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Results 47461-47490 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief; copy: National Archives...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Nantes, November 4, 1778: I am applying to you again for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Expect to Sail for Phila’ in 12 or 15 days if You have Any...
AL : American Philosophical Society Messieurs Girardot, Haller & Co’s best Compliments to Dr. Bn....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty of addressing this Letter to you by Col...
Copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives J’ai...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, November 5,...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society I received yours of the 27th past, enclosing the...
ALS or L : American Philosophical Society Yor Humble peticeenors begs lave to acquaint your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Depuis longtems, monsieur, il ne m’a pas été possible...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope you will Excuse the Liberty I now takes in Troubling...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recvd. your Favour of the 18th Octor. only a few Days ago...
Copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society J’ai reçu, Messieurs, la...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With James Harriman’s letter of November 6, published...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Borel auquel je m’interesse beaucoup, et qui se rend...
Copy: Library of Congress M. Le Comte de Vergennes a l’honneur d’envoyer à Monsieur Franklin...
Copy: National Archives We had the honor of receivg. yr. commands relative to the Portraits taken...
LS : National Archives; copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, South Carolina Historical...
LS : American Philosophical Society <Nantes, November 7, 1778: Repeated captures of American...
Reprinted from Frederik Muller & Cie. (Amsterdam) sales catalogue, May 3–7, 1909, p. 5. <Passy,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The papers you so kindly send me I had not and will make a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is now a long time since I have troubled your Excellency...
ALS : American Philosophical Society La Grande reputation que vous avez acquise, à bien justes...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your recommendation of Mr: Holker as Well as his own worth...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je crois ne pouvoir mieux m’énoncer vis à vis de Vous que...
AL : American Philosophical Society Comme Le Courrier de Mr Lambassadeur part demain Il faut lui...
ALS or L : American Philosophical Society We take the Liberty to inform you that we the four...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have received your...
Three ALS : American Philosophical Society I have to inform you that since my last of Sept 18th....
Copy: National Archives Being in immediate want for the Sum of thirteen hundred & thirteen Livres...