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Results 4701-4750 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I will not again be so long silent, indeed your repeated kind favours call upon me for acknowled...
I am happy in informing you, that the Marquiss de La Fayette has safely returned to the Main...
I now having an opportunity which to my Satisfaction I have much oftener than I expected when I...
Celle ci etant la premiere fois que je ecrire en François ne sera surment pas trop bien Faites...
I having wrote to my Mamma Sister and Brother Charles it is my duty to write to you also for if I...
I now Sit down with an intent to give you an account of the Place I dind at yesterday doctor...
I having wrote Twice to your brother & not having yet wrote to you I now take a pen into my hand...
A Vessel is designed for France in two or three days which will be A very good Opportunity for A...
On the 13 of Feb. I left you. It is now the 3d. of June, and I have not received a Line, nor...
it is witth great Pleasure that I now Sit down to write a few Lines to you to inform you of my...
I often envy you the pleasure you enjoy in being at a place where you with pleasure look around...
Your Billit was deliverd to me a Day or two ago. I am much obliged to you for your kind offer but...
we being so far from one another that I cannot Leave my pen out of my hand & I hope that my...
There is a french Ship Arrived last fryday from France itt is said came Out about the same time...
I should write to you with a much more cherefull Heart if I knew where to find you, but as yet I...
Tis almost four Months since you left your Native land and Embarked upon the Mighty waters in...
Your favor of the 21st. and 26th. of May came to hand yesterday. I was exceedingly shocked at the...
to day my Pappa received a Letter from you which I had the honour of seeing in which you...
Will you forgive my so often troubling you with my fears and anxieties; Groundless as some of...
My spirits are rather low, I do not feel in any great moode for useing my pen, yet I cannot let...
Amiable tho unjust Portia! doubly unjust!—to yourself, and to me. Must I only write to you in the...
Since my last I have had the inexpressible Pleasure of yours of the 25 of March by the Way of...
I send Josiah Spear, the bearer, to inform you of the Agreeable news of the Arrival of Mr. Adams...
At length my anxiety is relieved and the happy happy tidings of your arrival and safety in France...
I know not whether I ought to reply to your favour of April the first, for inded Sir I begin to...
I inclose £23:3:10—Twenty Pounds, seventeen Shillings being the Amount of the Account against Mr....
Shall I tell my dearest that tears of joy filld my Eyes this morning at the sight of his well...
As I have so often troubled you with my fears tis a debt I owe your patience to communicate to...
I have this Afternoon received your Favour of June 12th. and at the same Time a Gazette from...
Permit me to congratulate you on the safe Arrival of Mr. Adams at France. It is an event that has...
I heartily congratulate you upon the indubitable Proofs of our Friends Arrival in France. You...
I had been so short a time in this place when I wrote you last, that it was out of my power to...
By Mr. Tailor, who has promised me to deliver this with his own hand to you, or distroy it if...
In my letter of the 11th. inst. I mentioned the arrival of the French Ambassador at Chester. I am...
It is with great pleasure That I write to you who have been so good and kind to me for which I...
I have not wrote you so soon as I should have done, if I had known where to have directed to you,...
Yours of the Tenth of June by Captain Barnes was brought to me Yesterday, which is only the...
Vous avez eu la bonté de me confier M. votre fils. c’est pour lui donner toute l’education...
The News of your Arrival at Paris gave us great Joy. Before your Letters reached America, the...
I have long wished for an Opportunity to write to you but the thousand things that have...
I am desirous of conveying to you, in a manner that will not probably fail of success, and...
you will pardon me if I do not write to you very often for you know how I used to teaze you to...
I have neither Time, nor Confidence enough in the Opportunity, to write you any Thing more, than...
by your desire I now sit down to write a few lines to you and not yet having wrote to you I...
I set down with great pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from Mr. Adams dated...
This Moment your favour of August the 6 is come to hand. My Heart reproaches me that I have not...
I really began to feel very uneasy at your long Silence and feared Sickness or some disaster had...
If I knew of any more endearing Title I should certainly give it. But this appears to me to...
Your favour of the 5th instant is just come to hand. I should like very well to see the Speach...
I shall inc l ose by this Opportunity, by Mr. Ingersol, Son of Mr. Ingersol of Connecticut, the...