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Results 46861-46890 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I had the honor to receive your letter of the 10th inst: yesterday evening, requesting the transmission of your M.S notes, contained in Bezout —& am happy to have it in my power to comply with your request, by enclosing & forwarding them to you—In the book refered to I find three half sheets carefully fastened between the printed pages, one of which (—the one I presume, you require) I have...
The Secretary of the Treasury, to whom was referred by the House of Representatives, the Memorial of Stephen Steele, submits the following report thereupon. That the Memorialist prays for the allowance of an Account, exhibited by him, amounting to five hundred and one pounds, eight shillings and seven pence, New York Currency, for work and materials expended in preparing and fitting up...
Your two Letters of the 31 ulto have been recd —one by the post—the other by Mr Hadfield: and expecting that this will find you in the federal City, I shall, being much engaged at this time, refer you to my official letters to the board—as well on the proposed application for a Loan to the Legislature of Maryland—as on the case of Mr Hadfield—a private letter of mine of the 4 inst., followed...
On my arrival here I found some heavy bills drawn on me from Europe for wines & other supplies from that quarter which will occupy my spare funds for some time. this rendered it impossible for me to make you the first remittance of 100. D. for Perry which was for this month; and would render it more convenient to make both that & the one for June in the 1st. week of July, say 300. D. for the...
You wish to be informed what, I conceive, will be the Amount of the Monies necessary for defraying the Charges of the Northern Contract, from the first of April to the last day of December; and what Proportion of that Sum will be Expended within the State. Unless a Considerable Reinforcement of Troops should be ordered into this Quarter (of which at present there does not appear a great...
In consequence of your alarming Letter of the 27th —I had determined to dispatch an Express this morning to Congress—with your representation of the state of our flour; but have delayed doing it on the report of Mr Harrison of a conversation which passed between you & him last night—with respect to our supplies of this Article. He has informed me that you expressed a wish that no measures...
Certain Offices having become vacant, since your last Session, by the death, resignation or appointment to other Offices, of those who held them, I have, in pursuance of the power vested in me by the Constitution, appointed the following persons to fill these vacancies—vizt. Thomas Johnson, of Maryland, one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, vice John Rutledge, resigned. William...
46868[Diary entry: 29 March 1790] (Washington Papers)
Monday 29th. Exercised on Horseback in the forenoon and called at Colo. Walton Whites.
les epoques de la vie qui flattent notre ambition s’oublient aisement; mais celles qui flattent notre ame ne s’effacent jamais de notre esprit. je me rappellerai sans cesse de lhonneur que vous me fites à votre passage; des heures que vous me sacrifiates, et des choses curieuses, scientifiques qui firent le sujet de notre conversation. j’ay cherchè souvent l’occasion de vous en temoigner ma...
1. To leave this Island from different points in two boats precisely at five Oclock on Saturday P M and to proceed to the place proposed. The party first arriving will wait the landing of the other; each boat shall be rowed by four confidential persons only, who shall remain in their respective boats untill called for. These persons are not to be armed in any manner whatever. There will be but...
I was honored this morning with your Letter of the 10th: inst. the enclosed recommendations Shall be duly attended to. The List of proper characters to fill the existing military vacancies is maturing, and shall soon be submitted to you. I transmit for your signature a Warrant for the Execution of the Sentence of the Court Martial on Samuel Ewing. I have the honor to be / with profound respect...
I have just been favor’d with yours of yesterdays Date, & the Requisitions therein shall be stricktly complied with—I wrote some Days ago by Colo. Gist (who informed he had your Permission to retire to settle his Regimental Accts) to Governor Johnson, to forward the Cloathing to this Place, & have taken Measures to comply with the Resolution of Congress respecting the Stock. I have no...
If the subject of this Letter should be deemed improper that impropriety would be increased by giving you the trouble of reading an Apologie. It is probable that a young gentleman in Boston, Mr Charles Bulfinch has the honour of being known by you for I think I heard him say that he had been at your house in Paris on his return from Italy. Mr Bulfinch is the only son of Dr. Bulfinch of Boston...
46874General Orders, 12 January 1776 (Washington Papers)
His Excellency the Commander in Chief, having been pleased to order an Advertisement in the several Newspapers of this, and the adjoining Colonies, commanding “All Officers, Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers now absent upon any leave, or pretence whatsoever, to join their respective Regiments, at Roxbury & Cambridge, by the first day of February next, and all Officers neglecting to pay due...
Explanations of the 3. volumes bound in Marbled paper In these 3. vols will be found copies of the official opinions given in writing by me to Gen l Washington , while I was Secretary of state, with sometimes the documents belonging to the case. some of these are the rough draughts, some press-copies, some fair ones. in the earlier part of my acting in that office I took no other note of the...
46876Orders, 28–29 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
Twenty men are immediately to parade, to go on the Scout under command of Ensign McCarty. LB , DLC:GW .
The attorney-general of the United States has the honor of replying to the communication of the Secretary of State, on the 28th. Ultimo, concerning the proceedings of Captain Hickman, in bringing away from Martinique certain slaves, the property of residents there. Judging from the documents, which have been forwarded to him, the Attorney-general would not hesitate to pronounce, that a theft...
The fortifications which had been commenced on the seaboard, as will appear by a statement from the war department, are in many parts compleated, furnished with cannon and capable of affording a respectable defence. But another season will be required to finish the works in the harbour of New York, those at N. Orleans and in some other places where they have been delayed by unavoidable causes....
468792d. (Adams Papers)
We had another Lecture from Mr. Williams to day, with an explanation of the different optical Instruments, that are most commonly made use of. But there was such, a flocking to see through the microscope, and the magic Lantern, and the camera obscura, that something got broke, and Mr. Williams, shew nothing more after it. Weather very warm, several of us, bath’d in the River this afternoon.
46880[Diary entry: 30 April 1773] (Washington Papers)
30. Went to the Point again and made one or two pretty good Hauls.
The inclosed for General Forman is of so much importance that I do not care to trust it to a common hand. If there should be an Officer in the Jersey Brigade who has any business in Monmouth he may be sent with it. If there is none under such circumstances, I must request you to send one on purpose. I am &c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
By the President of the United States. Whereas by the first article of the terms and conditions declared by the President of the United States on the 17th. day of october 1791 for regulating the materials and manner of building and improvements on the lots in the City of Washington, it is provided “that the outer and party walls of all houses in the said City shall be built of brick or stone,”...
Richmond, January 1, 179 [ 7 ]. Acknowledges message that Hamilton will serve as his attorney in the suit brought against him in New York by Leeds and Mumford. States: “I am sure that when you are fully possessed of all the circumstances relative thereto you will find [it] to be one of the most Rascally proceedings you ever were witness to.… I wait your answer hoping that you will quickly put...
I sent by the Packet the Fruit of my negociation—a Treaty— I wish I could go with it, as well that I might again be in my own Country, as that I might answer Questions on the Subjects. The Draft has undergone several Editions, with successive alterations additions &c a .— this shews that Time and Trouble have not been spared — I have just finished a hasty Letter to M r Randolph — it will be...
The D[e]ath of Our late Worthy friend Genl Williams may Probably give Rise to many Applications for the Collectors Place at the Port of Baltimore, from few Perhaps with fairer Claim, Or fainter hope than my Self, Tho in Point of Execution, & a Uniform Attachment to Government, I yield to none, yet Nevertheless, there is a Certain Unexplained Circumstance, of long Standing, even now at...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Yours, of February 14. and April 13. came safe to hand, and are the only Letters I have received from you since your Arrival in England. The Double Demy is arrived in Sparks: but, as it was not done up in Cases, and pretty near the Bottom of the Vessel, the Corners of some of the Bales got wet a little, which occasioned some Damage, but not much....
Congress of the United States, In the House of Representatives, Thursday the 5th. of February—1807 Resolved, that the President of the United States be requested to cause to be laid before this House, such information as may be in the possession of the Executive department, tending to shew the efficacy of Gun boats, in the protection and defence of ports and harbours; and particularly a list...
The enclosed Act of Congress of the 1st Inst., authorizes your Excellency to call upon Massachusetts-Bay for the Continental Cannon lent to that State. I am directed to inform you that if you want Specie for secret Service, you may draw for any Sum, or Sums to the amount of two thousand Guineas upon the treasurer who will pay the same. I have the Honor to be with the greatest Respect & Esteem...
Your letter of the 8th inst: I received yesterday on my return from an excursion up the Potowmack. I acquainted you on the 15th instant that I had appointed Mr Woodbury Langdon Commissioner of Loans for the State of New Hampshire; but as it is probable from his brothers letter to you, that he will decline the appointment, I have now to inform you that I have no objection to Mr Keith Spence the...
The appology I have to offer you for thus obtruding myself into your notice, is that your writings and opinions as well as your private worth command in this Country the highest respect; and have been used to answer the purposes of men among us, entirely different, as I believe from any thing anticipated by you. One of the purposes alluded to is, the destruction of the independancy of our...