Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Edme-Jacques Genet, 7 November 1778: résumé

To Edme-Jacques Genet2

Reprinted from Frederik Muller & Cie. (Amsterdam) sales catalogue, May 3–7, 1909, p. 5.3

<Passy, November 7, 1778: Franklin sends him some letters of Drayton.4>

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2Head of the bureau of interpreters at the French foreign ministry and editor of their secretly sponsored journal Affaires de l’Angleterre et de l’Amérique: XXVI, 271n. Recently he had asked BF and his fellow commissioners for material to rebut the assertions of the British Carlisle commission, which was attempting to negotiate an agreement in Philadelphia: XXVII, 616–17, 623–7.

3The sales catalogue identifies the letter as an ALS. Our résumé is a translation of the description (in French) in the catalogue.

4The letter from Genet that BF is answering, cited above, specifically mentioned congressional delegate William Henry Drayton’s rebuttal of the Carlisle commissioners.

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