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Results 4701-4710 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I will not again be so long silent, indeed your repeated kind favours call upon me for acknowled g ment. They have afforded both to me, and my Friends a very agreable entertainment, and I esteem myself much obliged that you not only so kindly endeavour to supply the loss of your company, but to releave the many solitary hours which you well know must fall to my share in the absence of a nearer...
I am happy in informing you, that the Marquiss de La Fayette has safely returned to the Main Camp, after a Brush with a party of the Enemy from the City; in which he had nearly been captivated. I have not learnt all the particulars of the affair; but from the best knowledge I can obtain, I dont find that any thing material did take place, altho’ it had like to have proved a serious matter to...
I now having an opportunity which to my Satisfaction I have much oftener than I expected when I first came here, in which I improve every time I can in writing to you who has always been so kind a Mamma to me. I last night went to the theatre, after we had got there we found there was no places empty upon which we came home again. RC ( Adams Papers ); addressed in JA ’s hand: “Mrs. John Adams...
Celle ci etant la premiere fois que je ecrire en François ne sera surment pas trop bien Faites mais j’espere que vous le recevére avec le meme plaisir que si elle etoit mieux, si vous considerée le peu de tems que jai eté icí vous ne blamerez pas moi pour ne pas avoir apprit plus de françois. RC ( Adams Papers ); addressed in JA ’s hand: “Mrs. Adams Braintree near Boston.” Text is given here...
I having wrote to my Mamma Sister and Brother Charles it is my duty to write to you also for if I do not write to you how can I expect that you will write to me for which reason I write to you as often as I can as you must also to me. Providence my dear Brother has seperated us so that we cannot expect to see one another very soon but there is yet one consolation Left us which is that we are...
I now Sit down with an intent to give you an account of the Place I dind at yesterday doctor Franklin his son a young Gentleman & I went to Place Calld montmartre at the Castle of the Count Brancard & dind there with him and some other Gentleman & Ladies, from which Place there is a most Beautiful Prospect of the City. On this hill the famous king henry the 4th incamped his army when he laid...
I having wrote Twice to your brother & not having yet wrote to you I now take a pen into my hand to write a few Lines to you to inform you of a Little excursion I took last. Mr. Lee his nephew My Pappa & I went to the theatre Calld the Italien Comedy where we had the women & the Secrets of which we See but very Little the next was Silvain in which the Scene represented on one side an old house...
A Vessel is designed for France in two or three days which will be A very good Opportunity for A Conveyance of Letters to Mr. Adams who I hope and beleive is safe Arrived in France Notwithstanding the Report that lately prevailed here. I hope the first Arrivals will shew that my Faith is well grounded and true. Any Letters you shall send to my Care shall be sent forward in the most Careful...
On the 13 of Feb. I left you. It is now the 3d. of June, and I have not received a Line, nor heard a Word, directly nor indirectly, concerning you since my departure. This is a Situation of Mind, in which I never was before, and I assure you I feel a great deal of Anxiety at it: yet I do not wonder at it, because I suppose few Vessels have sailed from Boston since ours. I have shipped for you,...
it is witth great Pleasure that I now Sit down to write a few Lines to you to inform you of my hea l th & Situation which I like pretty well but I had by much rather be amongst the rugged rocks of my own native town than in the gay city of Paris. yesterday my Pappa received a large number of news papers from america but the 2 armys were then in the Same posture as they were when we came but I...