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Results 47461-47510 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief; copy: National Archives <The Hague, November 4, 1778, in French: I have just seen our friend and take this opportunity to report our conversation. Amsterdam has sent strong instructions to its representatives and if the evasions continue will use other means, about which they did not wish to tell me. Sir Joseph Yorke has...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Nantes, November 4, 1778: I am applying to you again for money to meet my necessary expenses. Without assistance I can neither avail myself of an opportunity to sail for America nor fulfill my duty to Congress; my attachment to the American cause precludes my receiving help from my family. Had I not been captured on my last attempt to get to America, this...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Expect to Sail for Phila’ in 12 or 15 days if You have Any Letters to Send You may depend on my Care of them. I had the pleashur of Living, in Manheim at Mr. Morris for 5 or 6 Weeks Whare Mr. Beach & family Was Thay Ware All Will in July Last When I left them Mrs. Beach Wold not Go to Philad till Octobr. on Account of hir daughter for fear of hir Health...
AL : American Philosophical Society Messieurs Girardot, Haller & Co’s best Compliments to Dr. Bn. Franklin, and desire he wil be so good as to forward th’ in Clos’d letter to The Rt. Honble S. Deane Esqr. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur le Docteur Frankelin / près du Couvent de la Visitation / de Ste. Marie / Chaillot / hotel Colbert The firm which, in its former guise of Germany, Girardot &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty of addressing this Letter to you by Col Duplessis who goes to France to fulfill the Duties of his Station there. This Gentleman I can assure you has distinguished himself remarkably in our Service having been in frequent Action & always supported the Character of a brave & gallant Officer. He possesses the good Opinion of the Commander in...
Copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives J’ai l’honneur, Messieurs, de vous envoyer un mémoire qui m’a été adressé d’Alresford, par un Chirurgien François pris sur le Batiment Americain Le Gest. Si les Etats unis ont adoptés quelques precautions pour faire passer des secours à leurs Sujets, detenus en Angleterre, je ne doute pas que vous ne les...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, November 5, 1778: We received your letter of the fifth of this month, but since the memoir concerning the French surgeon was omitted, we cannot give you an adequate answer. The United States has no official policy for prisoners in England. We have loaned small sums to those who have escaped English captivity to...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society I received yours of the 27th past, enclosing the Resolve of Congress relative to Mr T. Morris’s Papers. The Trunk said to contain them was deposited with me by W Lee Esqr. on Acct of his going to Germany. One of the Seals you mention was broken in bringing it to my House, and I got him to put on his own Seal instead of it. In this State it remains,...
ALS or L : American Philosophical Society Yor Humble peticeenors begs lave to acquaint your Excelency of the misfortune of becomeing preseners, and being Americans which we Can justly justify, but unhaply was takeing by an English Ship And brought to England, and went passengers to Ireland to Get in the Letteramarque We were takeing in bound for Jamaca thinking To get home once more to our...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Depuis longtems, monsieur, il ne m’a pas été possible d’aller à passy: et j’ai toujours oubliée de vous demander reponse d’un memoire que je vous ai envoyé un jour par mon domestique: on me prie de vous la demander; aurrez vous la bonté de vouloir me la faire par ecrit soit en anglois soit en françois pour que je puisse la communiquer; j’irois bien la...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope you will Excuse the Liberty I now takes in Troubling you with those few lines, which Serves to Acquaint your Honour that I am a Native of America born in Boston in the Year 1748, and Served my time with my father, a Shipwright, Ebenezer White of the sd. Town of Boston, and was Married in the year 1773 to one Sarah Bartlett, daughter of Roger...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recvd. your Favour of the 18th Octor. only a few Days ago owing to the Tedious way in which it came. I have settled my affair with Mr Schweighauser, without a lawsuit. I thank you for getting my Request to the Minister about the Prizes at Rochelle. I have since had a decisive and satisfactory Letter from him.— I sent you some of your Prints by Count...
Copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society J’ai reçu, Messieurs, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de M’écrire le 30. du mois dernier. Je vous suis très obligé d’avoir bien voulu me communiquer ce qui vous est revenu sur les avantages que les Anglois tirent de la pêche de la Baleine, qu’ils font sur les côtes du Bresil, à la hauteur de la riviere de la Plata....
ALS : American Philosophical Society With James Harriman’s letter of November 6, published immediately below, we encounter the first of many people who between November 1, 1778, and February 28, 1779, either ask Franklin for a favor for themselves or recommend others to his good graces. Our first category of favor seekers consists of those who, still unaware that Franklin was not empowered to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Borel auquel je m’interesse beaucoup, et qui se rend agreable aux Gens de bien et eclairez, par la publication qu’il est prest a faire de son Estampe de L’Amerique independante vous suplie de luy doner l’Empreinte du Sceau des Etats unis pour le faire graver au bas de son Estampe, si vous voulez bien Monsieur me remettre cette empreinte Mardy prochain a...
Copy: Library of Congress M. Le Comte de Vergennes a l’honneur d’envoyer à Monsieur Franklin douze Exemplaires de notre traité d’Amitié et de Commerce conclu entre les Etats unis de l’Amerique Septentrionale. The French foreign minister must have been sending copies of the treaty as amended by the deletion of two controversial articles. The exchange of declarations annulling articles XI and...
Copy: National Archives We had the honor of receivg. yr. commands relative to the Portraits taken & carried into Guernsey. We have accordingly written to Mr. S——r at Nantes, who we hope may be able to recover them. As soon as he shall inform us of the success of his endeavors we shall acquaint you with it. We have the honor &c. French minister Gérard’s wife. In Arthur Lee’s hand. Schweighauser.
LS : National Archives; copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, South Carolina Historical Society, National Archives (two); two transcripts: National Archives <Passy, November 7, 1778: We enclose copies of our declaration concerning articles 11 and 12 of the Treaty of Commerce, correspondence with M. de Sartine on rescues and recaptures, and correspondence regarding negotiations with the...
LS : American Philosophical Society <Nantes, November 7, 1778: Repeated captures of American vessels off this coast induce us to seek more effective protection. The intelligence our enemies obtain about the departure of our ships allows their capture as soon as the French frigates part from their convoy. Not only are supplies to our country threatened, so are the American gentlemen intending...
Reprinted from Frederik Muller & Cie. (Amsterdam) sales catalogue, May 3–7, 1909, p. 5. <Passy, November 7, 1778: Franklin sends him some letters of Drayton. > Head of the bureau of interpreters at the French foreign ministry and editor of their secretly sponsored journal Affaires de l’Angleterre et de l’Amérique : XXVI , 271n. Recently he had asked BF and his fellow commissioners for material...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The papers you so kindly send me I had not and will make a proper use of them. Of Mr. W. H. Drayton’s letter of the 18th. July to the Commissioners I had only the concluding part, relative to Johnstone’s assertion concerning your opinion of the 29th. of March, and you’ll see it translated in the 58th. Number of my periodical Pamphlet. I present you my most...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is now a long time since I have troubled your Excellency with a Letter: for I have had no encouragement to give you my Sentiments— I am lost in conjecture, why you should not have favour’d me with a Reply—perhaps the multiplicity of applications by Letter, has made it necessary for you to reject all correspondence perpost. I am willing to believe your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society La Grande reputation que vous avez acquise, à bien justes Titres & le desir de faire du bien qui vous anime me fait prendre la liberté de m’adresser à Vous, Monsieur, et de vous prier d’aceüillir avec bonté mes sollicitations, pour un de mes parents d’une famille noble et distinguée de la Suisse; feu son pere, qu’il vient de perdre, occupoit une plaçe de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your recommendation of Mr: Holker as Well as his own worth Intitles him to all the Civilities & Assistance in my power in full Faith & Confidence in you I have undertook to Indorse his Bills to a Large amt: they are public Bills & Doubtless Will be honourd I have 2 ½ per Ct. for doing the Business but 10 per Ct. would be no Indusment without your Letter by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je crois ne pouvoir mieux m’énoncer vis à vis de Vous que dans une Langue que j’ai beaucoup désiré d’apprendre, et que je ferai ensorte de cultiver par Goût, je vous Suplie, Monsieur, de vouloir bien agréer mes Dévoirs réspectueux et de m’accorder l’honneur de Votre Protection et Appui dans le Déssein où je Suis d’offrir ma Personne et mon peu de Talens au...
AL : American Philosophical Society Comme Le Courrier de Mr Lambassadeur part demain Il faut lui remetre votre Notte demain matin, en Consequence il seroit necessaire quelle fut prette aujourdhuy apres y avoir ajouté le dernier paragraffe qui se trouve á La fin de ma traduction si vous lagrées. En menvoyant cette notte pour La remettre a Lambassadeur Il vous plaira y Joindre ma traduction La...
ALS or L : American Philosophical Society We take the Liberty to inform you that we the four undermentioned was taken in the Black Prince belonging to Philadelphia near Eight Months ago and should be glad if Possible to imbrace the oppertunity of going in any Privateer or other Ship in the American Service to gett home as we all have Familys in America Hope your Honour will take our Case into...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have received your Several Letters of the 26 August, 25 September and 17 October, informing us of Several sums you have advanced to Americans escaped from England. We request you to send Us an Account Stated of all the Disbursements you have made and the Receipts you have taken for the Money; and we consent you...
Three ALS : American Philosophical Society I have to inform you that since my last of Sept 18th. I have emitted Loan Office Bills of Exchange as follows Viz To the State New Jersey 10 Setts for  36 Dollr. each Numbered 989 to 998 Inclusive 10 . . do. . .  60 . . . . do. . . . . 328 to 337 — 10 . . do. . .
Copy: National Archives Being in immediate want for the Sum of thirteen hundred & thirteen Livres 8 Sols, which I have received of Mr. Osborne an English Gentleman who resides in this Town, & having given him a Bill upon you for the said Sum, which I beg you will pay upon Sight & Charge the said Sum to my Acct. I received a Letter from my Lieutenant who informs me he has entered 20 good Sea...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have receivd your Letter of October the Sixth, and wish it was in our Power to do more for officers in your Situation than We do, altho that amounts in the whole to a large Sum. But as We have already lent you as much Money as We have been able to lend to other officers of your Rank and in your Circumstances, we...
AL : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief; copy: National Archives <The Hague, November 10, 1778, in French: Tomorrow the Admiralty will issue its advisory, refusing to negotiate with Sir Joseph Yorke and insisting on the restitution of the captured ships, but ruining everything by in effect suspending convoys. Our friend seems embarrassed. Another person says...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I make Bold to Rite these Lines to Let you know my Condition about Eighteen months ago I was taken in a Ship from Bedford in Dartmouth Bound to Bourdaux By an English frigit and Carred into porchmouth where I was put in prison I Staid there Six weeks and then I made my Escape to London where I found a gentelman that had Lived at Nantucket and there I Staid...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mrs Amiel and the Miss Alexanders unite in best Compliments to Doctor Franklin, assure him they were not a little disappointed at his not going with them to the Play last Thursday Sen-night; or at least not sending them word whether he would, or would not, now the only way to make amends for this, is to do them the honor of Dining with them to Morrow, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous n’ignorez pas sans doute les arrangemens que Mr. Lee a pris avec MM. Bonnefil et Lewenston pour le transport des objets qui sont ici pour le gouvernement de Virginie, mon depart se trouvant par là fixé du 25 au 30 de ce mois, je n’ai d’autre empressement que de vous en faire part en vous sollicitant de m’accorder des lettres de recommandations auprès...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Thease Lines Comes to In form you that as I am hear and a Marican and a poor prisner & have a wife and famyly In a maricah I have Maid bold to Rite to you hoping that your honar will Excuse My In trusion In Riting to you hopin that your honar will be So kind as to have Me takin out of this onhappy Sitation & Sent befour Some Good a thority and Strict ly...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have received your Letters and wish it was in our Power to do more for officers in your Situation than We do, altho that amounts in the whole to a large Sum of Money. But as We have already lent you as much, as We have been able to lend to other officers of your Rank and in your Circumstances, we cannot, without a...
AL (draft) : Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have this Moment received the Letter, which you did Us the Honour to write to Us, on the Seventh of the present Month, and We hold ourselves obliged to you for giving Us an opportunity of uniting our Endeavours with yours, to obtain a Sufficient Convoy for the Vessells bound to America for the whole Voyage. It...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I sailed from Philad. the 6 of Sept. I Recd. no Letters from the Committe of Congress. The privet Letters I Recd. from Mr. Deane and the Honbl. Richard Henery Lee & Mr. Carmichell as to the dispatches for the Court of France I Recd. them from Monsr. Gerard as to Aney Other Letters I Recd. non— Gentln. I shall Sail Shortly for Philad. If you have Aney...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Voici la derniére léttre que je vous écrirai mon chér papa je retourne lundi prochain a passy; je vous dirai plus en un seul regard combien je vous aime, que je ne vous l’éxpliquerois en dix pages; le sentiment n’a pas besoin de commentaires, l’amitié se sent mieux, qu’élle ne s’éxplique; je ne sçais si vous éstes content de ce que je vous écris, pour moi...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure to imform you, that Mr. John Johnson & Mr. Ridley &c. has geaven me the Command of a brigg in thiers Service, to preceed from this place (under Convoy) for Verginy, therefore in my Small Capacity if I can be of any Service to you in the Convoyance of any thing. either letter of Pack’s. pray Comand me Geave me leave to Remains you of few...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Of the fourteen men who apply or are recommended for employment in the American army during the four months covered by this volume, ten are French, two Swiss, one is German, and one Irish. The German applicant, Otto Magnus de Butler, writes on November 20 from Axel in southwestern Holland. He is a captain, currently in the service of the prince of Baden,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Last satturday arrivd here my schooner Success from Newbury Port which Place she left the 4th. Octr. on her Passage took a Snow with abt 3200 Qus [Quintals] fish which she has conducted in here safely. Inclosed you have a letter & the latest Papers brought by her, yesterday came in here the Brig America Capt. Bartlet of Boston & brought in with him a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As a subject to the united states of America & Origanlly from Marblehead in the Province of Massachusets, have a wife & four children, induces me to Sollicit your Excellency on this present Occasion, imploring your protection in my unhappy situaition, having been taken by the fate of War by the ambuscade frigate & carried to Hallifax were I made my escape...
LS : American Philosophical Society We Never had the honor of receiving any of your much Esteemed favor nor the advantage to Write you yet We make bold to offer you our most devouted Services in this town. We think We are Entitled to it by those We have already rendered in Behalf of Some of your own Country men When affairs Was Still going on on a peacable footing With England & for that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous prie, Monsieur, de vouloir bien écouter M. Doumer , porteur de ma lettre, que j’ai chargé de vous entretenir d’une affairre a laquelle Je prends interêt. J’ai l’honneur d’être avec Beaucoup de considération, Monsieur, votre trés humble et trés obéissant serviteur./. Endorsed: M. de Sartine concerning M. Dommer Notation: De Sartine Paris 11e 9bre....
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives Your favours of the 15 Octr. and 1st of November We have recd with their Inclosures. And We approve of your Conduct and the Reasons of it, excepting Mr De la Plaine.— As he is not in the service of the united States We cannot justify, putting the united States to Expence for his assistance. You will please to draw upon...
LS : Archives de la Marine; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives Last Night, We had a Letter from Nantes a Copy of which we have the honour to inclose to your Excellency. The Subject of it appears to us, of great Importance to the United States, as well as to the Individuals, Frenchmen and Americans, who are interested in the Vessels destined to America,...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, November 12, 1778: In view of the magnitude of the alliance between France and the United States, we conceive it would be highly pleasing to our constituents to have a portrait of His Majesty to be kept where Congress sits; if you are of opinion this would give no offense, we request your kind offices to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <La Rochelle, November 12, 1778: I concluded agreements with Mr. Schweighauser for the public freight of the two ships [the Governor Livingston and the Chasseur ] which will proceed to Paimboeuf next week. We, like the merchants of Nantes, have applied for a convoy. These two ships will be very valuable; an application from you should insure the convoy. We...