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Tho I cannot stile you a plant of my Hand, in some measure I own you as a child of my care, and as such feel anxious for your Glory and welfare. It was with pleasure I found you determined to enter the Feild against our cruel and Barberous foes and should you be calld to action I dout not but you with the rest of your Brethren would Signilize yourselves, and gain immortal Honour to the Arms of...
Yesterday the Letters of Portia of June 24th. and Augst. 19th. came to my hand together, by Post. The wishes expressed in the latter have made all the Impressions of the most pleasing Commands, and shall be strictly attended to upon the first possible Occasion of fulfilling them; which must, I think, be soon, tho the Embargo is not yet taken off. As to the former , I will not now make it the...
I was much surprized to Night upon receiving a Letter from you, in which you say you have not heard from Home since june; I have wrote many Letters to you since that time and have sent 4 or 5 from your Friends all under cover to Mr. L ovel l to you. What can have become of them I know not, unless some of them being directed to York Town travelled that way and have been lost. Do not think...
Your much esteemed favors of 23d. July and 19th. Augst. came to hand on Monday. Your Letters and the inclosed ones were very acceptable; as they contained agreeable Information. The Letter of June from you and also those from home of the same month mentioned that our Parents were under the operation of a disease, which has swept away it s thousands. Tho’ Art has check’d its malignity, yet...
I fear you will complain of me, for not writing so often as I ought. But I write as often as I can.—I really never had more Business to do in my Life, and what mortifies me, beyond Measure is, to be obliged to say I never did less. No News from England, or America—dreadfull Intervall! I say dreadfull Because, the Question of Speedy Peace or not depends, I apprehend upon what has already passed...
Your favor of the 26th. Augst. I was honored with last Monday. Just after I had wrote my last to you we had an account here of the action at Rhode Island. I am very happy in its being successful in so great a degree; but will be honest enough to declare that my most pleasing expectations are disappointed. There seemed to be a Certainty almost of a total reduction of the Enemy at that post....
I have the Mortification of being obliged to tell the amiable Portia that the Council of Pensylvania will not grant a partial Exportation of Flour from their State while the general Embargo lasts: So that I cannot soon have the Pleasure of executing the Commission which that lovely Woman has entrusted to me. The State of Massachusetts Bay will have the Direction of a Quantity out of which the...
Since the date of that letter mentioning my not having recieved any intelligence from home for more then two months, I have had the honor of four or five letters from you and two or three from home. Your favor of the 2d. inst. came to hand yesterday. My situation is such at present, that it will by no means answer for me to reside here. Boarding, at almost the cheapest rate, is 16 dollars per...
A very idle, vain Conversation, at a Dinner, has produced you this Letter from a venerable old Lady, in this Neighbourhood, the Wife of Monsr. Grand the Banker. As the Subject was introduced, and according to the turn that the Conversation really took, there was not so much Vanity and Ostentation on my Part, as you will suspect from her Account of it. But as I speak french very imperfectly and...
My Pappa enjoins it upon me to keep a journal, or a diary, of the Events that happen to me, and of objects that I See, and of Characters that I converse with from day, to day, and altho I am Convinced of the utility, importance, & necessity, of this Exercise, yet I have not patience, & perseverance, enough to do it so Constantly as I ought. My Pappa who takes a great deal of Pains to put me in...
it is some time since I wrote you a Letter & if I should neglect it a great while longer you would have no right to complain because you have been negligent in writing to me. however I think I will not take advantage of you. But what Subject Shall I write you upon as you have now the honour to be miss in her your teens I suppose you begin to look about the world for Diversion if you was here...
It is difficult my dearest Friend at the instant in which the Heart finds itself dissapointed of some darling hope, to avoid reflexions that however, our cooler reasons dissaproves. I know not whether the pleasure I had in hearing that you were in Health the 10 of last June, was eaquel to the pain I endured in not receiving one Single line from you by the vessel which arrived last week from...
Writing is not A la mode de Paris, I fancy or sure I should have heard from my son; or have you wrote and have I been so unfortunate as to lose all the Letters which have been written to me for this five months. I have sufferd great anxiety in not hearing from your pappa, or you. I hope you have not been so unlucky in those Letters sent to you. I want to know your situation, what proficiency...
I know not but you are upon your return home. If you be a pleasent journey to you but you will not I fear find us a bit better people than you left us. We are more extravagant, selfish, oppressive than we were last year, and then you well know we were bad enough. What can be done with this light commodity which makes such strange work amongst us. It cost me as much to live one month as it used...
Le Marquis de lafayette Most Respectful Compliments Wait on Mrs. Adams and is highly sensible of the honor she had done him By her Most polite letter. He is very sorry that his Going immediately to Camp prevents him from Waiting on her at Bain tree Where he should have been happy to Present her With a tribute of his Gratitude and Respect. RC ( Adams Papers ); addressed: “To Mrs. john Adams...
As my thoughts are Principally busied upon the French tongue, & as I wish you to turn yours the same way, earlier than I did, I cannot think of a Subject to write to you upon more agreable & useful both to you & me than this: Pappa who has an opportunity of Conversing with many men of Learning in this Kingdom, among the phisiciens & Lawyers, as well as eclesiasticks, of various orders,...
I have received your Letter, respecting the Bill for £50. The way that you propose is as agreable to us as any. The Credit of the Bill no one can dispute. It will be proper to have the Bill drawn in the proper form. I have inclos’d 4 Bills of the same Tenor and Date for the £50 which you have only to sign. You mention some Bills that will become due in November if you have not engag’d them We...
This goes by Captn. McNeil, who is an Adventurous Cruiser. It is not safe to write much by him. If Expressions of Tenderness, were necessary my Heart is full enough to write a great many. I send some Letters from Johnny, who intended to have written to his Brothers and indeed has written but there is not time to copy them. I think, that the Distance of Place, and the present perfect security...
I have been thinking of a subject for a letter to you, & I can find none more agreable than that which is the constant employment of my thoughts, I mean the French Language, & as you will very soon begin the same study, it will be profitable to you as well as to myself, to sketch a little plan for the more easy & effectual acquisition, of so elegant & useful accomplishment, as that of reading,...
in my last letter to you of Septr. the 30th I promised you to sketch a plan for learning French and in a letter to Tommy I promised him a list of books such a list will fullfill my Promise to both I will therefore send a Copy of this letter to each of you. The grammers in common use in america are Boyer Chambaud & Tandam every one of which is imperfect and inaccurate in addition to these I...
The importunity of my Friends at Braintree, though my inclination is strong, is not sufficient to Carry me again from my Family till a Little more time is Elapsed. We therefore instead of indulging our own Wishs substitute a son who will be happy to Escort you, and in whose Bosom Curiosity is or ought to be as much alive as in that of his parents. You will doubtless have an agreable day. I can...
How dear to me was the Signature of my Friend this Evening received by the Boston a ship more valued to me than all the American Navy besides, valuable for conveying safely my choisest comfort, my dearest Blessings. “I Love the place where Helen was but born.” You write me that you have by several vessels convey’d me tokens of your Friendship. The only Letters I have received from you or my...
The Morning after I received your very short Letter I determined to have devoted the day in writing to my Friend but I had only just Breakfasted when I had a visit from Monsieur Rivers an officer on board the Langudock who speaks English well, the Captain of the Zara and 6 or 8 other officers from on Board an other ship. The first Gentlemen dined with me and spent the day so that I had no...
Give me leave to present you my Most Sincear and respectful thanks of having been so kind as to Recommend me to Mr. Smith. As we expect of going off every Moment, it has not been in my power to go to town to wait upon him myself and give him the letters. But I have taken the liberty of writing to him joining your letter to mine, Desiring him to send to Portsmouth those I intend to send in...
You did not see fit to send the letter you proposed for the conveyance of Mr. Ingram. Perhaps it was owing to the supposition that it would arrive too late.—Lest that was the case, I would inform you that Mr. I. is still detained in expectation of his Vessell from the Eastward, and it is more than probable that he will tarry till the middle of next week. I hope in mercy the British Cruiser...
I wrote to You the latter End of last July which I hope You have received before this Time, by what Vessel it was sent I am not able to say. We were then making Preparations for an Attack on Rhode Island, a fine Body of Troops were raised with great Expedition and furnished with every Thing necessary. On the 8th. of Augt. they landed on Rhode Island (under the Command of Genl. Sullivan)...
We have received Information that so many of our Letters have been thrown overboard, that I fear you will not have heard so often from me, as both of us wish. I have written often. But my Letters have not been worth so much as other Things which I have sent you. I sent you a small Present by Captain Niles. But he is taken by a Jersey Privateer. I sent you also, some other Things by Captain...
Mrs. Adams not knowing of this Opportunity by Mr. Sears and Capt. Cheevers, who are going in a Dutch ship, who probably may call on you as the ship is designed to touch at Bourdeaux. I wrote you by a Vessell of my Own a few days since by the way of Cadiz, I then wrote you I had received a Trunk by Capt. Tucker, for Mrs. Adams, in good order. You will doubtless have heard by the packet Count...
I have taken up my pen again to relieve the anxiety of a Heart too susceptable for its own repose, nor can I help complaining to my Dearest Friend that his painfull absence is not as formerly alleiviated by the tender tokens of his Friendship, 3 very short Letters only have reachd my Hands during 9 months absence. I cannot be so unjust to his affection as to suppose he has not wrote much...
Having a good Opportunity, I now forward those Things which were left at York Town by your worthy Husband. I have never yet got the Box of Papers which were carried away by Mr. Sprout’s Family. They consigned the Box to a most careful Man, Mr. Houston who has promised to send it to me. But perhaps it will be a Thing convenient to the Carrier of what is now with me to call at Princeton for the...
Mr. Brown is here, and I cannot miss the Opportunity by him, to write you a Line. I know not how often you receive Letters from me, so many are taken, or sunk: but I write as often as I can. I have received some Letters from you, which will occasion your Name to be classed with Mrs. McCaulay and Mad ame Dacier for ought I know. Johnny is very well. Stevens had a fall Yesterday which hurt him a...
Last Night an Express from M. De Sartine, whose Politeness upon this Occasion, was very obliging, brought me your Letters of September 29 and Octr. 10. The Joy which the Receipt of these Packets afforded me, was damped, by the disagreable Articles of Intelligence, but still more so by the Symptoms of Grief and Complaint, which appeared in the Letters. For Heavens Sake, my dear dont indulge a...
In your letter to your brother, which is a very pretty one, you express a wish that you understood French. At your age, it is not difficult to learn that language; patience and perseverance is all that is wanting. There are two ways, which are sure. One is to transcribe, every day, some passages from the best authors. Another is to conjugate the verbs, in writing, through all the modes and...
I just now recd. your Letter of septr. ye 29th and read it with great pleasure in which you say you think that writing is not a la mode de paris. on the contrary I have wrote very often to you whether they have fail’d, or whether they have been taken by the English I do not know but your Letters have been more lucky than my Pappa’s and mine for to day is the 2d time that I have received a...
I have just now wrote to my Brother charles & you would not like it if I did not write to you also. but now I have my pen in my hand what shall I write you about for you do not encourage by writing to me; you should ask mamma to write for you I have wrote very often to you but Mamma says that you have not recd. but once from me but I hope that you have recd. some more before now surely you...
Your two Letters of the 29th of Sept. and 10th of Oct. gave me more Concern than I can express. I will not say a Fit of the Spleen. But last night I got a Letter from Mr. Vernon, in which he acquaints me with the Arrival of the Boston, at Portsmouth. There were Letters from me on Board of the Boston, Providence or Ranger, and there was all the Things mentioned in the Memorandum, you gave me,...
I have the Pleasure of yours of the 5th. of August, for which I am much obliged to you. It is a great Satisfaction to me to be informed, of the Particulars which are enumerated in your Letter, upon which the Happiness of the People and their Exertions in the Cause so much depend. I am not able to inform you of any News, except what the News Papers contain. Those inclosed, contain some Things...
I cannot let this opportunity slip without sending you a Line, but the Gentleman waits and it can be but a Line. I have ordered you some Wine as you desired and a Present of some Tea and sugar—But cant tell you by what Vessell it will go. All Well. No Hopes of Peace, at least in my Mind. We must be taught to set an higher Value upon our Liberties before We shall obtain them. We are extreamly...
Nothing but a very bad soar finger has withheld my Hand from writing to my Friend, and telling her that I most sincerely sympathize with her in the late melancholy dispensation of providence towards her, an Event tho not unexpected yet when we are calld to the trial of resigning our dear Friends to the Grave Nature will recoil, and the Beleif of a Glorious immortality can only support the...
It is now my Turn to complain. Last night We had great Packetts from the Council, but no Line from you. If Vessells sail from Boston, within four Leagues of you, without your Knowledge, is it to be wondered that Vessells 500 Miles from me should sail without mine. What is more striking, altho our P lymouth Friend had just received a Letter from me, I have no Line from him. We are not yet so...
By the alliance (a fine frigate Built in Newbury port commanded by Capt. Laundry a Native of France ) I hope this will reach you and by her you will have a good opportunity of conveying any thing you please to me. I have wrote so often and met with so little encouragement by a return that if I really believed one half you wrote, reachd my Hands I should through my pen aside as an impertinent...
I have a very bad soar finger and it pains me to write, yet a few lines I must write to my dear son to tell him that he is never forgotton by his Mamma, tho he does not receive a Letter every time his pappa does. Many Letters to and from you are lost I make no doubt or I should certainly hear oftner. Barns by whom you say you wrote a very long Letter has not arrived and is supposed to be lost...
This Moment I had, what shall I say? the Pleasure or the pain of your Letter of 25 of Octr. As a Letter from my dearest Freind it gave me a pleasure that it would be in vain to attempt to describe: but the Complaints in it gave me more pain than I can express—this is the third Letter I have recd. in this complaining style. the former two I have not answer’d.—I had Endeavour’d to answer them.—I...
it is now with Great Pleasure that I now sit down to write to you & many a time since I came here I have done the same though you say in several Letters that i.e. to My Pappa that you have not rec’d but two or three Letters from My Pappa or me but Pappa rec’d a Letter from Uncle Smith Dated November the 3th in which he says that he had taken a Number of Letters for the family Yours have been...
How lonely are my days? How solitary are my Nights? Secluded from all Society but my two Little Boys, and my domesticks, by the Mountains of snow which surround me I could almost fancy myself in Greenland. We have had four of the coldest Days I ever knew, and they were followed by the severest snow storm I ever remember, the wind blowing like a Hurricane for 15 or 20 hours renderd it imposible...
Mr. Greenleaf is about to set off, towards Nantes and from thence to Boston. Last Night, I walked to Paris and saw the Illumination for the Birth of the Princess Maria Theresa Charlotta, Fille du Roi—Splendid indeed. My little Friend who was with me will write you a Description of it. The Military school, the Hospital of Invalids and the Palace of Bourbon, were beautiful and sublime indeed, as...
We wait and wait and wait forever, without any News from America. We get nothing but what comes from England and to other People here and they make it as they please. We have had nothing from Congress an immense while. Every Merchant and every Merchants Apprentice, has Letters and News when I have none. In Truth I have been so long from Boston that every Body there almost has forgot me.—I have...
I have inclos’d two hundred & thirty six Dollars. The amount of the bills was £100. 16. The Cask of Wine gaug’d 30 Gallons. Deducting the £30 you desir’d leaves the sum inclos’d. I shou’d have sent it before, but have not had any oppertunity till the present. Mr. S. Bradford has sent you a Billet by Mr. Gannet. He sails next Sunday for France in the Alliance, if you have any letters to send to...
I take my pen to perform my promice of writing to you and to wish you a happy new year may heaven pour down those blessings upon you that will make this life agreable this is an unsertain World we know not what a day may bringh forth & when we think we are in the utmost dainger we may be in the least Mrs. Waren has lately had a severe trial of her fortitude A Son as it ware raisd from the arms...
I wish you an happy new Year, and many happy Years—and all the Blessings of Life. Who knows but this Year may be more prosperous for our Country than any We have seen. For my own Part I have hopes that it will. Great Blessings are in store for it, and they may come this Year as well as another. You and I however must prepare our Minds to enjoy the Prosperity of others not our own. In Poverty...