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Tis a fortnight to Night since I wrote you a line during which, I have been confined with the Jaundice, Rhumatism and a most voilent cold; I yesterday took a puke which has releived me, and I feel much better to day. Many, very many people who have had the dysentery, are now afflicted both with the Jaundice and Rhumatisim, some it has left in Hecticks, some in dropsies. The great and incessant...
Your Excellent Communication of the 26th. Ult. is highly appreciated among our friend here; and I do think, it would Expand it’s beneficial Effects, on the Affairs of our Nation if it’s contents could be published. But as I have no leave from you to do it, I shall feel my self bound not to do it.—Please Sir, to Accept my most cordial thanks for your goodness in making the Communication. I am...
We do ourselves the Honor of transmitting to you the Resolves of Congress of the 15 th. day of February last from which you will observe the Embarrassments under which the United States labor to Comply with their Foreign Engagements through the want of Exertions in the several States to pay in their Quotas of the Annual Requisitions.— The present State of the Treasury is in Consequence so...
I have the honor to inclose a letter dated June 5th. recd. this day from Mr. King, respecting the proposed negociations with the Porte and the Emperor of Russia; and to be / with perfect respect / sir your most obt. servt. MHi : Adams Papers.
Since my arrival here, I have not had the honor to address you: the want of health part of the time, the particular details of our official letters, the uncertainty of our residence for a week & sometimes for a day, & the painful situation in which I have been, have combined to produce a suspension of my correspondence untill I could communicate to you something agreable, but that period I am...
The letter from Gen l: Pinckney to Gen l: Marshall apprising him of the probable result of the South Carolina election, seems to be considered here as deciding the great political contest, which has excited so much interest, throughout the Continent, for some months past. The issue is like to be different from that which the federalists have, of late allowed themselves to anticipate, and their...
The President of the United States, having given me the Office of Collector of Direct Taxes & Internal Duties for the County of Middlesex in this Commonwealth, and as you were so obligeing as to honor my letters of recommendation with your name, to which I attribute in a great measure the success of my application, I should do injustice to my feelings, were I to omit to thank you for this...
My time has latterly been so severely occupied that I fear I have been remiss in sending to you the different numbers of the Register enriched by your communications. But the 13th vol. was duly sent to Mr. Ballard, & the 14th, only completed on the 1st inst—after which the index for it was to be done, is now on its way to you by water—together with a Copy of the General Index for the first...
I am in debt to you for your letters of May 21. 27. & June 22. the first delivered me by mr Greenwood gave me the gratification of his acquaintance; and a gratification it always is to be made acquainted with gentlemen of candor, worth and information, as I found mr Greenwood to be. that on the subject of mr Samuel Adams Wells shall not be forgotten in time and place, when it can be used to...
The peculiar situation of American affairs renders it necessary to adopt every measure that will engage people in the service. The danger and hardships that those are subject to who engage in the service, more than those who do not, is obvious to every body which has the least Acquaintance with service, tis that which makes it so difficult to recruit. The large force that is coming against...
I Shall now make an experiment, if I can dispell a malignant Spirit of gloom, which hovers about me, without any other incantation besides acknowledging your both Favours of the 4th and the 9th of april with which I was So kindly honoured by you. Indeed—Sir! this intercourse is nearly the only pastime left me in my deep retreat and then mÿ Situation imperiously often forbids me to indulge...
The President of the United States has notified the House of Representatives that he has this day approved and signed several acts which originated in that House. I am directed to acquaint the Senate that the House of Representatives, having completed the business before them, intend shortly to adjourn without day. Printed Source--Senate Journal.
It is the unanimous request of the Corporation of Harvard college, that you would honor the College with your company on the next Commencement day. I hope, Sir, that you will accept the invitation. Your presence will give great pleasure to all, and to none more than to him who begs leave to subscribe, / with Sentiments of the highest respect, / Sir, / your most humble, / and most obedient...
I am so concerned about Charles that I once more write to you on the subject and beg of you to let me know how he gets on and if you think there is any prospect of his being dismissed from College. His spirits appear to be so bad that I hope his fears are greater than there will be occasion for. But your utter silence concerning your brother is so extraordinary and when you consider his age so...
I have taken the liberty of forwarding to you the first number of a periodical work entitled the “Rural Magazine” which is published this day. The Editors are sons of Mr. Benjamin Johnson one of the oldest and most respectable booksellers of this city under whose immediate superintendance it will be conducted. As Agriculture is one of the first of acts both in order of time and in importance,...
Je me vois honoré des vôtres du 11, 18 & 29 May; Je sens l’incongruité qu’il y auroit à venir prendre congé sans Lettres de rappel, & j’ai soin de la faire sentir aussi à tous ceux qui m’en parlent. J’espere que Mr. Franklin conservera autant de vigueur de corps, qu’il en montre d’esprit en s’embarquant à 80 ans. Je serois bien aise que vous eussiez la bonté de me marquer la conduite que vous...
The preceeding is copy of my last, of the 26th. May, being without any of your favors, which I promised my self the happiness of receiving before this date, and of the pleasure of hearing that my Son, was Placed with some Gentleman of business, where he might acquire a competent knowledge of business and such other accomplishments, as wou’d make him a useful member of society. I shall not take...
Your favor of the 28th. is before me, My son, & his parents feel much obliged to You for your polite & kind invitation to him, to visit you at your house for the purpose of taking your Portrait. He will deem it an honor & a privilege to enjoy the Society of Mrs Adams & yourself for a few days. He, therefore, authorises me to say to you, sir, that should it not be convenient to you to visit him...
I arrived here on Sunday evening, to which place the Treasury offices had been removed. The state of the City is much more unpleasant than I expected to find it; business is nearly suspended; about fifteen hundred houses are entirely deserted, and more than half of the people have left the City—The mortality has not & I believe will not be great, as the danger of contagion will be generally...
As an inconsiderable testimonial of the deep veneration I entertain for your talents, virtues and patriotic services, allow me to ask your acceptance of a copy of an oration delivered at our last anniversary festival by your / Most respectful / and Sincere / humble servant— MHi : Adams Papers.
With infinite pleasure I inform you that Genl. Marshall has accepted the office of secretary of state. With perfect respect / I remain Sir your / most obed sert MHi : Adams Papers.
I should already have had the pleasure of replying in person to your esteemed letter of the 9th of this month had the cold weather allowed me to embark this past Tuesday, as I had planned. I shall take the liberty of pursuing the thread of your letter in this one. If governor Pownall intended to alarm this republic and possibly other nations, it would have been more prudent not to publish the...
I will not omit any opportunity of writing tho ever so great an uncertainty whether it will ever reach your Hand. My Unkle Smith has a vessel bound to Calis, he advises me to write, and I most willingly comply tho my Faith in the conveyance is but poor—indeed I have lost my Faith with my Spirits. My Friends assure me from their observations that you must have had a good passage. God grant it I...
The Reporters of the Debates in the Convention present their respects to Mr. Adams, and request that he will be pleased to accept the present volume of the Debates, in exchange for the copy which he has before received. MHi : Adams Papers.
Not being acquainted with the situation of the different ports of our Country; nor the minds of the people; I think it most expedient to send my address to you. I know my intention is honest; but I know also, that every honest intention does not prove advantageous; therefore I wish to have your approbation; which will be manifested, by its appearing in our Public papers— Permit me to Observe,...
Votre Lettre à l’Ambr. du 25 Nov. lui est bien parvenue. Il n’étoit pas en ville à son arrivée; et voilà ce qui a causé quelque retard à sa réponse, de même les occupations qu’il a trouvées à l’occasion de la garantie de l’Emprunt résolue Lundi dernier unanimement. Au reste cette Négociation est déjà remplie; et nombre de Rentiers lambins se gratent la tête présentement, d’être venu trop tard...
Least it might possibly have escap’d the joynt notice of you and your Most worthy Colleague Doctr. Fr——k——d I tho’t it most needful to inform you that from publick reports as also private opinions the Friends of A——m——a have but too much reason to fear that you have about you insidious and dangerous Parricides in the Persons of Freres Lee Men who readily adopt any Measures which may promote...
I have received, within a few days, your portrait, painted by Mr. Morse for me.— I have already informed you that I received an anonymous letter from a lady without date or place of residence, but bearing the Boston postmark, requesting me in urgent terms not to use the portrait for an engraving. Before the portrait arrived, I heard, through various channels, from persons of Boston, that the...
I received, on the last day of December, the 2d. and 3d. volumes of the Defence, for which I renew my thanks. You have truly characterized this work in the comparison you have made of it, in your Letter of the 3d. inst. to a Boudoir. Many of the evils which you have described as incident to an unbalanced government, we have found by experience to have been insufficiently guarded against by our...
If in the Course of Your Excellency’s leisure your may be pleased to cast Your eye over the Poem I now have the honor of laying before You, You will be able to judge whether it possesses sufficient merit to be dedicated to You. I shall make it more perfect, before it meets the public, if Your Excellency conceives that You would not have to blush for Patronizing the sentiments and the humble...
Long time since I should have acknowledged your favour of 12 March had I not hesitated, to interrupt your Excellency’s dignified retirement. To continue, however, in Silence could Seem, that I undervalued the honor, of your Excellency’s condescending, in communicating with me his ideas about a Subject, intended, to promote the Public good. Encouraged by your Excell: flattering opinion, I...
In presenting to the People of the United States, proposals for so important a work as the designation: of that which is here inclosed, I have thought it no less prudent than respectful, to make the object known in the commencement, to those who have bourne a conspicuous part in the formation, and administration—our government, Under this impress sir, I have taken the liberty to address a...
I feel a deep concern to revere yea Love Eminent Men, who under the discipline of divine Goodness can be most Virtuously instrumental, what they cannot be in their own exertion for the good of Men, whom God does all the Good they permit him, not a drop of their blood he aproves to be spilt, preserves them in most tender Love. finding that the Seed of the fever like embers under ashes are...
Being about to send to the press a work entitled, “Travels through the United States in the years 1812, –13, –14, –15, –16, –17 & 18, including a statistical view of each State at the close of the year 1817,” I have taken the liberty to solicit permission; to dedicate it to you. Among the Sages and Heroes, to whom we owe our national existence; I have ever been taught to revere the name of...
Mess. W. & J. Willink and De La Lande & fynje have sent your Exce. by the Post waggon of this day an answer to the letters, which we received from your Excellency this week. We could not sign said answer, since it contains two inferences, in which we don’t agree with said Gentlemen. 1o. That the Loan for Maryland will injure the Loan of the united state. We are just of the opposite opinion, as...
I had the honour some time since to receive your Favour of the 14 Ultimo which I am now to acknowledge. The Enemy have not made any important movements for a considerable time. Last week Genl. Howe sent 300 of the poor inhabitants of Boston to be landed near Point Shirley, which was such a distance from any Houses where they might receive entertainment and many of them being in very poor...
It having been publicly announced that Captain Isaac Hull is about to relinquish the Superintendency of the Navy Yard at Charlestown for a command on foreign Service; a number of the Citizens of Boston and its vicinity intend to give him a complimentary dinner at the Exchange Coffee House, on Wednesday the 30th inst, at 4 0Clock PM, in token of their respect for his public & private character,...
Your Letters of 27 th. of last March, & the 10 th of April together with a Copy of the plan of a Treaty proposed by his Prussian Majesty, and Copies of the letters 1 without [date], & one of the [14 th ] and another of the 25 th. [of] March last from the Prussian Minister at the Hague to yourself, relative to that subject, and also a Note from the same Minister respecting the Estate of one...
I embrace the earliest opportunity to acquaint you of our safe & happy arrival at this place after a Passage of 28 days. I scarcely conceive it possible at any Season of the year to have a more delightful Voyage; we got soundings on the 21 st: day after our departure, and arrived at Deal on the 28 th: in London the 29 th: exactly four weeks from the day of Embarkment at Boston. With a fast...
Few letters have ever given me so much pleasure as that which you did me the honor to write in February last. The gratification which I felt in the receipt of it arose not only from meeting with a fresh mark of your attention, but from the singular importance of the remarks, which it contained, on the real æra & true spirit of your great Revolution I am fully sensible of the justness, or...
From a grateful & lively recollection of your former favours & friendly disposition towards me, I am induced to trouble you with a request, which, tho’ sensible it will be readily granted, I do with great reluctance, well knowing your time is too important to the public, to be intruded upon by your private Friends— I have lately been honoured with the appointment of Obstetrick Professor in the...
The unusual obstructions to travelling prevented my receiving your esteemed favor of the 24th. ult. till a day or two ago. I am sensible to that discernment which has discovered in the " con Amore " of the Italians, the real temper in which I wrote the Outline. I wish it had been more just to you, and that I could find encouragement, now that the Public attention is engaged in designating a...
I herewith forward & present to you the constitution of Maine .—I have delayed sending it to you before, that the votes of the people for Acceptance might be ascertained—The whole Number of Votes returned from nearly all the Towns and Plantations 10,025 ten thousand and twenty five in favor. and only 873. Eight hundred Seventy three Against—great Unanimity—unprecedented majority for Acceptance...
I attend to what you mention by Capt. C. the 15th. Instant, and have in consequence, some days ago shippd for Ostend, in a box marked A, with a card direction to Monsr. Frs. Bowens Merchant there , sundry pamphlets and papers as you require; and have written to Mr. B to forward it on in the manner He may think safest, and to hereafter attend to any other parcels I may send in the same way. It...
By the post of yesterday I received your two Letters, one from Brookfeild and one from Suffeild I rejoiced in your rapid progress as the Weather was so fine but I mournd for mrs smith, Who I knew was following you with all speed, but I fear from your rapid movement did not overtake you untill last night, if then. by a Letter which came yesterday to her from her sister Clarkson which I ventured...
By the alliance (a fine frigate Built in Newbury port commanded by Capt. Laundry a Native of France ) I hope this will reach you and by her you will have a good opportunity of conveying any thing you please to me. I have wrote so often and met with so little encouragement by a return that if I really believed one half you wrote, reachd my Hands I should through my pen aside as an impertinent...
The Senate of the United States request you to accept their acknowledgments for the comprehensive and interesting detail you have given, in your speech to both Houses of Congress, on the existing state of the Union. While we regret the necessity of the present meeting of the Legislature, we wish to express our entire approbation of your conduct in convening it on this momentous occasion. The...
I read to Count Vergennes that which concerns the Count d’Estaing in the note with which you honored me. He recommended that I mention it in my journal. But it will have to appear in the number after that which will appear tomorrow. I have also included an English piece—signed Fire and Sword, which should amuse you. I am, with respect, sir, your very humble and very obedient servant, I am...
Having left behind me when I came into Public Service, a Wife & seven Children whom I am anxious to see, and to remove to Philadelphia, as soon as prudence will permit, I have the honor to solicit permission to transfer the duties of my office, to Col. Pickering, about the 15th. or between the 15th. and 20th. October, for about three weeks—Possibly some necessary attention to my private...
I take the liberty of laying before you a memorial epistle, I have presented to the President stating my right to presume upon the publick attention— As I have availed myself of an opportunity of mentioning your name, I think it my duty in apprising you of it, to solicit your patronage in support of those pretensions which you sir in a great measure have put it in my power to claim. My long...