Adams Papers

To John Adams from Thomas Adderley, 14 January 1798

To His Excellency John Adams Esqre President of the United States &c &c &c

No 17 Filbert St. near 9th Street Philidelphia. 14th January 1798—


If in the Course of Your Excellency’s leisure your may be pleased to cast Your eye over the Poem I now have the honor of laying before You, You will be able to judge whether it possesses sufficient merit to be dedicated to You.

I shall make it more perfect, before it meets the public, if Your Excellency conceives that You would not have to blush for Patronizing the sentiments and the humble Talents of a stranger isolated and unknown.

I have the honor to be with the most sincere respect, Sir, / Your Excellencys very obedient / & very humble Servant

Thos. Adderley

MHi: Adams Papers.

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