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Results 47451-47460 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permit me (for the last time I shall ever presume to trouble you) to acquaint you that I have it now in my Power th’o upon very distressing and disagreable terms to obtain my liberty—My Landlord who I inform’d you Sir, in a former letter had seized all my cloaths &c: has at last come to a resolution to suffer me to depart for England— My declining health,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your recommendation of mr. Holker as Well as His own Worth, intitiles him to every Civility & assistence in my power, in full faith & Confidence in your recommendation I have Undertook to Indorse his Bills to a Large amt. They are Public Bills & doubtless will be honourd I have 2½ per Cent for the Business but 10 per Cent would be no Indusement Without your...
LS : Justin G. Turner, Los Angeles (1959); AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have received yours of the twenty seventh of October, inclosing a Copy of a Resolution of Congress of the 11th August 1778. We shall pay the strictest Attention and Obedience to this Resolution of Congress and to all others, as far as shall be in our Power; and Shall be...
ALS : Archivo General de Simancas Nous devons des remerciemens à la personne qui nous a fait remettre, par vôtre canal, la notte que nous avons reçu contre Conyngham; & nous devons l’assurer de nouveau, qu’etant penetrés de respect pour S. M. C. rien ne nous peine plus que des plaintes de sa part contre nos Gens. Elle aura vû par les papiers que vous avez remis dans le temps de notre Part a S....
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am sorry for your Misfortune. On showing this Line to Mr Bondfield, he will supply you with what may be necessary to forward your Return, in which I wish you better Luck, being, with Regard, & Goodwill, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur le Capitaine Niles / Ameriquain / chez M. Bondfield / Negociant / à Bordeaux...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief; copy: National Archives <The Hague, November 3, 1778, in French: Our friend has warned Mr. Baker, the secretary of the Amsterdam Admiralty, that if the Admiralty’s preliminary advisory serves to weaken the protest to the English court he will communicate the action to the entire business community. Such an action would...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Je n’ai pu refuser, il y a quelques jours, à un ancien Ami, très galant homme, une Lettre de présentation pour Vous, qu’il m’a demandée instamment. C’est Mr. Huet Duplessis, Médecin François revenant de St. Eustache avec sa famille, pour passer le reste de ses jours dans sa patrie. Samedi passé je me suis fait un devoir,...
AL : American Philosophical Society The Gentleman, who was concerned in the Business which Mr: Dumas has hinted in his Letter to his Excellency, is sorry to say, that it was written only with the friendly Intention of introducing Him at Passy; for his Satisfaction would have been greater, had He been recommended, not by his Friends alone, or by any formal Declaration of his Principles, but by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le Chevalier Mauduit Du Plessis by whose hands I received your introductory favr. last year is also the Bearer of this to acknowledge the service you did your Country, as well as the honor confered on me in that Instance. To be more particular in commending the good and brave conduct of this worthy Officer would be to sanctify the repeated acts of Congress...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives (two) <Passy, November 4, 1778: We have at last seen M. Bersolle’s accounts. According to the resolutions of Congress, all captured vessels of war belong to the officers and crew, who in fact receive a bounty for every man and gun on board. Congress never intended to be accountable for further expense on account of these prizes. Every...