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Results 4741-4770 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I recieve with due thankfulness the proof which your letter conveys of the mark of attention shewn me by the N. York horticultural society by electing me an honorary member of their society. I love the art, but age has taken from me the power of proving it by any services I can render them in return for the honor done me. with my best wishes for their success and the expressions of my thanks...
Your favor of the 2 d has been recieved. all the professorship of the University are engaged, so that there is no opening in it for any new candidate. we now await the arrival fo 3. of our professors who were to embark from London for Norfolk in October; and have therefore been for some time hourly expected. the moment their arrival is known the public will be notified of the day for opening...
We have as yet no library nor consequently employment for a librarian. and when we need one we propose a compensation of 50. D. a year only, counting that some one of the professors will undertake it for that, the fact is also that a librarian must ever be a aman of a high order of science and able to give to enquirers an account of the character and contents of the several books under his...
It is long since I have written to you. this proceeds from the difficulty of writing with my crippled wrists, and from an unwillingness to add to your inconveniences of either reading by the eyes, or writing by the hands of others. the account I recieve of your physical situation afflicts me sincerely. but if body or mind was one of them to give way, it is a great comfort that it is the mind...
The respects of the undersigned await on President Adams. He has to acknowledge the reception of his kind letter of November 17th: 1824. The steady hand of time; which, while it eviscerates truth, also, fortunately, assuages animosities; will render justice to the pure fame of the venerable President. That his remaining days may be blessed with peace, health, and felicity, is, I cannot...
I have been prevented from writing to you a long time my dear Tom first in consequence of ill health and since because I thought it would be better to await your return to College than to address to Exeter where I hope you have been happy among your respectable old friends— It gives me great pleasure to learn from Mary that you have become more satisfied with your situation and now I have only...
It is long since I have written to you. this proceeds from the difficulty of writing with my crippled wrists, and from an unwillingness to add to your inconveniences of either reading by the eyes, or writing by the hands of others. the account I recieve of your physical situation afflicts me sincerely. but if body or mind was one of them to give way, it is a great comfort that it is the mind...
Since Gen l Lafayette left Monticello, I have had several times the pleasure of conversing with him, and very agreeably felt the effect of Your kind recommendation. He has placed in my hands several valuable documents, and promised me more, from which I shall derive the greatest advantage for the new edition which I am preparing. On the 27 th of Dec r last, after the masonic dinner, the...
Mr Edward Wyer, a friend of mine purchased in spain the last year, a cabinet of Conchyology and mineralogy, which is said by those who are good judges to be valuable—He wishes to dispose of this collection and thinking it might be wanted at your Institute, I have taken the liberty to mention it to you as I presume it can be had cheap. D r Wallace of Virginia is here & desires me to say that if...
I returned the 1 st vol. of Hall by a mail of a week ago and by this shall return the 2 d we have kept them long; but every member of the family wished to read his book, in which case you know it had a long guantlet to run. It is impossible to read thoroughly such writings as those of Harper and Otis, who take a page to say what requires but a sentence, or rather who give you whole pages of...
I have taken the liberty of enclosing to you the proof sheets of a work which I am about to publish. I now request, that so soon as you shall be of opinion that the explanation which I have given of the Apocalypse is correct, you will be pleased to express it, in a letter to me; giving me leave to use it. MoSHi : Thomas Jefferson Collection (formerly Bixby).
Your favor of Dec. 20. is recieved. the Professors of our University, 8. in number, are all engaged. those of antient & Modern languages are already on the spot. three more are hourly expected to arrive, and on their arrival the whole will assemble and enter on their duties. there remains therefore no place in which we can avail ourselves of the services of the rev d mr Bertrum as a teacher. I...
I beg leave to suggest the propriety of having a Post Office established here (if it be practicable) it will not only be a great convenience to the Professors & students, but may be attended with other good consiquences by keeping the students as much out of Charlottesville as possible—It will only be necessary to have a carrier between Charlottesville & this place two or three times a week...
It is, you must allow, very natural that any inquirer into the meaning of the constitution, should desire to have his conjectures, approved or corrected by yourself. I therefore take the liberty of forwarding for your consideration the enclosed paper, and shall be proud to hear that it receives in any degree the approbation of a chief architect of our political temple. Without daring to press...
The inclosed letter from M r Tucker in reply to mine of which you have a copy, I send for the purusal of yourself & M r Madison alone. I can see no objection to its communication thus far, altho’ I expect M r Tucker wrote it with an expectation that it would not go beyond me. I expected he would hesitate about accepting a situation which would cut him off from all prospect of future promotion....
Le sujet, qui interesse infiniment toutes les Nations industrieuses, que je traite dans la Traduction cy jointe, et dont mon digne ami, Monsieur van des Kemp d’olden barneveld à cru trouver des idées originales, les quelles pourraient peutetre meriter une reflexion suivie dans votre illustre Patrie m’engage de vous en offrir un imprimé, que j’espere que vous me ferai l’honneur d’accepter de ma...
Your favor of Dec. 9. did not get to hand till the 27 th which must acc t for a great portion of the delay of my answer. we are in the hourly expectn of hearing of the arrival of 3 of our professors embarked as we suppose in Nov. from Lond. for Norf. until they arrive we cannot open the univ ty two of them being of the important deptmts of Math. & Nat. Phi l the moment I hear of their arrival...
I have duly recieved your favor of dec. 29. covering the letter of mr Levins, expressing a willingness to undertake a professorship of Mathematics or Nat. Philosophy in our University and stating the names of Playfair, Leslie, Hope and Jamieson among those from whom he had himself recieved instruction. more respectable names could certainly not be quoted; and they sufficiently inspire a...
I have not yet heard of our Corinthian roses, though I hope they are on the way, our scaffolds being now much in the way and awaiting these ornaments only to be struck. I should suppose your manufactory of flat tiles, as light as slate would probably succeed. costing but 5. D 70 c the square they will come cheaper than any other covering known, and the sufficiency of tile is well enough...
Your favor of Dec. 12. was not rec d until the 25 th which must acc t for so much of the delay of my answer. there is no vacancy in our Univ y all the Professorships being filled, and we wait, to open it, the arrival only of three Professors embarked as we expect in Nov. from Lond. for Norfolk. the moment their arrival is known the day of opening the instn will be announced, among those daily...
As the Period is approaching when it is expected the University will go into operation, and when I pursume like all Simular institutions it will require a Librarian, and if so, having this immediate opportunity I should like to be considered as an applicant, Provided when I can hear the, Nature and qualifications required to fulfill it do not surpass my competence—I confess I am too much a...
It is not in my power to give a definite answer to the offer in your favor of the 27 th from Boston, of a physical, chemical and astronomical apparatus. Dollond’s name would sfft ly recommend the articles made by him. but we are not yet in possn of funds for those objects. a sum has been voted instead for a library and apparatus but when it will be recieved is quite uncertain; and when rec d...
Your favor of Dec. 25. was rec d on the 31 st we are in the hourly expectation of hearing of the arrival of three of our Professors embarked, as we expect, in November from London for Norfolk. we cannot open our University until they arrive; because two of them are of the important departments of Mathematics & Natural Philosophy. the moment I hear of their arrival an advertisement will be put...
In reply to yours permit me to inform you that immediately after the meeting of Congress I invited the Virginia Delegation to a conference on the Subject of our claims with a view to the adoption of the most prudent course in their prosecution. In which I disclosed to them the unfavorable appearances of the last session in the Senate and recommended that the beginning should be in the H of R....
Since writing you I have had another interview with the Chairman of the Committee of Claims—He had the goodness to shew me the bill and report on our application to Congress—It is as favorable as we expected or even wished—as it proposes to refund to us all the interest we actually paid on loans—More than that we thought impudent to ask for as it might Jeopardize the whole—I urged the...
From the publications respecting the University of Virginia I perceive that a Library has not yet been purchased for it, and as I am possessed of a very voluable one which I am desirous to sell, I am induced to take the liberty of mentioning the circumstance to you. My Library is a miscellaneous one, and consists of three or four thousand volumes of well selected works in 1 st History...
Presuming upon an introduction to you some years since by my father the late Gen l Minor I trust to be excused for submitting the subjoined queries: viz; whether the three vacant professorsips in the University of V a will be filled immediately,—And if not, what course is to be pursued by the candidates in order to display their pretensions! I make these inquiries at the suggestion of a man of...
To Promniss I have shiped the ornaments; and have inclosed an extra Bill of Lading fore M r A. S. Brockenbrough; so that directions may be sent to the Consigne to forward them according to your wish to the University. The Scooner whent to sea on the 29 and as the wether has been unusualy fine should conclude she may have reached her disten ed Port by the time you get this Information. This...
I take the liberty of sending to you, a pamphlet, explaining the causes of the disasters of the Campaign of 1812, addressed to the Citizens of the United States. I most sincerely hope, your health will be such, that you will be able to read it. As it contains a portion of the history of our Country. I need not say, that I am sure, it will be read by you, with the most perfect candour, and with...
¶ From an Unidentified Correspondent. Letter not found. 1824. Offered for sale in the American Art Association Catalogue (9 Jan. 1924), item 855. Presumably this letter covered the gift of a copy of Strictures Addressed to James Madison on the Celebrated Report of William H. Crawford, Recommending the Intermarriage of Americans with the Indian Tribes. Ascribed to Judge Cooper, and Originally...