Results 4701-4750 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : Yale University Library I am here in my Way to New England, where I expect to be till towards the End of Summer. I have writ to you lately and have nothing to add. ’Tis against my Conscience to put you to the Charge of a Shilling for a Letter that has nothing in it to any Purpose, but as I have wrote to some of your Acquaintance by this Opportunity, I was afraid you would not forgive me...
A List of Lands entered agreable to Act of Assembly made in November 1762 and given in with the List of Tythables in Fairfax Cty 10th June 1763 to Collo. Jno. Carlyle George Washington Walter Magowan, Thoms Bishop, Robt Haims, Matths Seal. House Servts &ca : Breechy, Schomberg, Jack, Doll, Jenny, Betty, Sarah, Kate, Betty, Sall, Moll, Jack, Jack, Jack, Ned, Charles, Davy. Carpenters: Turner...
MS letter: American Philosophical Society It is the greatest necessity that urges me to give You this trouble; as I have not been favoured with an answer of the first, sent by Mrs. Franklin, made me think it is unwarranted, but flatter myself You’l excuse both. As you are on a Journey and not expected to be back for some Weeks, and as the circumstance will not allow to wait till then, and am...
The Inclosed presents you a Copy of my Letter of the 26th of April, since which your favour of the 7th of March advising of the Nautilus’s arrival is come to hand. Your taking no notice in that or any other Letter of one I wrote you from Williamsburg on the 15th of November, inclosing my several Invoices, gives me some uneasiness, as a disappointment of the Goods therein required woud put me...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We left Woodbridge on Tuesday Morning and went to Eliz. Town, where I found our Children return’d from the Falls and very well: The Corporation were to have a Dinner that day at the Point for their Entertainment, and prevail’d on us to stay. There was all the principal People and a great many Ladies: after Dinner we set out and got here before dark. We...
Copy: Yale University Library I had the pleasure to receive your Letter of the 14th. of April, on Wednesday the 8th. Instant, and the same day laid it before His Majesty’s PostMaster General, who were extremely well satisfied and promise Themselves great Information from your Correspondence. They are very glad to find that before you had received my Letters to you of the 12th. of March, your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We are thus far on our Way to Boston, and hope to be there in about three Weeks. I purpose to lodge at your House if you can conveniently receive me. Sally is now with her Brother at Amboy, and will be here in a few Days. If I can well do it, I shall bring her with me; and if you cannot accommodate us both, one of us may lodge at Cousin Williams’s; on...
I Arnt book larnt enuff, to rite so polytly, as the great gentlefolks, that rite in the News-Papers, about Pollyticks. I think it is pitty, they should know how to rite so well, saving they made a better use ont. And that they might do, if they would rite about something else. They do say we are a matter a million of muney in det. If so be the matter be so, I dont see but the Cunstibles must...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recd. yours Yesterday, and observe what you say relating to what is inserted in the York Papers. That relating to Lord Bute shall be published next Week, if we have Room; the other the North Briton, if you had not mentioned it, should not have been inserted. Yesterday very bad Accounts came to hand relating to the Indians; but as our Governor, his...
4710[June 1763] (Washington Papers)
24. Began to cut Timothy at Ashfords. 30. Finished Do.—2 days Rain in the time. On 3 June 1763, GW attended the initial meeting, probably at Stafford Court House, of a group of Potomac valley men who were interested in developing western lands. This meeting followed by only four months the Treaty of Paris, in which France renounced all claim to lands west of the Appalachian Mountains, thus...
4711[Diary entry: 24 June 1763] (Washington Papers)
24. Began to cut Timothy at Ashfords.
ALS : Yale University Library Inclos’d is a Receipt for some things of mine sent to your Care. I am thus far on my Journey to Boston, and hope now to have soon the Pleasure of seeing you. My Love to your Wife and Children. Tell my Cousin to have his Harpsichord in good Order, for I love Music and shall be pleas’d to hear him. My Daughter too, that comes with me, plays a little, and will be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since my Arrival here, News is brought from all Quarters of the Indians having suddenly and pretty generally commenc’d Hostilities, without having first made any Complaint, or alledging any Reason. I find the General is of Opinion, that it is the Effect of a large Belt sent last Year among them by the French Commander in the Ilinois Country, which was stopt...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received here your kind little Letter of April 14. with your good Mama’s Favour of the same Date. I write this Line chiefly to acknowledge it, having wrote to you lately, and little now to add. I congratulate you on your Dolly’s Recovery, which you mention as nearly compleated, assuring you that I do, as you suppose, participate your Pleasure. Tell her...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being here on my Journey to New-England, I received your Favour of April 5. You will easily conceive that after an Absence of near Six Years from my Family and Affairs, my Attention must be much engross’d on my Arrival by many Things that requir’d it; not to mention a Multiplicity of Visits, &c. that devour abundance of Time, I enquir’d however of Mr....
LS : Yale University Library Being here on a Journey to New-England, I received your Favour of March 18 with great Pleasure as it inform’d me of your and Mrs. Whitehurst’s Welfare. As I was not at home to receive Mr. Tunnicliff and afford him personnally my Advice and Assistance, all I could do was to recommend him to some able and intelligent Friends there, who I am sure will be glad to serve...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library You will hear before this reaches you, that the Indians have renew’d their Hostilities. They have not as usual made any previous Complaint, and various Conjectures are therefore made of the Cause. Some think it is merely to secure their Hunting Countries, which they apprehend we mean to take from them by Force and turn them into Plantations, tho’ this Apprehension...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received my Dear Friends Obligeing Letter with another Inclosed to our Friend Hamilton which I forwarded to Him. Doubt not but will proof Satisfactory. This Serves to convey Advice of a Box of Books for Thy Self, Lib: Com. and J. Bartram perticulars as under. From His Affectionate Friend The Box is Directed for Thee and comes by the Carolina Capt. Friend....
4719[Diary entry: 30 June 1763] (Washington Papers)
30. Finished Do.—2 days Rain in the time. On 3 June 1763, GW attended the initial meeting, probably at Stafford Court House, of a group of Potomac valley men who were interested in developing western lands. This meeting followed by only four months the Treaty of Paris, in which France renounced all claim to lands west of the Appalachian Mountains, thus opening these lands to settlement by the...
4720Cash Accounts, July 1763 (Washington Papers)
Cash July 28— To Ditto [cash] of Collo. Lewis £21. 0. 0 Contra July 1— By Expences at Buffington’s 2/6. Ditto at Leesburg 11/2 0.13. 8 By Ditto at Trammels 3/3—Gave away 20/ 1. 3. 3 By Oyster shells viz. 460 Bushls 4.13. 0 5— By Turner Crump £30 (June 28). Edwd Violet £21.14. 51.14. 0 13— By Exps. of bringing home my Flat 0. 5. 0 By Captn Posey Lent £20—pd Mr Stephenson 42/6
4721[July 1763] (Washington Papers)
1st. Began to cut Rye by Garden. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. } Cut and secured all my Wheat (by Stacking) at River & Creek Quarters—abt. 60 Acres. Carpenters, Smiths, & home Gang employd. Writing to Burwell Bassett 5 July, GW reported that his wheat crop was largely destroyed by rust and other defects, “and our Crops of Indian Corn and Tobacco in a manner lost in Weeds and Grass, occasioned by continual...
4722[Diary entry: 1 July 1763] (Washington Papers)
1st. Began to cut Rye by Garden.
I hope you enjoy mens sana in Corpore Sano: My Body for more than six months past has been in some degree more than common tending to dissolution. I seem to have gain’d some better Health since the warm weather. I hear that you are like to make yourself happy, by a conjunction with one of the fairest parts of the fair part of the Creation. I picture in my Imagination how you sooth and soften...
4724[Diary entry: 5–9 July 1763] (Washington Papers)
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. } Cut and secured all my Wheat (by Stacking) at River & Creek Quarters—abt. 60 Acres. Carpenters, Smiths, & home Gang employd. Writing to Burwell Bassett 5 July, GW reported that his wheat crop was largely destroyed by rust and other defects, “and our Crops of Indian Corn and Tobacco in a manner lost in Weeds and Grass, occasioned by continual and excessive Rains” ( WRITINGS...
AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society I do not know whether any of our Burnet Seed, has yet been sent to your great World; and therefore to make sure of it, I send you Six pounds. It is a Native of England, but has hitherto passed unnoticed. The attention now paid it is intirely owing to one Roque a Gardener near Chelsea, a most curious Mortal. I truely think the World will be...
So good an oppertunity as Turner Crump on a visit to his Father (affords) I coud not omit of asking how you do; for I have nothing to require, and as little to communicate in this Epistle, as it cannot be News to inform you, that the Peace of the Frontier Inhabitants seems to have met with almost as rude a shock from the late Indian Insults, as it did from any of their Barbarities in the...
AD : Yale University Library During his stay at Newport in July Franklin had an opportunity to renew acquaintance with his old friend Ezra Stiles, now minister of the Congregational Church there, and to engage in conversations with him. On July 11 Franklin showed Stiles some of the papers which reflected the recognition accorded him, in America and abroad, for his scientific achievements....
4728[Diary entry: 11 July 1763] (Washington Papers)
11. Cut & Stacked wheat at Mudy. hole & Cut Rye there.
ADS : Redwood Library and Athenaeum, Newport Receiv’d July 12. 1763. of Mr. Vernon, One Hundred and Fifteen Pounds four Shillings and Sixpence on Account of the Post-Office, per us Recd July 16th. 1763 of Mr. Vernon One hundred and Thirty nine Pounds three Shillings on account of this post office. For B: Franklin and Self For Vernon, postmaster at Newport, R.I., 1754–75, see above, V , 451 n....
4730[Diary entry: 12–13 July 1763] (Washington Papers)
12. 13. } Cut & Stackd Do. at Dogue Run & Stackd Rye at Muddy hole.
4731[Diary entry: 14–18 July 1763] (Washington Papers)
14. 15. 16. & 18. } Cut & made Hay of Clover at River Quarter with part of the hands—the Rest Workg. at D[ogue] R[un].
Your’s of May 30’th came safe to hand. The rival you mentioned I know not whether to think formidable or not as there has been so great an opening for him during my absence. I say ‘has been’ because I expect there is one no longer since you have undertaken to act as my attorney. You advise me to ‘go immediately and lay siege in form.’ You certainly did not think at the time you wrote this of...
We were a good deal disappointed in the promised Visit—A constant Watch was kept untill the accustomed Bell gave the signal for Dinner, and said it was time to look no more—We do not readily comprehend the cause of the disappointment, but as Water seems not to be the Element favourable to our wishes, we hope you will no longer trust to so uncertain a conveyance, but give us the pleasure of...
4734[July 1763] (Adams Papers)
Among the Votaries of Science, and the numerous Competitors for Fame and Estimation, Utility seems to have been remarkably neglected. The Utmost subtlety of Wit, and all the labours of pertina­ cious Industry have been employed by Mathematicians to demonstrate little, unimportant Geometrical Niceties, or in searching for Demonstrations of other Propositions, which there is not the least...
Among the Votaries of Science, and the numerous Competitors for Fame and Estimation, Utility seems to have been remarkably neglected. The Utmost subtlety of Wit, and all the labours of pertina­ cious Industry have been employed by Mathematicians to demonstrate little, unimportant Geometrical Niceties, or in searching for Demonstrations of other Propositions, which there is not the least...
Among the Votaries of Science, and the numerous Competitors for literary Fame, Choice and Judgment, about the Utility of their Studies, and the Interest of the human Race, have been remarkably neglected. Mathematicians have exerted, an obstinate Industry, and the utmost Subtilty of Wit, in demonstrating, little Niceties, among the Relations of Lines and Numbers, of Surfaces and Solids; and in...
4737[Diary entry: 19–20 July 1763] (Washington Papers)
19. 20. } Cutg. Hay at Hell hole.
ALS : American Philosophical Society From the very hospitable and kind Treatment we met with at your House I must think it will be agreable to you to hear that your Guests got well in before the Rain. We hope you and Mrs. Green were likewise safe at home before Night, and found all well. We all join in the most cordial Thanks and best Wishes, and shall be glad on every Occasion to hear of the...
I have not a Lath in the World of any kind, seasoned or unseasoned, or you shoud be heartily welcome to them—I never knew before that it was in any wise necessary that they shoud be Seasoned; for I usually got and put them up as they were wanted—Smart bring’s the Bucket &ca; he has been detained longer than ordinary by a mistake of Peters (or mine) who I told to make staples & hasps proper for...
4740[Diary entry: 21–22 July 1763] (Washington Papers)
21. 22. } Makg. Do.—Rainy.
Your kind Letter I received, and after an Interval occasioned by Commencement, am seated to return an Answer. I acknowledge the Justice of your Rebuke for not answering your former Letters, and for not Writing you since your Departure from happy Braintree. Matrimony, my dear Friend is yet at a greater Distance from me, than nine Months. I wish it was not Nine minutes off.—Affairs in Church and...
4742[Diary entry: 23 July 1763] (Washington Papers)
23. People doing Jobs.
4743[Diary entry: 25–27 July 1763] (Washington Papers)
25. 26. 27. } Cutting & makg. Hay at Sein Landg.
I will take the best care I can of your Letters, that for Mr Waite shall be sent to him, and an answer got, if he works for Mr Page near Fredericksburg —Anthony and I have examined your Wheels, and find one of them so decayed in the knave that it woud sink under the first load; I have therefore forbid his wasting time in making an Axle, but to get a pair of Wheels from one of my Plantn Carts,...
I was duly favoured with yours of 14th of April last, with an inclosed for Sir James Jay which I immediately forwarded to him and in about three weeks after being the 13th inst. I advised him of the result of the inquiry I had made here among the attorneys with regard to putting out Your Son Cousin John to one of them, which was that the Young Gentleman must engage himself for five Years and...
4746[Diary entry: 28–29 July 1763] (Washington Papers)
28. 29. } Cut Timothy Seed at Ashfords & new topd. the stack there. Note. This seed was cut too soon & did not stand long enough in the field wch. occasioned gt. loss.
Copy: Rutgers University Library This extract of a letter and the accompanying remarks survive only in a copy headed “In a Letter from London to B. Franklin Esqr. which he sent me,” found among extensive manuscript notes on agriculture written, 1746–71, by Charles Read of Burlington, N.J., and interleaved in a copy of John Worlidge, Systema Agriculturae (3d edit., London, 1681). The writer of...
4748[Diary entry: 30 July 1763] (Washington Papers)
30. Doing Jobs.
Germantown is at a great Distance from Weymouth Meeting-House, you know; The No. of Yards indeed is not so prodigious, but the Rowing and Walking that lyes between is a great Discouragement to a weary Traveller. Could my Horse have helped me to Weymouth, Braintree would not have held me, last Night.—I lay, in the well known Chamber, and dreamed, I saw a Lady, tripping it over the Hills, on...
4750[August 1763] (Washington Papers)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } Cutting curing and Stackg. Hay from Creek Meadow. Note. Too late cutting Hay for first Crop this year. 15. Sowed Turnips at Muddy hole. 16. Sowed Do. at Rivr. Quartr. Do. at home in Peach Orchard—English seed from Clifton & Posey. 17. Sowed Do. below Garden. Seed from England. 18. Ditto in Apple Orchard. Some English seed & some Country Do. Sowed likewise at Creek Qr. &...