Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to John Balfour, 2 April 1761

To John Balfour

ALS (copy) and draft: American Philosophical Society

London, April 2. 1761


As Messrs. Portis did the last Summer pay me two Bills of the same Drawers after a Protest,2 I sent my Son to know if they would do the same with regard to this Bill, in case it should be once more offer’d to them; but they persisted in their Refusal. Had it been a Bill of Mr. Hall’s Drawing, I should immediately pay it as you propose, for his Honour. But as it is a Bill drawn by others, which he has paid his Money for in Philadelphia, I think it fittest that the Bill be return’d to him, with the Protest, that he may recover Damages of the Drawers.3 My Son joins in Compliments, with Sir, Your most obedient Servant

B Franklin

Mr Balfour


[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2See above, pp. 177–8.

3For BF’s comments to Hall on this incident, see below, pp. 301–2.

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