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Results 471-520 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received yesterday mor’g by Plimouth stage, your Letter of 28th december, together with the...
I wrote you by the November packet which Letter I hope you have received before now, in that I...
I received, by Dr. W——, your kind letter of February 14th. He was very punctual to his...
I last evening received yours of the 12 th and 15. the weather for several Days past has been...
Inclosed is a Letter for your Brother should he arrive as we expect in Philadelphia; I am told by...
I wrote you on saturday that I would forward to you the Dispatches as soon as they were out. I...
I have lately been reading Mrs Montague’s essays upon the Genious and writings of shakspear, and...
My Little Charles has been so ill that I have not had leisure to day to thank you for your...
How long is the space since I heard from my dear absent Friends? Most feelingly do I experience...
I inclose a Letter to cousin Betsy who has been very frank with me upon the subject of her...
Not being able to dispose of my oxen as I expected, & to have taken half the money for them, I do...
Mr Gore came out this afternoon to see me; and informd me that Mr Dexter proposed to sit out...
The very quick reply with wish which you honourd my Letter together with the Friendly contents of...
By a Vessel of my unkles bound to Bilboa I write you a few lines, and commit them to the care of...
Mr Adams receivd yesterday your obliging favour of june 28th by way of Liverpool. His Eyes which...
I have received your favour of 11. will take measures to repay the 20£. The ode is very fine. I...
I received yesterday your favour of June the 9 with its inclousure, as well as a former Letter,...
I am happy to hear of your safe arrival tho not at the port, I wished to hear you were. You will...
Your Letter of April 5 th an 7 th reachd me last Evening, and they fill me with more...
I received last week your very excellent Letter whatever you write is always precious to me. No...
Seven Months were nearly elapsed, from the Date of Your former Letter, to the receipt of yours on...
I last wednesday received yours of Dec br 28 and should have answerd by the post of thursday but...
I embrace this opportunity By my Brother to write you a few lines tho it is only to tell you what...
I have written so largely to you by Mr. Storer who goes in the same vessel, that I should not...
Any agitation of mind, either painfull or pleasureable always drives slumber from my Eyes. Such...
Thursday post did not bring me one Single Letter from you; tis true I had no reason to complain...
I heard to Day that the Doctor had a Letter from Mr. Cranch, and that he was still very Ill, poor...
The enclosed Letter I send to your care. The triffel which accompanies it I ask your acceptance...
Mrs smith Louissa Mrs Otis Rush Peters & a number of young Ladies are just gone to Congress to...
I received by the last post, Your Letters of the 14 th. 16 th 18 th & 19 th . The frequent and...
on fryday the 19th I returnd from mount Vernon, where at the pressing invitation of Mrs...
I have not had the pleasure of a line from you since your arrival in Philadelphia, but I have had...
Enclosed I return according to your direction a duplicate Number of the journals. Number 29 is...
This is the first fair morning we have had since you left me. you must have had an unpleasent...
I am largely indebted to you my much valued correspondent for many Letters received in the last...
Your very polite favour was handed me this Evening. I esteem myself much obliged for the enclosed...
507Sunday 23 [i.e. 22 July.] (Adams Papers)
Went to the Cathedral Church at Winchester. It is a very curious structure. It is said to have...
I know not where to direct to you, but hope you are secure. Tis said in some part of the Jersies,...
I received your kind favour of the 17. It was a Cordial to my dejected Heart to see and hear of...
I must begin with apoligising to you for not writing since the 17 of June. I have really had so...
First I would inform You that B Adams is we hope out of Danger; his reason is returnd pretty...
I have read Your Brothers Letters, with much pleasure; that part of them; in which he so...
We now have the appearence of some fine weather our Rivers are open, but our Roads are all like...
I have not written to you since you left Me, but as I know you must feel anxious to hear, I write...
I dare not express to you at 300 hundred miles distance how ardently I long for your return. I...
We have experienced very great anxiety for several days past upon mr Cranch account. mr Johnson...
I wrote you last Sabbeth evening in a good deal of pertubation of Spirits. I fear I did wrong in...
I yesterday received your favours of the 17 th of this Month. I was attending at the sick Bed of...
Will you honour a Bill of mine, drawn in favour of Uncle Smith for 60 pounds, to pay for 9 acres...
Mr Sitgreaves has just call’d to let me know that he expects to embark for England in a day or...