Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Dumas, 22 June 1778

To Dumas

ALS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Passy, June 22. 1778

Dear Sir,

On considering the Affair of presenting the Copy of the Treaty, it is thought best to postpone it till the Arrival of the Ratification, which is now daily expected, as we have Advice of the Arrival of the Treaty at the Congress, and that the News of it had been received with Universal Joy.1

We have also the News, that our little Fleet, which was convoyed out of the Channel by M. de la Mothe Piquet was safely arrived, with great Quantities of Stores, Clothing, Arms, &c. &c.2 I am ever, Your affectionate Friend

B Franklin

M. Dumas

Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Dumas / à la Haye

Notation: Passy 22e. Juin 1778 Mr. B. Franklin

1The advice and news were presumably in the dispatches that Sainneville had enclosed with his letter above of the 17th. The instructions about presenting the treaty of amity and commerce arrived after Dumas had committed himself to showing it to the Grand Pensionary, but before he had done so; he therefore had to content himself with making sure that it was not copied: to the commissioners below, June 27–30.

2For the fleet see above, XXV, 494 n. Dumas had another letter from Paris, of the same date as this one and perhaps enclosed with it, which simplified the news; the gist of it appeared in the Gaz. de Leyde: Taylor, Adams Papers, VI, 241 n.

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