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Results 47671-47680 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : Private collection (1988); draft and two copies: Library of Congress The Marquis de la fayette having served with distinction as Major General in the Army of the United States, two Campaigns—has been determined by the prospect of an European War to return to his native Country. It is with pleasure that I embrace the oppertunity of introducing to your personal acquaintance a Gentln whose...
AD : American Philosophical Society; copies: University of Virginia Library, Indiana University Library This is to certify, that I this day examind with the Honble. Doctr. Benjamin Franklin, the trunk deliverd to him by my Brother the Honble William Lee, & said to contain the public & private Papers of the late Thomas Morris Esqr. Commercial Agent; & that the Seals & Strings upon the said...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have received your Letters of the fifteenth and Twenty-fourth of December, with their Enclosures, and once more assure you, that We have no Authority, to do any Thing in your Affairs, untill you have Settled your Accounts.— Whenever you Shall be ready to lay your Accounts before Us, We shall be ready to receive them...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have been favoured with a Letter signed by many Gentlemen of Nantes and dated the fifteenth of this Month, informing us that most of their Vessels were ready to sail to America, and that others were expected to be ready immediately, so that the Convoy need not wait...
D : University of Pennsylvania Library 29[-31]th. Decr. 1778. Livs Two embroider’d Work Bag’s 18 — Work Bag, with small Box &ca 21 — 2 small Ivory Cases with silver Pens 8 2 small Busts of Dr. Franklin 12. l.t. — 2 Horn Boxes 40. —
ALS : American Philosophical Society As Ambassedors of the United-States of America, of which I am a Subject, I make bold to address my-self to you, on the present occassion, I arrivd. at Bordoux the 18th Septr. last from Baltimore with my Brig the General Lee’ with a cargo of Tobacco, consignd. to Messrs. Tessier George & Co. of that place, where unfortunately two of my Men run away which...
ALS : American Philosophical Society On me remit hier un memoire du Capitaine Pickeren qui a fait la reprise du navire la Constance de Bordeaux, adressé a Messieurs les ambassadeurs des Etats unis, le tems ne me permetant pas d’aller Jusques a Passy pour avoir l’honneur de vous le presenter, Je le remis a Monsieur Lee, qui me dit d’y ajouter une copie afin de vous les metre sous les yeux et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Remembrance of my late Confinemt. with all its Concobitant Grievances, induces me to wish something could be done for those I have left behind it is the advice of all our best friends in London & other parts of England; that an Agent should be appointed in London, who should advance small sums to such prisoners, who break out of Prison to bear their...
Extract: University of Virginia Those are the chiefest facts concerng. Baron Holzendorff’s retiring from the service of the United States; to which he thinks proper to add, that he has several reasons to conclude—that it is only the fault of the Honble James Lovell Esqr. president of the Committee of foreign applications, when Congress’s late resolution from the 9th of March 1778. has not been...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Au Mois doctobre 1776 jengagé un de mes Parents (Bentalou) agé pour lors de 21 ans, de 5 pds. 8 Pouces Bien proportionné de Bele fisionomie qui avoit deia servi dans la cavalerie, Plain dhonneur et de courage— Je lengage disje de passer dans les Etats Reunis; je lui donai un Conseil que jaurois moy meme suivi si javois eu 55 ans de moins. Je le fis...