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Results 46901-46950 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
46901 Whipple, Joseph Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Joseph Whipple, 16 March … 1792-03-16 On the 9th. of June last I had the honor to write you on the Subject of my emoluments as...
46902 Washington, George United States Senate From George Washington to the U.S. Senate, 22 November … 1794-11-22 Among the occasions, which have been afforded, for expressing my sense of the zealous and...
46903 Pickering, Timothy Washington, George To George Washington from Timothy Pickering, 12 May … 1781-05-12 I was at Fishkill this morning4 & from Mr Stevens’s account of provisions received from...
46904 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, John Wayles From Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 20 … 1808-09-20 Your letter of the 5th. mentioning that you should be at Eppington till the 14th. & then proceed...
46905 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 February 1770] 1770-02-13 13. Rain in the Morning with the Wind abt. So. West. Cloudy & sometimes misty.
46906 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 30 … 1797-12-30 It is Long ago, that I was honoured with your favour of Dec. 6 and April 18—in which your...
46907 Ridley, Matthew Jay, John To John Jay from Matthew Ridley, 2 November 1784 1784-11-02 Sincerely do I congratulate you on your Arrival amongst your Friends— I do not wonder at your...
46908 Washington, George General Orders, 17 May 1777 1777-05-17 All the troops in, and about Morristown, (those on duty excepted) are to attend divine service,...
46909 Washington, George Williams, Otho Holland From George Washington to Colonel Otho Holland … 1779-06-11 I have just received your favor of this date, and for the reasons you offer for continuing the...
46910 Pickering, Timothy Washington, George To George Washington from Timothy Pickering, 8 January … 1791-01-08 Having been accidentally detained here longer than I expected, and a little leisure now...
46911 Mann, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Mann, [ca. 8 February 1815] 1815-02-08 This, may certify that Capt William Smith 1st. Rifle Regiment received on the 27th April 1813, at...
46912 Jefferson, Thomas I. Notes for a Draft, before 1 October 1803 1803-09-01 Congress witnessed , & themselves participated in the uneasiness produced at the close of the...
46913 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 December 1770] 1770-12-08 8. Went a hunting but found nothing. From the Woods I went to my Mill & so home to Dinner....
46914 Washington, George Agreement with Colonel Patterson Bell, 1 September 1777 1777-09-01 Colonel Patterson Bell of the Eighth Battalion of Chester County Militia, having informed me,...
46915 Washington, George Gough, Henry (Harry) Dorsey From George Washington to Harry Dorsey Gough, 23 August … 1797-08-23 I feel, sensibly, your kind & polite attention to me, in the presentation of a bull calf of your...
46916 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 7 April 1800 1800-04-07 Yesterday mr Johnson and his Mamma arrived here, in good Health. by her I heard from mr & Mrs...
46917 Scott, Robert G. Madison, James To James Madison from Robert G. Scott, 23 November 1813 1813-11-23 I shall run the risk of being called an intruder in addressing myself in this way, a young man as...
46918 Simons, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Simons, 8 May 1804 … 1804-05-08 8 May 1804 , “ Custom House ,” Charleston . “In compliance with your standing orders I have...
46919 Jefferson, Thomas Notes on a Conversation with John Dawson, 25 January … 1808-01-25 Jan. 25. 1808. mr Dawson called on me & informed me that yesterday he was called on by a mr....
46920 Hamilton, Alexander Madison, James To James Madison from Alexander Hamilton, [11 May] 1788 1788-05-11 I believe I am in your debt a letter or two, which is owing to my occapations [ sic ] in relation...
46921 Jefferson, Thomas Moore, Nathaniel F. Thomas Jefferson to Nathaniel F. Moore, 22 September … 1819-09-22 I thank you, Sir, for the Remarks on the pronuntiation of the Greek language which you have been...
46922 Filangieri, Gaetano Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Gaetano Filangieri, 14 July … 1783-07-14 Translation of ALS in Italian: Historical Society of Pennsylvania In order to keep the promise I...
46923 American Commissioners Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, third Duke of American Commissioners to Dorset, 28 October 1784 1784-10-28 The United States of America in Congress assembled judging that an intercourse between the...
46924 Barnes, John Jefferson, Thomas John Barnes to Thomas Jefferson, 11 May 1812 1812-05-11 On recp t of your fav r 30 th Ult. —recd the 5 h covering M r Mortons polite & friendly Offer in...
46925 Montgomery, Robert Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Montgomery, 12 August … 1779-08-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the Honour of writing your Excely. the 29th June...
46926 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 12 … 1813-03-12 My Sending the wreath unaccompanied bÿ a Single line was occasioned bÿ a Short excursion to...
46927 Imperial Community of Young Noblewomen Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Imperial Community of Young Noblewomen to Louisa … 1812-02-23 La Communauté Impériale de Demoiselles Nobles a l’honneur d’inviter aux examens publics, qui...
46928 Jay, John Shaw, Samuel From John Jay to Samuel Shaw, 30 January 1786 1786-01-30 I have the Honor of transmitting to you herewith enclosed a Commission constituting you Consul of...
46929 Madison, James Rush, Richard James Madison to Richard Rush, 15 March 1831 1831-03-15 I thank you, my dear Sir, for the Gazette kindly put under cover to me. It derives particular...
46930 Williams, Jonathan Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 28 … 1773-06-28 ALS : American Philosophical Society My Father received your Favour the Evening before last, and...
46931 Jefferson, Thomas Patterson, Robert Thomas Jefferson to Robert Patterson, 31 August 1809 1809-08-31 At the request of mr Warden I transmit to the A. Philosophical society an Analysis of tobacco by...
46932 Washington, George United States Senate From George Washington to the United States Senate, 10 … 1793-12-10 The pleasure, expressed by the Senate, on my reelection to the station, which I fill, commands my...
46933 Randolph, Ellen Wayles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Ellen Wayles Randolph, 4 July … 1805-07-04 I have just recievd my Dear Grand Papa’s letter , and am very much obliged to him for it, since I...
46934 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, James, Jr. Account with the Estate of James Franklin, Junior, 4 … 1763-04-04 ADS : American Philosophical Society Dr Mr James Franklin Decd. Dr to B Franklin, Sterling Mo....
46935 Clinton, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Clinton, 18 March 1782 1782-03-18 Mr Skinner, your Commissary of Prisoners brought me Yesterday Your Letter of the 14th Instant,...
46936 Ely, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Ely, 25 December 1789 1789-12-25 Permitt me Mr President to wish You & your Lady the Compliments of the Season. And also be...
46937 Merry, Anthony Madison, James To James Madison from Anthony Merry, 6 September 1804 1804-09-06 In the Letter which I had the Honor to receive from you of the 7th. July you transmitted to me...
46938 Wirt, William Jefferson, Thomas William Wirt to Thomas Jefferson, 24 July 1815 1815-07-24 Henry ’s resolutions , as given by Judge Marshall , were copied from Prior Documents . Your...
46939 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Jefferson, 25 April 1794 1794-04-25 I am to thank you for the book you were so good as to transmit me, as well as the letter covering...
46940 Smith, William Stephens Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William S. Smith, 7 March … 1800-03-07 Capt. Samuel White of the 11th. Regt. has acted as Judge Advocate of all General Courts Martial,...
46941 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 May 1770] 1770-05-10 10. Rid to the Mill. Mr. Christian & some of his scholars went away this afternoon. Mrs. W——n &...
46942 Franklin, Benjamin Sartine, Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de From Benjamin Franklin to Sartine, 1 May 1779 1779-05-01 Copies: Archives de la Marine, Library of Congress Conformement à la demande de Votre Excellence...
46943 Baynes, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Baynes, 26 September … 1783-09-26 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have not till this morning been able to find any gentleman...
46944 Keteltas, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Keteltas, 9 March 1812 1812-03-09 I take the Earliest Opportunity to Communicate to the President the following Extract of a letter...
46945 King, Rufus Madison, James To James Madison from Rufus King, 9 February 1803 … 1803-02-09 9 February 1803, London. No. 81. “As I apprehended might be the case, Bird Savage & Bird have...
46946 Patton, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Patton, 18 April 1820 1820-04-18 Since I had this pleasure under date the 10th. instant, I have received yours of same date with...
46947 Mesmer, Franz Anton Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Franz Anton Mesmer, [before 1 … 1778-02-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society J’aurai l’honneur de vous recevoir avec le plus grand...
46948 Jefferson, Thomas Chazotte, Peter Stephen Thomas Jefferson to Peter Stephen Chazotte, 29 December … 1817-12-29 Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Chazotte for the copy he has been so kind as to send him...
46949 Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine, 9 October 1807 1807-10-09 Your 2d. letter on the subject of gunboats came to hand just before my departure from Monticello....
46950 Treasury Department Speaker of the House of Representatives Report on the Petition of Gosuinus Erkelens, [27 … 1794-02-27 The Secretary of the Treasury to whom was referred by an order of the House of Representatives of...