Results 471-500 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
471 Franklin, Benjamin Colden, Cadwallader From Benjamin Franklin to Cadwallader Colden, 13 … 1750-02-13 ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I receiv’d your very kind Letter relating to my...
472 Franklin, Benjamin Eliot, Jared From Benjamin Franklin to Jared Eliot, 13 February 1750 1750-02-13 ALS : Mrs. Richard D. Wood, Jr., Wawa, Pa. (1957); printed in American Journal of Science, and...
473 Franklin, Benjamin Logan, James From Benjamin Franklin to James Logan, 17 February 1750 1750-02-17 MS not found; reprinted from extract in Sparks, Works , VII , 40. I send Whiston’s Life. He seems...
474 Whitefield, George Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from George Whitefield, 26 … 1750-02-26 MS not found; reprinted from A Select Collection of Letters of the Late Reverend George...
475 Logan, James Collinson, Peter James Logan to Peter Collinson, 28 February 1750 1750-02-28 Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have Spent most of this day for the first...
476 Franklin, Benjamin Collinson, Peter From Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson, [2 March … 1750-03-02 MS not found; reprinted from The Gentleman’s Magazine , XX (1750), 208. I was very much pleased...
477 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Abiah From Benjamin Franklin to Abiah Franklin, 12 April 1750 1750-04-12 ALS : Boston Athenaeum We received your kind Letter of the 2d Instant, and are glad to hear you...
478 Collinson, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, 25 April … 1750-04-25 ALS : American Philosophical Society I wish I have before this advised my Worthy Friend that his...
479 Johnson, Samuel Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Johnson, [10 May 1750] 1750-05-10 Letterbook copy (fragment): Columbia University Library [ First part missing ] Seat of London. I...
480 Collinson, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, [June 1750] 1750-06-01 AL (fragment): Library Company of Philadelphia [ First part missing ] Pray give my respects to...
481 Franklin, Benjamin Strahan, William From Benjamin Franklin to William Strahan, 2 June 1750 1750-06-02 MS not found; facsimiles of ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania and Boston Public Library...
482 Franklin, Benjamin Last Will and Testament, 22 June 1750 1750-06-22 ADS (mutilated): American Philosophical Society I Benjamin Franklin of the City of Philadelphia...
483 Franklin, Benjamin Colden, Cadwallader From Benjamin Franklin to Cadwallader Colden, 28 June … 1750-06-28 ALS : New-York Historical Society I wrote a Line to you last Post, and sent you some Electrical...
484 Collinson, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, 3 July 1750 1750-07-03 ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received thy Letter from the Trustees and Bill per...
485 Collinson, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, 11 July 1750 1750-07-11 ALS : Library Company of Philadelphia If I catch the Bagg before its taken away its more than I...
486 Belcher, Jonathan Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Belcher: Warrant for … 1750-07-26 DS : Huntington Library By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esqr: Captain General and Governor in...
487 Franklin, Benjamin Collinson, Peter From Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson, 27 July 1750 1750-07-27 Copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences Mr. Watson I believe wrote his Observations on my...
488 Franklin, Benjamin Collinson, Peter From Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson, 29 July 1750 1750-07-29 Copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences As you first put us on Electrical Experiments by...
489 Franklin, Benjamin Opinions and Conjectures, [29 July 1750] 1750-07-29 Copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences Opinions and Conjectures concerning the Properties...
490 Franklin, Benjamin Paper on the Academy, [31 July 1750] 1750-07-31 MS Minutes of the Common Council: Free Library of Philadelphia Within a few weeks of their...
491 Franklin, Benjamin Johnson, Samuel From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Johnson, 9 August 1750 1750-08-09 ALS : Columbia University Library At my Return home I found your Favour of June the 28th. with...
492 Franklin, Benjamin Johnson, Samuel From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Johnson, 23 August … 1750-08-23 MS not found; reprinted from The Port Folio , n.s., II (1809), 115–16. We received your favour of...
493 Kalm, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Kalm, 2 September 1750 1750-09-02 ALS : American Philosophical Society Peter Kalm visited Niagara Falls in the summer of 1750. He...
494 Franklin, Benjamin Johnson, Samuel From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Johnson, 13 September … 1750-09-13 ALS : Columbia University Library I am sorry to hear of your Illness: If you have not been us’d...
495 Franklin, Benjamin Mecom, Jane From Benjamin Franklin to Jane Mecom, 20 September 1750 1750-09-20 MS not found; reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of the Familiar Letters and...
496 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Franklin, 27 September … 1750-09-27 Transcript: Vassar B. Carlton, Titusville, Florida (1955) I received yours of the 17th Inst. with...
497 Franklin, Benjamin Additional Experiment, [27 September 1750] 1750-09-27 Copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences Additional Experiment proving that the Leyden Bottle...
498 Franklin, Benjamin Colden, Cadwallader From Benjamin Franklin to Cadwallader Colden, 11 … 1750-10-11 ALS : New-York Historical Society I have learnt by different hands, that Dr. Mitchel continues in...
499 Fairfax of Cameron, Thomas Fairfax, sixth baron Washington, George Land Grant, from Thomas, Lord Fairfax, 20 October 1750 1750-10-20 20 Oct. 1750. “The Right Honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax . . . for and in Consideration of the...
500 Franklin, Benjamin Bowdoin, James From Benjamin Franklin to James Bowdoin, 25 October … 1750-10-25 ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society Enclos’d with this I send you all my Electrical Papers...