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Results 47381-47390 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Thomas Jefferson Esqr Dr To Thomas Davis 1805 July 5th To 1 Plaster Mashine } $34.86 249℔ @ 14 cnt. RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ: “34.86 D July 5. 05 paid by ord. on bk US.” Thomas Davis was a Georgetown blacksmith. Although his machine was meant for grinding plaster into a suitable soil dressing, in 1815 TJ mentioned using it effectively for crushing corn cobs ( MB James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia...
On information of the death of John Page which gained general belief here, I wrote you a letter two days since, which had relation to an object connected with that event. The present accounts contradict that report & as I hope & believe on good ground. I hasten therefore to correct the error into which I had been led.   You are I presume by this time return’d to Washington. I hope that you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am now to acquaint you that the Assembly of this Province have unanimously made Choice of you as their sole Agent, and have united the two Salaries of £100, which they formerly paid to Mr. Partridge and Mr. Charles, by voting £200 Sterling as your Salary. I hope this Appointment will not be disagreable to you, as I think I had your Permission to name you...
The Clothing detained at Oswego arrived yesterday evening at this Post. I have the honor of inclosing a letter of the Serjeant whom I detached from here, also one of Mr Logan (the Gentleman who undertook the transportation—& the report of the Quartermaster stating the condition of the articles forwarded I considered myself tied & restricted by your letter of the 19th of February—in consequence...
47385[Diary entry: 6 April 1769] (Washington Papers)
6. At home all day. Mr. Magowan returnd from Dumfries.
At a crisis like the present, when our Enemies are prosecuting a War with unexampled severity—When they have called upon foreign mercenaries, and have excited Slaves and Savages to arms against us, a regard to our own security & happiness calls upon us to adopt every possible expedient to avert the blow & prevent the meditated ruin. Impressed with this Sentiment, and impelled by necessity, the...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inclose to the President a letter from Mr. Seagrove . When he shall have considered of the questions of wages to Albion Coxe (till he shall have qualified himself to draw his regular salary) and the ordering a coinage of 1000 Dollars in small silver for the Treasury, he will be so good as to communicate his determinations. RC ( DNA : RG 59, MLR ); addressed: “The...
15 February 1804, Baltimore. Submits the following details and solicits JM’s aid “in procuring redress”: “On the 20th. July last, my Brig Lear, laden with a Cargo, my sole property, sailed hence for Martinique; after a long passage, her Captn., on the 24th. Augst., finding himself considerably to leeward of his destined Port, bore away for, & whilst immediately under the land of, St....
Mr J. A Smiths appointment was not by J. Q. A but by the President “Sancte Socrate ora pro nobis” Said Erasmus on reading the Doctrine of Socrates so like the christian. My memory does not recollect the place in Plato and my Eyes cannot look it. But as Plato learned all he taught in Egypt and India, I choose “petere fontes.” I am of Sir William Jones’s Mind that “Our divine Religion, has no...
The Committee to whom the Revision of the Laws was entrusted, with the Approbation of the Faculty, offer the following Suggestions to the Visitors. Rule 29. For “if there be only one ” substitute “should he choose to be the only one.” 33. Is again respectfully submitted to the Consideration of the Visitors and their attention to it particularly requested at this time in order that the proper...