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Results 4741-4770 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I am desirous of conveying to you, in a manner that will not probably fail of success, and...
you will pardon me if I do not write to you very often for you know how I used to teaze you to...
I have neither Time, nor Confidence enough in the Opportunity, to write you any Thing more, than...
by your desire I now sit down to write a few lines to you and not yet having wrote to you I...
I set down with great pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from Mr. Adams dated...
This Moment your favour of August the 6 is come to hand. My Heart reproaches me that I have not...
I really began to feel very uneasy at your long Silence and feared Sickness or some disaster had...
If I knew of any more endearing Title I should certainly give it. But this appears to me to...
Your favour of the 5th instant is just come to hand. I should like very well to see the Speach...
I shall inc l ose by this Opportunity, by Mr. Ingersol, Son of Mr. Ingersol of Connecticut, the...
Tho I cannot stile you a plant of my Hand, in some measure I own you as a child of my care, and...
Yesterday the Letters of Portia of June 24th. and Augst. 19th. came to my hand together, by Post....
I was much surprized to Night upon receiving a Letter from you, in which you say you have not...
Your much esteemed favors of 23d. July and 19th. Augst. came to hand on Monday. Your Letters and...
I fear you will complain of me, for not writing so often as I ought. But I write as often as I...
Your favor of the 26th. Augst. I was honored with last Monday. Just after I had wrote my last to...
I have the Mortification of being obliged to tell the amiable Portia that the Council of...
Since the date of that letter mentioning my not having recieved any intelligence from home for...
A very idle, vain Conversation, at a Dinner, has produced you this Letter from a venerable old...
My Pappa enjoins it upon me to keep a journal, or a diary, of the Events that happen to me, and...
it is some time since I wrote you a Letter & if I should neglect it a great while longer you...
It is difficult my dearest Friend at the instant in which the Heart finds itself dissapointed of...
Writing is not A la mode de Paris, I fancy or sure I should have heard from my son; or have you...
I know not but you are upon your return home. If you be a pleasent journey to you but you will...
Le Marquis de lafayette Most Respectful Compliments Wait on Mrs. Adams and is highly sensible of...
As my thoughts are Principally busied upon the French tongue, & as I wish you to turn yours the...
I have received your Letter, respecting the Bill for £50. The way that you propose is as agreable...
This goes by Captn. McNeil, who is an Adventurous Cruiser. It is not safe to write much by him....
I have been thinking of a subject for a letter to you, & I can find none more agreable than that...
in my last letter to you of Septr. the 30th I promised you to sketch a plan for learning French...