tucker, our member of Congress. you know him however better then we do. can we get a better? will he serve? you know the emoluments, and that the tenure is in fact for life, the lodgings comfortable, the society select E t c. if you approve of...
The proposition to remove W m & Mary College to Richmond with all it’s present funds, and to add to it a medical school, is nothing more nor less than to remove the University also to that place. because if both remain there will not be students enough to make either worthy of acceptance of men of the first order of science. they must each fall down to the level of our present academies, under...
Since the date of my last I have been enabled to settle my opinions as to the course which we ought to pursue. My views have undergone a material change. On my first arrival here I was assailed by old & powerful friends of the University, with all the weapons of reason & persuasion: and wishing to avoid the appearance of illiberality I for a short time contemplated a compromise, and proposed...
Your cyder furnished me has kept so badly, indeed one half generally spoiling has fallen off so much in quality for some years past that I must reduce my demand this year to 90. gall s which I hope you will endeavor to furnish of such as I used to recieve in the beginning. MHi .