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Results 47671-47680 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS (draft): Library of Congress I find that I have Powers to treat and conclude in the Affair you did me the honour yesterday of proposing to me. I am ready therefore to confer with your Excellency on the Subject at any Time and Place you shall please to appoint. With great & sincere Esteem & Respect I have the honour to be Sir, Your Excellency’s most obedient & most humble Servant Answer to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I send you a few of your Translations. I did not put your Name as the Translator, (which I at first intended) because I apprehended it might look like Vanity, in you, and as I shall otherwise make it known, I think the omitting it, will look like Modesty. Mr. H. is here, requesting me to speak to Mrs. Tickell, which I have promis’d to do on Friday morning....
Copy: Library of Congress I am Sorry I cannot give you the Commission you desire having none Left.— But I see nothing amiss in your taking what you can, and carrying it in tho’ without a Commission for since the Congress, in reprisal, have immitated the Governement of England, and encouraged Sailors employ’d in Ships to Seize and bring them in giving them the whole as a Reward for their breach...
ALS : New-York Historical Society The violent Party Spirit that appears in all the Votes &c. of your Assembly, seems to me extreamly unseasonable as well as unjust, and to threaten Mischief not only to your selves but to your Neighbours. It begins to be plain, that the French may reap great Advantages from your Divisions: God grant they may be as blind to their own Interest, and as negligent...
Copy: Library of Congress M. De Chaumont tells me the Ship will be ready to take in Goods by the End of this Month. You will make the necessary Preparations, that as little time may be lost as possible, it being of the utmost Consequence that the Clothing should arrive before Winter. M. Ross has Shipt 123 Bales of his Goods for the Congress in a Vessel from L’Orient. I do not know if that be...
ALS : Mr. Albert M. Greenfield (1955) An Application being about to be made for a Grant of Lands in the Territory on the Ohio lately purchased of the Indians, I cannot omit acquainting you with it, and giving you my Opinion, that they will very soon be settled by People from the neighbouring Provinces, and be of great Advantage in a few Years to the Undertakers. As you have those fine...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I received your Favours of May 28 and June 1. I believe I have already wrote you, that our Friend Smith is not thought here to be the Author of the Pamphlet you mention: ’Tis generally suppos’d to be the Governor’s (with some help from one or two others) as his Messages are fill’d with the same Sentiments and almost the same Expressions. He is, I think, the...
I have received yours of the 25th. past, in which you acquaint me with the Reasons you have for being fully of Opinion that no Loan is possible to be procured by you, till there is a Treaty. Our only Dependance then appears to be on this Court; and I am happy to find that it still continues dispos’d to assist us. Since mine of the 11th. past, tho’ I have obtain’d no positive assurances of...
Copy and draft: Library of Congress Permettez moi de presenter à votre Excellence Monsr. le Colonel Searle de la Province de Pensilvanie où il est fort respecté et dont il est l’Agent en France. Cet officier ayant quelque chose à proposer concernant les Intérêts de cet Etat, Je prie votre Exe. de vouloir bien lui accorder une Audience favorable. Je suis avec Respect, Monsieur, De votre...
MS not found; reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of the Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Franklin (Boston, 1833), pp. 22–3. I received yours with the affecting news of our dear good mother’s death. I thank you for your long continued care of her in her old age and sickness. Our distance made it impracticable for us to attend her, but you have supplied all. She...