Results 471-480 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
471 Adams, Abigail Shaw, William Smith Abigail Adams to William Smith Shaw, 6 January 1799 1799-01-06 I received yesterday mor’g by Plimouth stage, your Letter of 28th december, together with the...
472 Adams, Abigail Tufts, Cotton Abigail Adams to Cotton Tufts, 1 January 1788 1788-01-01 I wrote you by the November packet which Letter I hope you have received before now, in that I...
473 Adams, Abigail Shaw, Elizabeth Smith Abigail Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw, 20 March 1791 1791-03-20 I received, by Dr. W——, your kind letter of February 14th. He was very punctual to his...
474 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 23 May 1794 1794-05-23 I last evening received yours of the 12 th and 15. the weather for several Days past has been...
475 Adams, Abigail Adams, Thomas Boylston Abigail Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 10 September … 1801-09-10 Inclosed is a Letter for your Brother should he arrive as we expect in Philadelphia; I am told by...
476 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 9 April 1798 1798-04-09 I wrote you on saturday that I would forward to you the Dispatches as soon as they were out. I...
477 Adams, Abigail Warren, Mercy Otis Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren, 14 May 1787 1787-05-14 I have lately been reading Mrs Montague’s essays upon the Genious and writings of shakspear, and...
478 Adams, Abigail Thaxter, John Abigail Adams to John Thaxter, 20 August 1776 1776-08-20 My Little Charles has been so ill that I have not had leisure to day to thank you for your...
479 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 13 November 1780 1780-11-13 How long is the space since I heard from my dear absent Friends? Most feelingly do I experience...
480 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 13 April 1798 1798-04-13 I inclose a Letter to cousin Betsy who has been very frank with me upon the subject of her...