James Madison Papers

Estimate of State Department Expenses for 1805, 28 October 1804

Estimate of State Department Expenses for 1805

Department of State, October 28th. 1804.

Salaries of three Ministers viz. to London, Paris and Madrid @ $9000 each is $27,000 Dollars
Ditto of their three Secretaries @ $1350 each 4,050
Their Contingent expenses other than personal 2,000
Outfit for Genl. Armstrong as Minister to France, and Do. for a new Minister to Spain at $9000 each 18,000
Expense of an Extraordinary Mission to Madrid 6,000
Contingencies 20,000 77,050
Barbary Intercourse.
Salary allowed to the Consul at Algiers, $ 4,000
Ditto—Do. To those at Morocco, Tunis, and Tripoli @ $2,000 each 6,000
Their expenses other than personal 3,500
For difference between the Cost of the Articles in which the annuity to Algiers is payable and the price at which they are received, making a difference between the permanent appropriations & the annual charges of 50,000
Contingent expenses of Intercourse with Barbary not to be foreseen 50,000 113,500
For awards in cases of claims by British Subjects under the 7th. Article of the British Treaty 70,000
For the relief and protection of distressed Seamen 5,000
Salary of an Agent at Paris, to prosecute claims in relation to captures, $2,000
Ditto—one at Madrid  2,000 4,000
Dollars 269,550
Amount brought forward $269,550
For printing the Laws & other contingent expenses of the Government of the Indiana Dolls
Territory in consequence of the Union with it of that of the Territory of Louisiana 350
Deficiency of the appropriation made by the Act of Congress entitled “An Act to provide for a more general distribution of the Laws of the United States”  1144 1,494
Salaries of the Department of State.
of the Secretary of State $5,000
of his Clerks 5,950
of his Messenger   410 11,360
Contingent Expenses of the Department of State.
For Printing & distributing 10,000 copies of the Laws of the 2d. Session 8 Congress $4,250
For printing the Laws in Newspapers 4,000
Fire & Candles 200
News Papers for the Office & Public Agents abroad 150
Mediterranean passports, printing & parchment 1.350
Blank patents, personal papers, circulars &c. 1.000
Purchasing Books 400.
Stationery 600
Miscellaneous 500
For Special Messengers charged with dispatches  2,000 14,450
Dollars 296,854

James Madison.1

Ms (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14). 2 pp. Headed “Estimate for the service of the year 1805.”

1JM’s estimate was used as the basis for part of Gallatin’s 17 and 19 Nov. 1804 reports to Congress on projected government expenditures for 1805 (DNA: RG 233, Reports and Communications from the Secretary of the Treasury, 8A-E2; 19 Nov. 1804 report printed in ASP description begins American State Papers: Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States … (38 vols.; Washington, D.C., 1832–61). description ends , Finance, 2:107–13).

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