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Results 47501-47510 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure to imform you, that Mr. John Johnson & Mr. Ridley &c. has geaven me the Command of a brigg in thiers Service, to preceed from this place (under Convoy) for Verginy, therefore in my Small Capacity if I can be of any Service to you in the Convoyance of any thing. either letter of Pack’s. pray Comand me Geave me leave to Remains you of few...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Of the fourteen men who apply or are recommended for employment in the American army during the four months covered by this volume, ten are French, two Swiss, one is German, and one Irish. The German applicant, Otto Magnus de Butler, writes on November 20 from Axel in southwestern Holland. He is a captain, currently in the service of the prince of Baden,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Last satturday arrivd here my schooner Success from Newbury Port which Place she left the 4th. Octr. on her Passage took a Snow with abt 3200 Qus [Quintals] fish which she has conducted in here safely. Inclosed you have a letter & the latest Papers brought by her, yesterday came in here the Brig America Capt. Bartlet of Boston & brought in with him a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As a subject to the united states of America & Origanlly from Marblehead in the Province of Massachusets, have a wife & four children, induces me to Sollicit your Excellency on this present Occasion, imploring your protection in my unhappy situaition, having been taken by the fate of War by the ambuscade frigate & carried to Hallifax were I made my escape...
LS : American Philosophical Society We Never had the honor of receiving any of your much Esteemed favor nor the advantage to Write you yet We make bold to offer you our most devouted Services in this town. We think We are Entitled to it by those We have already rendered in Behalf of Some of your own Country men When affairs Was Still going on on a peacable footing With England & for that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous prie, Monsieur, de vouloir bien écouter M. Doumer , porteur de ma lettre, que j’ai chargé de vous entretenir d’une affairre a laquelle Je prends interêt. J’ai l’honneur d’être avec Beaucoup de considération, Monsieur, votre trés humble et trés obéissant serviteur./. Endorsed: M. de Sartine concerning M. Dommer Notation: De Sartine Paris 11e 9bre....
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives Your favours of the 15 Octr. and 1st of November We have recd with their Inclosures. And We approve of your Conduct and the Reasons of it, excepting Mr De la Plaine.— As he is not in the service of the united States We cannot justify, putting the united States to Expence for his assistance. You will please to draw upon...
LS : Archives de la Marine; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives Last Night, We had a Letter from Nantes a Copy of which we have the honour to inclose to your Excellency. The Subject of it appears to us, of great Importance to the United States, as well as to the Individuals, Frenchmen and Americans, who are interested in the Vessels destined to America,...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, November 12, 1778: In view of the magnitude of the alliance between France and the United States, we conceive it would be highly pleasing to our constituents to have a portrait of His Majesty to be kept where Congress sits; if you are of opinion this would give no offense, we request your kind offices to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <La Rochelle, November 12, 1778: I concluded agreements with Mr. Schweighauser for the public freight of the two ships [the Governor Livingston and the Chasseur ] which will proceed to Paimboeuf next week. We, like the merchants of Nantes, have applied for a convoy. These two ships will be very valuable; an application from you should insure the convoy. We...