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Results 4701-4750 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Since my last to you of the 4 th. Instant I have been honored with yours of the 8 th. 14 th. & 23...
At length my anxiety is relieved and the happy happy tidings of your arrival and safety in France...
I am conscious that I ought before now to have apologized to you for permitting your letter to me...
The President of the United States and Mrs Washington request the pleasure of the Vice-Presidents...
Je suis trop reconnoissant des bontés dont vous mavés honnoré pour ne pas vous exprimer a cet...
Yesterday, I met Mr. Bridgen at the Coffee House; he told me he had a book for you, and this...
M r Maclay’s Compliments wait on the Vice President of the united States, begs leave to inform...
I have but one moment to tell you, that I left Mrs. Adams your Children, General and Mrs. Warren...
I have been highly gratified in recieving your kind Letter of the 10th. instant.—I hope you will...
Your Letter of the 2d. instant contains so many weighty and important questions relative to the...
I have had the pleasure of seeing several of your Letters in which you Complain that your friends...
Today I am sending His Excellency Mr. Franklin the third and final issue of the Gazette de Leyde...
I have had a sight of yours of the 15th, 17, and 18th Instant and am thankful for their...
J’ai le plaisir de remarquer, par l’honorée vôtre du 28 e. Nov., que nous avons pensé & écrit...
Far from addressing you in The Language of friendship and Desiring your assistance as a Friend I...
I have received your two Letters; and have since then also received a Letter from President...
I did not receive your Letter of dec br 15 till I had closed mine of the 30th two of later date...
I recieved some time ago your favor of July 29. and was happy to find that you saw in it’s true...
The Debtors Confined in this Goal have Prepared a Petition to the Honourable Continental...
With a trembling hand, I inform you of the removal of my dear Companion and best friend, by the...
Since I came to this Country, two of your kind letters have reached me; one dated in June & the...
Rien de nouveau ici depuis ma derniere. On attend la réponse de Vienne à celle de L. H. P. En...
When I did myself the honor to suggest for your consideration, the employment of the Frigate...
The day before yesterday our City was enlivened suddenly by the report of the ratification of the...
In a letter of this same day, which I have already mailed, I forgot to include some essential...
President Willard having resigned the office of corresponding secretary to the American Academy...
I received yesterday your favour of October 23 and it is by several weeks the latest Letter that...
By yesterday morning’s mail I received two letters, superscribed by you, one addressed to the...
By the last post I received a letter from Joseph Allen Esquire by which I am informed that he...
I have the pleasure of sending you by Dr Adair, (whom I beg to recommend to your attention &...
As you have had the history of the late action from the General, I shall not trouble you with...
The enclosed Letter to the Honble: Mr. Brown a Senator from Kentucky, I would ask the favr. of...
At the special Desire of the Inhabitants of this Territory I have the honour to transmit unto you...
The liberty I now possess of addressing you, without going thro’ the medium of a second person,...
I have received your letter dated May 15th. 1816 which I was very much interested with, and...
The Legislature of Massachusetts, ever anxious, and long habituated, to take an early and decided...
Since my letter of the 12th. We have no arrivals from Ama., or any thing new but what will be...
I have the honour to transmit you herewith, a list of Invalid Pension-Applicants, who have been...
I have felt a degree of Criminality in my long Silence, which has given me many uneasy...
It would give the Committee of Arrangement for the Approaching National Anniversary Unspeakable...
I will not apologize for not writing as I hate excuses none especially when they are bad or...
In obedience to the directions of the President of Saturday last, I abstracted from the lists of...
In further obedience to the order of the Senate, I have the honor to transmit a return of the...
I am much obliged to you for the care you have taken about help. I am very willing to submit to...
Mÿ occupations in gathering seeds—and preparing my fields and garden for ensuing spring have thus...
Since my last on the subject of the appointment of Lt. Col. Smith to the command of the 2nd....
It is a long time since I have had the pleasure of a Line from you. I was in hopes to have seen...
& Miss Mason Capt & Mrs. Crane Mr. Kerby with several others Members of Congress—Mr. Petry came...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of yesterday, with the papers referred...
Le Roi m’ayant fait adresser la Ratification du Traité de Commerce & d’Amitié que j’ai eu...