Adams Papers

Isaac Smith Sr. to Abigail Adams, 8 June 1778

Isaac Smith Sr. to Abigail Adams

Boston June the 8th. 1778

Mrs. Adams

There is a french Ship Arrived last fryday from France itt is said came Out about the same time the last Vessells. Whether they1 the same day cant learn, but there is a report that the Boston was Arrived. I dont find any letters about itt, but wish itt may be true and cant but hope there may be some truth in itt. I cant find that the report from New York had any foundation for the report.

Iff we should here any thing shall send you word.—I am Yr. h S.,

Isaac Smith

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “To Mrs. Abigail Adams Brantry per favr. Mr. Winslow.”

1Word or words here evidently omitted in MS.

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