John Jay Papers

From John Jay to Philip Schuyler, 25 July 1804

To Philip Schuyler

Bedford, 25 July 1804

My Dear Sir,

The Friendship and attachment which I have so long and so uniformly experienced from you, will not permit me to delay expressing how deeply and sincerely I participate with you in the afflicting Event which the Public are now lamenting, and which you have so many domestic and particular Reasons to bewail.1

The phylosophic Topics of Consolation are familiar to You, and we all know by Experience how little Relief is to be derived from them. May the author and only Giver of Consolation be and remain with You.2 With great Esteem and affectionate Regard, I am my Dear Sir, Your obliged and obedient Servant,

John Jay

Tr, WJ: 2, 300; HPJ, 4: 298–99.

1On the 11 July 1804 Burr-Hamilton duel, resulting in the death of Schuyler’s son-in-law the following day, see the editorial notes “The Duel Between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton,” PAH, 26: 235–41; and “The Duel with Hamilton,” PAB 2: 876–83.

2JJ mourned the death of Philip Schuyler, who passed on 16 Nov. 1804, four months following the demise of AH. In early 1805, JJ was approached by Egbert Benson, who asked that he donate to a subscription on behalf of AH’s widow, Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton. See Benson to JJ, 4 Jan. [1805], below; JJ to Benson, 12 Jan. 1805, Dft, NNC (EJ: 07523); MJB to JJ, 25 Nov. 1804, ALS, NNC (EJ: 04913).

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