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Results 4711-4740 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
4711[Diary entry: 21 October 1786] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 21st. Mercury at 50 in the Morning—58 at Noon and 55 at Night. Wind at No. Et. all day...
I have not written to You since I received Yours of the 19th, and that of the 20th by Your...
4713Orders, 30 August–1 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
Colonel Washington being inclined upon all occasions to shew his willingness to serve the...
You made me a rich present when you allowed your son George to spend his vacation with me. He has...
4715Council of War, 3 August 1775 (Washington Papers)
At a Council held at Cambridge Head Quarters August 3d 1775 Present his Excelly General...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mr Rodney. he found on his arrival here...
Three days only did it want of a year from the date of your last Letter, when I received by Capt....
Mr. Madison , adverting to Mr. Mason’s objection to the president’s power of pardoning, said, it...
[ Stockbridge, Massachusetts, August 3, 1798. On August 29, 1798, Hamilton wrote to Sedgwick :...
4720[Diary entry: 14 May 1767] (Washington Papers)
14. Very warm clear & still. Wind what there was of it Southwardly.
Resolved , That James Madison, jun. Esq. who at the last election for the county of Orange, was...
I have duly recieved your favor of May 6. covering the 1 st N o of the Emporium of arts and...
Providence, July 5, 1792. “On Monday Morning, the 2nd. Instant, the Master of the Ship Hope from...
I have to thank you very Sincerely for your interesting letter of the 27 th . of June, as well as...
I have the honor to enclose a representation received from the Cornplanter. The fact of murdering...
I have been favored with your letters of the 6th & 10th of the present month, but not in due...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I write in pain with a lately dislocated Arm, I can do...
9. yds ticklenburg a slip of thread for d o ViCMRL .
Immediately on the receipt of your letter Covering a proposal for establishing a Woollen...
C. Ellery begs leave to present his highest respects to the President of the United States—and to...
While I was sealing up on the last post day; the cover to M r: Pitcairn, of my number 29. I...
At an interview I had some time since the honor of having with you I obtained a partial promise...
Your favour of May 26 . was recieved by our last post only, it having [unduly] loitered probably...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je vous assure mon bon papa que je méttrai toute mon...
By some letters from Washton lately recieved it appears that there is great interest felt in our...
M r . Jay A proposition That the Constitution should be so far ratified as to go into Operation...
I do myself the Honor of transmitting to Your Excellency—Two of Rivington’s papers of the 24th...
LS : Clements Library; ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I received your...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Harrison and incloses him two bonds for the 2 d & 3...
If you have in the Office the laws of North Carolina, I will thank you for the perusal of them....