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Results 47461-47470 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief; copy: National Archives <The Hague, November 4, 1778, in French: I have just seen our friend and take this opportunity to report our conversation. Amsterdam has sent strong instructions to its representatives and if the evasions continue will use other means, about which they did not wish to tell me. Sir Joseph Yorke has...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Nantes, November 4, 1778: I am applying to you again for money to meet my necessary expenses. Without assistance I can neither avail myself of an opportunity to sail for America nor fulfill my duty to Congress; my attachment to the American cause precludes my receiving help from my family. Had I not been captured on my last attempt to get to America, this...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Expect to Sail for Phila’ in 12 or 15 days if You have Any Letters to Send You may depend on my Care of them. I had the pleashur of Living, in Manheim at Mr. Morris for 5 or 6 Weeks Whare Mr. Beach & family Was Thay Ware All Will in July Last When I left them Mrs. Beach Wold not Go to Philad till Octobr. on Account of hir daughter for fear of hir Health...
AL : American Philosophical Society Messieurs Girardot, Haller & Co’s best Compliments to Dr. Bn. Franklin, and desire he wil be so good as to forward th’ in Clos’d letter to The Rt. Honble S. Deane Esqr. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur le Docteur Frankelin / près du Couvent de la Visitation / de Ste. Marie / Chaillot / hotel Colbert The firm which, in its former guise of Germany, Girardot &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty of addressing this Letter to you by Col Duplessis who goes to France to fulfill the Duties of his Station there. This Gentleman I can assure you has distinguished himself remarkably in our Service having been in frequent Action & always supported the Character of a brave & gallant Officer. He possesses the good Opinion of the Commander in...
Copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives J’ai l’honneur, Messieurs, de vous envoyer un mémoire qui m’a été adressé d’Alresford, par un Chirurgien François pris sur le Batiment Americain Le Gest. Si les Etats unis ont adoptés quelques precautions pour faire passer des secours à leurs Sujets, detenus en Angleterre, je ne doute pas que vous ne les...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, November 5, 1778: We received your letter of the fifth of this month, but since the memoir concerning the French surgeon was omitted, we cannot give you an adequate answer. The United States has no official policy for prisoners in England. We have loaned small sums to those who have escaped English captivity to...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society I received yours of the 27th past, enclosing the Resolve of Congress relative to Mr T. Morris’s Papers. The Trunk said to contain them was deposited with me by W Lee Esqr. on Acct of his going to Germany. One of the Seals you mention was broken in bringing it to my House, and I got him to put on his own Seal instead of it. In this State it remains,...
ALS or L : American Philosophical Society Yor Humble peticeenors begs lave to acquaint your Excelency of the misfortune of becomeing preseners, and being Americans which we Can justly justify, but unhaply was takeing by an English Ship And brought to England, and went passengers to Ireland to Get in the Letteramarque We were takeing in bound for Jamaca thinking To get home once more to our...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Depuis longtems, monsieur, il ne m’a pas été possible d’aller à passy: et j’ai toujours oubliée de vous demander reponse d’un memoire que je vous ai envoyé un jour par mon domestique: on me prie de vous la demander; aurrez vous la bonté de vouloir me la faire par ecrit soit en anglois soit en françois pour que je puisse la communiquer; j’irois bien la...