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Results 4771-4820 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have considered the speech you have delivered me, and I will now give you an answer to it. You...
I recieved yesterday from the commissioners at Amsterdam a letter dated the 26th. of february. It...
Letter not found : from Maj. Gen. William Heath, 24 July 1779. GW wrote Heath on this day: “Your...
As your excellency and the council probably have not access to Vattel, on whose doctrines this...
The case of the Batture has given rise to a warm Newspaper discussion, which for the present...
I have received your letter respecting Lt. Hoffman . The incident gives me great concern. It is a...
Mr. Hamilton added his testimony to the fact that 2/3 in N. York had been ineffectual either...
I have been honored with yours of the 14th with the Act of Congress to which it refers. As...
I nominate Robert Williams of North Carolina to be Governor of the Missisipi territory. Daniel T....
4780Thursday 19th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning we set away from Hannau at 4 o’clock A.M. and arriv’d at Hunfeld (which is distant...
Our convention having, the 12th. instant, adjourned to the first monday in October, I did not...
The frequent and violent attacks of sickness which assail me my Dear George render me a wretched...
This will be presented to you by Count Pulaski, who from a conviction that his remaining at the...
47841783 Feb. 24. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Dined in Company with Mr. Malesherbes, the famous first President of the Court of Aids, Uncle of...
I enclose the recommendation in favour of a successor to Mr Bloodworth. Neither of the gentlemen...
I am favoured with your two Letters of 20th & 22d Instant. Of the Lead Ore which is raising at...
So I see by the papers that Amelia has become Mrs: Smith , and this the 12th. of June. The news...
The last Mail carry’d you a few lines from me. By this you will receive the particulars of the...
I recieved duly your favor of Dec. 22. and felt sincere satisfaction at the assurances it...
John Dover junr, son of John Dover of this city, enlisted under the name of John Thompson between...
The President of the United States, & lady requests the Pleasure of Mr & Mrs. D. Greenleafs...
4792[Diary entry: 5 February 1770] (Washington Papers)
5. At home all day. In the Evening Sally Carlyle & Betty Dalton came here.
Copy (Virginia State Library). Made by Arthur Lee on a single page and enclosed in Virginia...
I should not take the liberty of commending to your notice and protection my excellent friends...
1814. Nov. 11. Poplar Forest . The crop here for 1815. is to be as follows Corn in Early ’s...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 17 Inst:— The Cold you mention has gone off; and I am again...
[ Philadelphia, 19 Aug. 1787 . Recorded in SJL as received 13 Dec. 1787, “(recommendation of...
AL : American Philosophical Society Tho’ your residence in Paris be proclamed in the public...
I have been honored with your Excellencys Letter of the 31st of March—enclosing an Extract of a...
[ Charleston, South Carolina, May 26, 1792. On June 16, 1792, Tench Coxe wrote to Stevens: “The...
Your last letter, with its accompaniment, came safe to my hands on tuesday last. Enclosed you...
A Resolve of Congress of the 2d Instant relative to the Bills emitted in Pursuance of the Act of...
As the work you mention will cost as is supposed not more than 50. D. & is so necessary for the...
ALS : William L. Clements Library I received your Favour of Aug. 23. almost the only one I had by...
[ Fort Mifflin on Mud Island in the Delaware River ] November 2–3, 1777 . Describes the erection...
I yesterday requested you to have the light infantry formed before you marched and leave them...
It would be well to recieve from you as early as possible the report you propose to make for...
Letterbook abstract: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I return’d him the Reliquiae Bodleianae...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. David Forman, 26 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Forman on 27 Sept. : “I...
481019th. (Adams Papers)
Finished the first book of Horace’s Odes. I went in the afternoon, and pass’d the Evening, at Mr....
I have taken the liberty of writing you on a subject highly interesting to the Citizens of our...
§ From Daniel Rodney. 22 February 1814, Lewes. “Agreeably to a request of the Senate, and house...
I condole with you most affectionately and cordially in your fresh disappointment. It is to be...
I do myself the Honour of addressing you in Consequence of an Application from the Commissary...
I am this day honored with Your Excelly. most valued and esteemed favor of the 25th. June last,...
The information conveyed in your favor of the 17th. ulto. lays me under great obligations. It was...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’avois prié Mr. de chaumont, Monsieur, de me renvoyer Le...
[ Philadelphia, November 28, 1795. Second letter of November 28 not found. ] In the “List of...
ALS : University of Virginia Library; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I recvd. your...
I have rec d yours of the 10 th and return as you request, the letter of M r Higginbotham . He...