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Results 47501-47550 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
16 August 1804, Amsterdam. “I lately sent you by duplicates a reply to your Circular of April 1803 relative to certain duties on our Vessells in this Country for Lights Buoys &c &c—which I hope may duly reach you. I now inclose you the Leyden Gazette of to-day—with one that was (by mistake) omitted to be sent by the last conveyance. “I hope Govt may be found disposed to take up the suggestions...
His Excellency Governor Claiborne, in consequence of a severe attack of fever, common at this season and in this climate, which disables him from writing even his name, has directed me to state to you Sir, that, your letters of the 12th . and 17th. July to himself and the Superior of the Nuns of St. Ursula have been received.—The first will be attended to, the moment health permits, and the...
In the absence of the Chief Judge, we the undersigned Judges of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia respectfully represent to the president of the United States that at December term 1803 Scipio Brown was convicted of stealing a Gun & sentenced to receive fifteen Stripes; to pay a fine of fifty dollars & to be committed until the fine & fees should be paid—The corporal punishment has...
Your three letters of 29th ulto., and of 3d & 7th. instt. reached me all together and only day before yesterday: what detained the first so long I cannot understand. M. Dickerson has had a relapse of the bilious fever, and, though with great reluctance, is obliged, in obedience to his Physicians, to abandon the idea of going this autumn to New Orleans. I am altogether at a loss to select...
It is with infinite pain I am obliged to give you the History of this district and how it will wind up next October’s Election will show—The first thing that appeared like a division amoungst republicans (perhaps I am mistaken in the name for altho’ they call themselves republicans their subsequent conduct convinces me they have no Title to it) was a Meeting at the Harp and Eagle how many were...
I have this day written to mr Wagner to send me the commissions for the Orleans territory with blanks for names & dates. the following is the arrangement, which I sketch for your consideration. Governor. Claiborne Secretary. James Brown. written to. Judges of Superr court. Pinkney. Kirby. written to Prevost. accepts District judge. Hall. written to. Attorney. Dickerson. if Pinkney should...
Inclosed is a letter of late date from Mr Monroe and the originals of those heretofore recd. from Mr Livingston in press copies. Mr. L. now admits that the debts will exceed 20,000,000 livrs. How he calculates 2 Millions of interest as the effect of the delay which is less in every view than a year, or how he can charge the delay on the U.S. when he admits that the French Govt forbears to take...
I inclose for your perusal a letter from Dr. Rush, asking the favor of you to return it. on the question Whether the Yellow fever is infectious, or endemic, the Medical faculty is divided into parties, and it certainly is not the office of the public functionaries to denounce either party as the Doctr. proposes. yet, so far as they are called on to act, they must form for themselves an opinion...
Commissions are now wanting for three Colonels, and two Majors Commandants of Louisiana. the commission is to express that the party ‘is appointed a Colonel [or Major] Commandant of the regular officers and troops of the army of the US. and of the militia in a district of Louisiana,’ and is to be in the nature of a Brevet. be pleased to make out and send such commissions, leaving blanks for...
I must ask the favor of you to send me immediately the following commissions, ready sealed & filled up, except as to the names and dates. to wit a commission appointing [blank] Governor of the territory of Orleans, to hold the said office during the term of 3. years from the 1st. day of Oct. next unless sooner removed by the President of the U.S. 1 do. appointg. [blank] Secretary of the...
Your letter dated the 7th. should probably have been of the 14th. as I received it only by that day’s post. I return you Monroe’s letter, which is of an awful complexion; and I do not wonder the communication it contains made some impression on him. To a person placed in Europe, surrounded by the immense resources of the nations there, and the greater wickedness of their courts, even the...
I have had the Honor to receive your Letters of the 3rd, 7th, and 23rd. of last Month, with their several Inclosures. In order to reply to them, it was necessary, Sir, for me to apply for Information on the different Subjects of their Contents to His Majesty’s Consul General at New York, and to the Captains of His Majesty’s Ships against whom the Complaints which you have stated to me are...
I thought that Mr. Pinkney had concluded the business of the bank stock, when I wrote the last letter, but found that he had left it unfinished, for Deal to which place he followed the vessel, being compelled to go by the situation of Mrs. P., & his engagments with the captain. The state of the affr. promising a prompt conclusion on his return he was sent for & actually did return & conclude...
15 August 1804, Paris. “The enclosed are copies of the only letters which have passed between the minister of the United States and us, since our last communication. “We have received no advice from the Bankers at Amsterdam on the subject mentioned in one of them.” RC and enclosures, two copies ( DNA : RG 76, Preliminary Inventory 177, entry 119, France, Convention of 1803 [Spoliation],...
15 August 1804, Georgetown. “When in Philadelphia about the first of this month I had committed to my care for you, (with the enclosed letter) two Views Louisiana and New Orleans, they are now here in my Store packed up in a Case with Several others ready to be delivered whenever conveniant for you to send a careful person for them.” RC ( DLC : RG 59, ML ). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner. John L....
The universal application made to me from all parts of the Union for a concurrence in the institution of schools, establishment of charities, erecting churches & public buildings, and other objects of local interest, & into which I gave for some time, not foreseeing their extent, obliged me at length to adopt it as a general rule to decline every thing of that kind, except in the places of my...
The letters addressed to Mr Jarvis Mr Yznardi Mr Appleton & Mr Cathalain, which you did me the honor to entrust to my care, I have this day sent to Dl. Bedinger esq Norfolk Virga with a request that he will deliver them to the Capt of the Alfred—a Provision ship (destined for the Mediterranean)—which will sail about the 25 ins fm. Norfolk. I have the honor to be with great respect Sir yr mo ob...
I recieved, last night only, your favor of the 5th. and regret that you cannot be in Louisiana by the 1st. of Oct. because it would certainly be highly proper that on the change of government to take place on that day, the officers who are to conduct the new government should be in their places. however necessity will oblige us probably in some cases not to make it an indispensable condition,...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Lieutt. Leonard, and his thanks for the care he took in the delivery of his letters at Paris, to several of which he has recieved answers, as well as that of the packages he brought for him. that from mr Volney will come well as he has proposed. he salutes him respectfully. PrC ( MoSHi : Jefferson Papers); endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. care he took :...
Your letter dated the 7th. should probably have been of the 14th. as I recieved it only by that day’s post. I return you Monroe’s letter, which is of an awful complexion; and I do not wonder the communication it contains made some impression on him. to a person placed in Europe, surrounded by the immense resources of the nations there, and the greater wickedness of their courts, even the...
The Petition of George Mc.Farlane of the County of Alexandria in the District of Columbia hereby Sheweth, That your Petitioner was at the last Court for the County of Alexandria convicted of a riot, in consequence of being in company with other persons against whom that offence was established—The Ignorance of your Petitioner as to the laws he is informed is no excuse, But he confidently hopes...
I recieved last night your favor of Aug. 5. and am glad to find you have got safely back, & have been succesful in your expedition to Jamaica. from your long silence we had begun to conclude you were dead. your resolution to sell out in that island is undoubtedly wise, and your choice of the Orleans territory for your destination is equally so. you will find the purchase however of Sugar lands...
I recieved your very kind letter of the 3 d on Sunday evening & was inexpressibly shocked at the melancholy news it contain’d 1 Poor M rs: Sargent. I most sincerely sympathize with you my beloved friend in grief for her early death amiable & lovely as she was every ene who has seen her must deplore her loss but you my best friend who have known her so long and once loved her so well must...
The disposition of every member of the Accademy to Show every respect and do every honor to the Memory of their Reverend and Learned Associate Dr Howard is unquestionable, and nothing but the heat of the Season in my present State of Health should prevent me from having the Honor of attending his Funeral with the other Members. It is my request to you, Sir to give public Notice of the...
City and County of New York ss: The Jurors of the People of the State of New York in and for the Body of the city and County of New York upon their oath present That Aaron Burr late of the Eighth Ward of the City of New York in the County of New York Esquire on the Eleventh day of July in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four at the Ward City and County aforesaid with force...
I submit to your perusal the inclosed letter as the most ready mode of explaining the wish of Bishop Madison with respect to Mr. Mansfield. If you can furnish me with any information proper for an answer, you will oblige me by so doing. It is not improbable that the Bishop may take Monticello in his way as he proceeds westward. In this case you will be saved the trouble otherwise imposed. Yrs...
I have written you so fully the last week by Capt. Dulton & by duplicates, that I have little to add now but to inclose by this safe conveyance the triplicates of such letters & papers as I have not sent triplicates of before. Since my duplicate, I have received letters from Mr. Livingston dated 11th. July past, in which he informs me that he has received my letter in June, inclosing Mr....
14 August 1804, Philadelphia. “I take the liberty of inclosing a Letter [not found] lately received from F. Skipwith Esqr american Consul at Paris on the Subject of Claims on the F Government & my reply, the perusal of which will explain the occasion of this address. “I do not wish to indulge injurious suspicions respecting the conduct of any person, & especially those in whom our Government...
I submit to your perusal the inclosed letter as the most ready mode of explaining the wish of Bishop Madison with respect to Mr. Mansfield. If you can furnish me with any information proper for an answer, you will oblige me by so doing. It is not improbable that the Bishop may take Monticello in his way as he proceeds Westward. In this case you will be saved the trouble otherwise imposed. Yrs...
A vacancy has happened in the office of Superintendant of military stores of the U.S. by the death of General Irvine. The Secretary at War, in his tour to Boston, called on Doctor Logan here, about the time of Genl. Irvine’s death, and desired him to think of some military character, whom he could recommend to fill this office; a few days ago Doctor Logan made me a visit, when he named Colo....
I take the Liberty of introducing to you Mr. George Newton a Son of my old Friend Col. Newton of Norfolk on his way to Staunton. I am sorry it is not in my power as yet to say when I shall have the pleasure of visiting you, as I am under the necessity of going down to York & Rosewell first. Mrs. Page unites with me in presenting our Compliments & best Wishes to yourself Mr. & Mrs. Randolph. Be...
I have now to acknowledge your two letters of the 3 & 7th. instant, with their inclosures; & to forward the communications from the office of State recd. since my last. Before I left Washington a circular letter was prepared & the requisite provisional steps taken for giving effect to the proposed amendment as soon as the ratification of Tennissee should be notified. As that has come to me...
We have the honor to transmit you herewith the whole number of Claims which we have declared to be embraced by the Convention of the 30th. of April, 1803, and for the Liquidation of which we have sent Certificates to the French Offices as directed by the 8th. Article. These Claims are arranged under two denominations—the first being those which appear upon the Conjectural Note; the second,...
13 August 1804, Tangier. No. 80. “Original of No 79 [10 July 1804] was forwarded by the Schooner Jane, sailed from this Bay the 10th last Month for Boston. “I have now the honour to acknowledge receipt of the Letter you addressed me on the 6h June , accompanying the Act for not only establishing the Mediterranean Fund but makeing an immediate appropriation for its purposes of a Million of...
Your account came to hand before I left Washington but it was in the hurry of preparation for departure which prevented my attending to it’s contents. observing now that there is a balance against me, I this day desire mr Barnes to remit you 250. D. to cover it. if you can send me a cheese or cheeses to the amount of 20. or 30. 1b. I will thank you. the poorest quality will suit best, as it is...
I have now to acknowledge your two letters of the 3 & 7th. instant. with their inclosures; & to forward the communications from the office of State recd. since my last. Before I left Washington a circular letter was prepared & the requisite provisional steps taken for giving effect to the proposed amendment as soon as the ratification of Tennessee should be notified. As that has come to me...
Since your favor of the twenty third I have not had the pleasure of hearing from you and I suffer the most dreadful anxiety lest illness should be the cause of your not writing. Oh God of Heaven forbid I cannot support the idea of your being sick and I so far from you the thought is torture and I shall know no peace untill I hear Oh this separation life is not worth having on such terms rather...
Th: Jefferson incloses to Genl. Dearborne more candidates for the succession to Genl. Irvine. he has just recieved a letter from mr Dupont the father in which is the following paragraph. ‘continue your friendship to me. extend it to my children. I hope you have your powder made and your saltpeter refined at their manufactory 1. because it is without comparison the best in the US. and one of...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Dupont and incloses him a letter just recieved under cover from his father. RC ( DeGH ); addressed: “Mr. Victor Dupont New York”; franked; endorsed by du Pont. Enclosure: probably Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours to his sons, Victor and Éleuthère Irénée, 4 Apr. (see Vol. 43:394n ).
I have this day recieved the resignation of J. T. Mason as Attorney for the district of Columbia. I wish on this occasion to avail the public of your talents, and therefore propose the appointment to you, asking the favor of as early an answer as you can give me, as I learn that at some court early in next month, the presence of an Atty for the district at the trial of 2. criminals will be...
I have this day recieved your letter of resignation , with regret altho’ not unexpectedly; and have in consequence written to propose the office to mr Jones. as his acceptance is uncertain, and we have no time to lose in making the appointment, will you be so good in the meantime as to give me your opinion between mr Sprigg recommended by you, and John Bowie Ducket who has been recommended by...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 8th. there was no mistake in sending you the proceedings of the H. of Burgesses instead of the Convention. the General assembly (consisting of a Council & H. of B.) met on the call of Ld. Dunmore at Williamsburg June 1. 1775. they consumed the whole of a short session in the controversy with Ld. Dunmore, & had the controversial papers printed separately...
J’ai reçu en son tems la réponse à ma lettre du 21. Juin, dont vous m’avez honoré le 16. du mois dernier. Il semblerait en effet, Monsieur, que si une puissance neutre ne prend pas des mesures propres à s’assurer que les bâtimens belligérens qui sont l’objet de la règle des 24. heures, exécuteront cette règle, celle-ci devient éventuellement pour l’un des deux belligérens une garantie...
11 August 1804, New Orleans. “At the request of the Governor I have the honor to inform you that a private letter from the President under date 7 July & your letter of 10 July with its two enclosures were duly received by the last mail. Having been taken extremely ill last night, & continuing yet in bed much indisposed, he is incapacitated from answering them by the return post, but as his...
This letter will probably be presented to you by Mr. William Newsum, who proposes to make an excursion amongst the mountains in quest, both of health and pleasure. Mr. Newsum is the son of an old Friend of mine, who has been at all times uniform and zealous in his exertions in favor of republican principles during all the political trials through which we have passed; He is desirous of making...
je eut lhonneur, de resevoir votre lettre le 8 du Courent, qu’il m’aprend, que monsieur, a faite un Bon voÿage Et qu’il jouie, d’une Bonne Sentez de même que votre respectable famille—ce qu’il m’a fait un Sencible plaisire, Monsieur, ausitot Que je Resue vôtre demande, je me Sui mi a deballer le vin De Chanpagne, pr. En avoir, les Caise. Et aûsitot je me Sui My apret le Shery; Et fait partir...
I had the Honor to receive your note of the 17th. ultimo, with the enclos’d letter to Mr. Dunbar, which letter has been deliver’d to him agreeable to your request, he not yet having departed the Territory.— I am Dr. Sr. with great respect, and much esteem yours &c RC ( MoSHi : Jefferson Papers); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Pr of the U,S,”; endorsed by TJ as received 6 Sep. and so...
I should have before this used mÿ priviledge of writing to you, had I not been informed by the Rev. Smith, who did me the pleasure to dine with us, that you Sir, with your respected family enjoy’d a perfect health—He had been a classmate of your son Boylston, and was profuse in his encomiums on the Rev. Ernat —He delighted to instil in Mr Mappa and me the high opinion you fostered of that...
I am requested by a Number of the Merchants of this City to represent to you the extream dissatisfaction that generally prevails on account of the delay that has taken place in the settlement of their Claims in france: And their serious apprehensions that finally the sum allotted for their satisfaction will be absorbed by a few who from personal Interest or attendance there will obtain...
My publick letter, which with this is committed to Mr. Pinkney, gives you the substance of the last communication which passed between Ld. Harrowby & myself respecting the questions depending with this govt. on our part. Whenever this govt. finds that our’s is established in its present system, that the great mass of the people are with it, and that the party on which it has relied as devoted...