Thomas Jefferson Papers

IV. Albert Gallatin’s Remarks on the Draft, 29 October 1804

IV. Albert Gallatin’s Remarks on
the Draft

29 Octer. 1804

Dear Sir

I return your message with such remarks as occurred. It was not received till Saturday, which must be my apology for not returning it sooner.

The Register being absent, I have been obliged to go myself through all the minutiæ of calculations, instead of only marking the outlines and revising the work. The complete materials for your financial paragraph will not for that reason be completed till to morrow. In the mean while the following sketch is correct, except for the amount of principal public debt redeemed which is not yet ascertained.

Balance in Treasury 30th Septer. 1803 5,860,981.54
Receipts during the year vizt
impost 10,729,708.54 } 11,574,211.04
Lands, repayments, arrears taxes & excise do. 844,502.50
Expended during the year vizt
Current expences civil, & military, foreign & domestic 3,727,081.31 } 12,552,967.47
Instalment to Great Britain 888,000.—
Q  Payments for inter. & principal pub. debt 7,937,886.16
Balance in Treasury 30th Septer. 1804 4,882,225.11

Q of which payments, about 3,600,000 for principal

With great respect your obedt. Servt.

Albert Gallatin

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received from the Treasury Department on 29 Oct. and “Message” and so recorded in SJL.

Saturday: 27 Oct.

Instalment to Great Britain: for the terms of the 8 Jan. 1802 claims convention between Great Britain and the United States and the appropriation of $2,664,000 by Congress for its settlement, see Vol. 37:137n, 350n. The Treasury paid the first of three installments in 1803 (Vol. 41:498, 499n, 536).

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