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Results 4801-4850 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
4801[Diary entry: 19 September 1763] (Washington Papers)
19. Began getting fodder at Do.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am much obliged for yesterday’s Communications. You’ll permit me to adopt a request of Father Beccaria. “Si alia habeas [Scripta praesertim Franklini] quae a me desiderari posse putes (quid autem esse potest Franklinianarum Rerum quod non planè depeream?) quaeque verecundè peti abs me posse arbitrere, ut mittas etiam atque etiam efflagito.” I congratulate...
Captn Boyes has engaged my Tobacco to go in the Tryal Captn William McGachin I shall in consequence put 48 Hhds on board that Ship on which please to Insure so as to receive in case of loss Five pounds per Hhd —a sum not equivalent, but will be some compensation in case of accidents. I am Gentn Yr Most Obedt Hble Servt ALB , DLC:GW . William McGachen, captain of the ship Tryal , cleared...
4804[Diary entry: 21 September 1763] (Washington Papers)
21. Frost bit Tobacco at D[ogue] Run.
ALS : Yale University Library In coming thro’ New York to this Place, I made a second Enquiry after Mrs. Holland, and was assur’d there was not nor had been in that Place any such Person. As I return I shall notwithstanding cause an Advertisement to be printed in the Newspapers, if possible by that means to gain Intelligence of her. I will likewise cause another to be printed in the Virginia...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I write in pain with a lately dislocated Arm, I can do little more than acknowledge the Receipt of you several Favours of Apr. 7. May 19. and June 18. all which I shall answer more fully when I get home, where I hope to be in about three Weeks; at the Meeting of our new Assembly; when I shall procure the Change you desire to be made in the Vote of...
ALS : Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery I write in pain with an Arm lately dislocated, so can only acknowledge the Receipt of your Favours of May 3. and 10. And thank you for the Intelligence they contain concerning your publick Affairs. I am now 400 Miles from home, but hope to be there again in about 3 Weeks. The Indian War upon our Western Settlements, was undoubtedly stirr’d up...
4808[Diary entry: 22 September 1763] (Washington Papers)
22. Frost bit Do. at Do. and at Muddy hole also bit Fodder very much. Began to get fodder at Creek Quarter.
The last Cargoe of Shoes you sent me, fit very well, and I hope you will continue to preserve my Last —You will please to send me (with the Goods Mr Cary will forward) the following Shoes and according to the Inclosed measures —to wit— For myself 2 pr Mens neatest Shoes 2 pr neatest stitched and bd Pumps 6 pr Servts Shoes on my Last 1 pr strong Shoe Boots For Master Custis 4 pr Pumps } pr...
Your Letters of the 13th and 23d of April last are all that have come to hand since mine of the 13th of June —I am sorry to find that my Tobacco which was intended by Hammond, and which he ought to have taken (after runng me to the expence of Insurance &ca) is likely to come to so unfavourable a Market as your Letter of the 13th seems to bespeake —under such manifest disappointments and losses...
Invoice of Goods to be sent by Robert Cary Esqr. and Company for the use of George Washington—Virga 25 M 4d. Nails 50 M 8d. Ditto 50 M 10d. Ditto 25 M 20d. Ditto 1 dozn very course, large & strong Carpenters Gouges 1 dozn narrow headg Chissels fit for strg course Wk 6 large broad axes—of the best k[in]d 6 cheap Iron (varnished) Locks for Chamber Doors—6 Inches by 3½ to have different Keys 1...
In July—62 I received the Copy of your Letter of the 27th of April preceeding —By Captn Braisse it came, & superscribed with a Box, but no Box appeared, nor did I much wonder at it, it being the Copy of a Letter only, and the Captns disavowing the receipt of any such Package—some considerable time after this I was favoured with the original Letter, but by what Ship it was brought, I am to this...
We are very sorry for Mrs Fairfax’s indisposition, and hope it is slight and will soon be removed. Mrs Washington untill the arrival of your messenger, was in hopes of seeing Mrs Fairfax this morning, althô it woud have been out of her power to have accompanied her in the intended visit; for she also was siezed with a severe Ague about Noon yesterday and has not got clear of the Fever yet—and...
AD : American Philosophical Society For several years Jonathan Williams, Senior, husband of Franklin’s niece, the former Grace Harris (C.5.3), had represented Franklin in business matters at Boston and had acted for him in looking after their less fortunate relatives in that area. Franklin in turn seems to have performed various financial services for Williams in Philadelphia or during his...
4815Cash Accounts, October 1763 (Washington Papers)
Cash Octr   To Thomas Colter for 1 Barrl of Corn £ 0.12. 6 7— To Cash of Collo. Fielding Lewis 36. 0. 0 26— To Burgesses Wages 13.17. 6 To Cash recd of Mr Lewis for a Bill of Excha. bot of Doctr Cockburn £100.0.0 165. 0. 0 31— To Cash of Mr Joseph Valentine 210. 0. 0 Contra Octr 1— By Jno. Carney Balle Acct 4. 1.10 1/2
From a croud of disagreeable [companions] among whom I have spent three or four of the most tedious hours of my life, I retire into Gunn’s bedchamber to converse in black and white with an absent friend. I heartily wish you were here that I might converse with a Christian once more before I die: for die I must this night unless I should be releived by the arrival of some sociable fellow. But I...
4817[October 1763] (Washington Papers)
1st. Finished sowing 7 Bushels of Spelts in 7 Acres of Corn Ground at Muddy hole—the Sowing of which was began the day before.
4818[Diary entry: 1 October 1763] (Washington Papers)
1st. Finished sowing 7 Bushels of Spelts in 7 Acres of Corn Ground at Muddy hole—the Sowing of which was began the day before.
Since mine of the 27th Ulto Captn McGachin who will do me the favour to deliver this, and who for several years past has commanded a Convict Ship into this River (a service neither consistent with his Inclinations or Health to persevere in) has expressed a desire of being recommended to the Command of the Ship which you have given us Reasons to expect into Potomack —A Request I do most readily...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Though I presume Mr. Cumming’s Letter, which you receive at the same time with this, informs you of the Motive which induced the Friends of the Bearer to send him to Philadelphia; yet as being the Father of the Boy, I thought it necessary for your Satisfaction, briefly to relate to you my Reasons for taking this Step; and likewise to give you some Account...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It was a happy Opportunity I had, in Capt. Stout’s return to Philadelphia; as, unless it had been for that, I should not have been so fully convinced, of thy Readiness, to pay Regard to my Recommendations. I acknowledge myself thy Debtor; but alas, I must rely on thy Goodness, to accept of that Acknowledgment, instead of Value received! Even that Request...
In the most melancholy fit that ever any poor soul was, I sit down to write to you. Last night, as merry as agreeable company and dancing with Belinda in the Apollo could make me, I never could have thought the succeeding sun would have seen me so wretched as I now am! I was prepared to say a great deal: I had dressed up in my own mind, such thoughts as occurred to me, in as moving language as...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society We found we could not get quite ready to set out to-day, so have adjourn’d our Departure till to-morrow. As Company, (I know not how many) talk of going part of the Way with us, I think it will be inconvenient to breakfast with you as proposed. We shall therefore only stop at your Door to take Leave. Herewith you have the Receipt you desired. When you...
On my return from the Country I happen’d to call at the Post Office to see if there was any Letters for me and to my great surprise found the Inclos’d which I sent upwards of 5 weeks ago by an acquaintance’s Servant (for I have had none of my own these six months) to the Office, the Postmasr’s boy insists it was only deliver’d a few days ago and as the Gentn and his Servant is gone to the West...
482515 Octobr. 1763 (Washington Papers)
Memm. From Suffolk to Pocoson Swamp is reckoned about 6 Miles, and something better than 4 perhaps 5 Miles from Collo. Reddicks Mill run (where the Road x’s it). The land within this distance especially after passing Willis Reddicks is Level & not bad. The banks down to this (Pocoson) Swamp declines gradually, and the Swamp appears to be near 75 yds. over, but no Water in it at present....
ALS : West Chester (Pa.) State Teachers College I hop’d to have had the Pleasure of being with you before this time, but various Remora’s have detain’d us in various Places. We are to set out this day, so as to lodge at Cases’ to night, and purpose to take a Bed under your hospitable Roof the Night, if not cast away among the dangerous Rocks of your Coast. My best Respects to Mrs. Babcock, &c....
I wrote you a Letter of the 27th Ulto in which I desired that you woud send for my own wear 2 pair of thin rashd Pumps and 2 pr of Stitched and bound Shoes; but I have now altered my Mind, and instead of these pray send me Six pair of neat, light, and thin Calf, with the flesh side out—let them be (if you please) a small size larger than those you sent me last for upon further tryals of them I...
Please to send me at the time that Mr Cary forwards my Goods, a suit of Cloaths made of superfine broad Cloth, and as light as possible for Summer wear—I have seen them made of light coloured mixed Cloths without linings, bound holes &ca which are handsome enough—one of these kind you may send, or of any other sort that is more in taste as the fashions are often changing—Also send me another...
I came to this place a few days ago, and embrace this as the first oppertunity that has offered of Inclosing Invoices for such Goods as are wanting for Master Custis’s Plantations and mine on York River where I have the Satisfaction to find that our Crops are secured, and tolerably good, having escaped a Frost that has destroyed much Tobacco in many parts of the Country, and injured me a good...
I should long since have answered your kind Letter but heard you & Benson intended me a Visit in the Vacation, which I should have been very glad of, & since that, I have been much engaged either in Company riding or writing.— It was with much pleasure that I received your Letter & the Account you gave me of the good Condition of things at the College since I left it, for which I am no less...
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library As you was so kind as to tell Mrs. Bernard that you would take care of my Son if he came in your way, I am encouraged to trouble you with particulars concerning him. By a letter dated Octo.9 We learn he is at Bellhaven: and as his Mony must be all spent, and he is not provided with any Papers of credit, I apprehend he may be necessarily detained there....
ALS : American Philosophical Society We arriv’d here safe [ torn ] this Morning about 11 aClock, [after a] very pleasant Journey, and without [the] least ill Accident. Thanks to God. We purpose to proceed homeward tomorrow, if the Weather, &c. is suitable. I have receiv’d here a Number of Letters from you for which I thank you. We must stay a Day at Woodbridge and then shall go forward so as...
4833Cash Accounts, November 1763 (Washington Papers)
Contra Novr 1— By 1 dozn Oranges 5/—Washing 5/—Servts 4/ £ 0.14. 0 By Club at Trebells 2/6—Smith 1/3 0. 3. 9 3— By Mrs Campbells Acct £4.4.0—Barbers £1.8.0 5.12. 0 By Barber at York 0. 2. 6 By Servants Do 2/6 0. 2. 6 6— By Doctr [Thomas] Walker for part of the Exps. to the Surveyors of Nansemond & Norfolk 6. 0. 0 By Mr Barthw Dandridge for Sundries 2.11.10 By 1 pr Scissars 1/6—Servants 5/ 0. 6. 6
Articles of Agreement made and concluded the third day of November One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty three between the several Gentlemen Subscribers here to who have agreed to Associate as a Company for the purpose of taking up and draining a large Body of Land called the Dismal Swamp under the Restriction’s and regulations following, that is to say, That certain Agents or Trustees be...
At a Meeting of the Company engaged in the Grant of Land in the Dismal Swamp in the Countys of Norfolk and Nansemond at Wmsburg Novr 3d 1763. Present William Nelson Thomas Walker Thomas Nelson William Waters Robt Burwell John Syme George Washington S. Gist Fielding Lewis —the two last Robert Tucker by power given to Doctr Walkr Upon considering the proper means to begin this great undertaking,...
4836Novembr. [1763] (Washington Papers)
4. Finished sowing Wheat at Doeg Run—viz. 33 Bushls. in the large Cut 24 in the next adjoining 4½ by the Gate & 3 in the other Tobo. Ground. In all 64½ Bushels. 5. Finished Sowing Wheat at C[ree]k Qr. in all 32½ Bushls. Finished sowing Do. at River Qr. in all 47½ Bushels. 7. Put up 10 Hogs to fatten at River Quarter. 8. Put up 15 to fatten at Mudy. Hole. 9. Put up 24 to fatten at Doeg Run. Got...
4837[Diary entry: 4 November 1763] (Washington Papers)
4. Finished sowing Wheat at Doeg Run—viz. 33 Bushls. in the large Cut 24 in the next adjoining 4½ by the Gate & 3 in the other Tobo. Ground. In all 64½ Bushels.
4838[Diary entry: 5 November 1763] (Washington Papers)
5. Finished Sowing Wheat at C[ree]k Qr. in all 32½ Bushls. Finished sowing Do. at River Qr. in all 47½ Bushels.
ALS : American Philosophical Society We stopt one Day at Mrs. Green’s, and We got to Newport the Saturday Evening after we left you, staid there till Tuesday Afternoon, got to Dr. Babcock’s on Wednesday, staid there till Friday then went to New London, where we staid among our Friends till Tuesday, then set out for Newhaven, where we arriv’d on Thursday Morning, set out from thence on Friday...
4840[Diary entry: 7 November 1763] (Washington Papers)
7. Put up 10 Hogs to fatten at River Quarter.
DS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania On Oct. 22, 1763, two weeks before Franklin returned to Philadelphia, Governor Hamilton approved an Assembly bill appropriating £24,000 “for the defense and protection of this province” in the emergency created by the Indian uprising. In order to avoid controversies such as had plagued previous supply bills and had prevented the passage of a much needed...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have not had the Pleasure of a Line from you since that of the 8th Augt. from Boston, which I had answerd, soon after it came, by the last Packet, if I had not been prevented by my Family’s being in some Confusion by my Son’s being brought home ill from Eton. Thank God all that now is happily over, and We are all well again. And on coming to Town to day I...
4843[Diary entry: 8 November 1763] (Washington Papers)
8. Put up 15 to fatten at Mudy. Hole.
4844[Diary entry: 9 November 1763] (Washington Papers)
9. Put up 24 to fatten at Doeg Run. Got done Sowing Wheat at the Mill & home House viz. 32 at the first and 4½ at the last.
ALS : Yale University Library Your Goodnature will be pleas’d to hear that your Guests went on well after they left you. We got early into New York the next Morning; staid there one Day, had a Pleasant Passage over the Bay the next Morning; spent some time with Friends in different Places of the Jerseys, and got safe and well home on Saturday Evening, where we had the additional Happiness of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I should ask Mr. Greene’s Permission now to call you so, which I hope he will give me, making Allowance for the Strength of old Habits. This is to acquaint you and him that your Guests, after a very pleasant Journey, got well home on the 5th. Instant, without the least ill Accident, and had the additional Happiness of finding their Friends all well. Mr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society It gives me great Concern to hear of your Misfortune. I have the Consolation however to understand that the Case when taken in Time, is seldom attended with any lasting Inconvenience and I have hopes the Cure is perfectly effected when I write this. I can assure you with great Truth there is not a Man upon Earth in whose Welfare I interest myself more, and...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Levys compliments to Mr. Frankling will be obliged to him if he can Answer the inclosed requisitions or any part of them. Addressed: To / Doctor Frankling The mention in this brief note of “requisitions” suggests strongly a reference to BF ’s activities (with the other provincial commissioners) in providing supplies for the frontier. The only November...
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library A fortnight ago I took the Liberty to trouble you with a request that you would procure for My Son at Alexandria credit to return to Philadelphia, and a passage from thence to Boston. I have just now received a Letter from him at Alexandria at Mr. Sebastian, A Tavern Keeper there. Altho’ I hope, before this Comes to your hand, that my Son will be...
Printed form with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society Know all Men, by these Presents, That I, James Parker of Woodbridge in the County of Middlesex and Province of New Jersey Printer, am Held and firmly bound unto Benjamin Franklin, Esqr. of the City of Philadelphia in the Sum of Three Hundred and fifty Seven Pounds, Sixteen Shillings and one penny , Lawful Money of New...