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Results 46831-46860 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
46831 Ferron, Alexander Madison, James To James Madison from Alexander Ferron, 29 October 1804 … 1804-10-29 29 October 1804, Baltimore. “Mr. John Hollins of this place, has handed me a letter received from...
46832 Livingston, John R. Madison, James To James Madison from John R. Livingston, 29 October … 1804-10-29 Letter not found. 29 October 1804. Acknowledged in JM to Livingston, 5 Nov. 1804 , as complaining...
46833 French, Eben Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Eben French, 29 October 1804 1804-10-29 You will forgive an illiterate youth, whose ambition, perhaps, may lead him beyond the steps of...
46834 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 29 October … 1804-10-29 The departure of the Revenue Cutter intended for New Orleans being delayed only by the...
46835 Haskell, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Haskell, 29 October 1804 1804-10-29 your Illustreaus Name is Reverenced as A Savior of the Civil & Religious Liberties So Dearly...
46836 Leiper, Elizabeth C. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Elizabeth C. Leiper, 29 … 1804-10-29 Will it be doom’d too presumtous, my addressing a few lines to you—not in expectation of...
46837 Page, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Page, 29 October 1804 1804-10-29 Being requested by the General Assembly to continue a correspondence which was begun with you by...
46838 Stoddard, Amos Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Amos Stoddard, 29 October 1804 1804-10-29 Captain Lewis, before he left this, engaged a trader on the River Demoine to procure vocabularies...
46839 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas III. Henry Dearborn’s Remarks on the Draft, 29 October … 1804-10-29 1t. part. insted of war } of that scurge to the human race, which has so frequently laid waste...
46840 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas IV. Albert Gallatin’s Remarks on the Draft, 29 October … 1804-10-29 I return your message with such remarks as occurred. It was not received till Saturday , which...
46841 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas V. Gallatin’s Remarks on the Draft, 29 October 1804 1804-10-29 Remarks on the President’s message Irregularities in American seas & in our harbours . As it is...
46842 Madison, James Estimate of State Department Expenses for 1805, 28 … 1804-10-28 Ministers. Salaries of three Ministers viz. to London, Paris and Madrid @ $9000 each is $27,000...
46843 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 28 … 1804-10-28 28 October 1804, New Orleans. “On yesterday I was informed by a Mr. Dubourg, a respectable...
46844 Sevier, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Sevier, 28 October 1804 … 1804-10-28 28 October 1804, Knoxville. “I have the honor to Acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the...
46845 Taylor, James, Jr. Madison, James To James Madison from James Taylor Jr., 28 October 1804 … 1804-10-28 28 October 1804, Norfolk. “I have received your favour of 20th. inst. [not found] inclosing a...
46846 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas IV. Henry Dearborn’s Remarks on the Draft , 28 October … 1804-10-28 I have carefully concidered the enclosed Bill, and take the liberty of sugjesting for...
46847 Bollmann, Justus Erich Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Justus Erich Bollmann, 28 … 1804-10-28 I have duely received Your Excellency’s Letter of the 17th. Inst. and am sensible of Your...
46848 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas, Caldcleugh & From Thomas Jefferson to Caldcleugh & Thomas, 28 … 1804-10-28 Your favor of the 23d. is at hand, and I will thank you to send the lamps (half a dozen) bespoke...
46849 Jefferson, Thomas Claiborne, William C. C. From Thomas Jefferson to William C. C. Claiborne, 28 … 1804-10-28 By the same post which brought your letter announcing the death of mr Trist, I recieved one from...
46850 Gouan, Antoine Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Antoine Gouan, 28 October 1804 1804-10-28 les epoques de la vie qui flattent notre ambition s’oublient aisement; mais celles qui flattent...
46851 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Mann From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, 28 … 1804-10-28 I have learnt with extreme concern the rupture between Craven & Lilly, and percieve that it will...
46852 Stephens, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Stephens, 28 October … 1804-10-28 General Mitchell having been elected a Senator, of our State Legislature, necessarily declines...
46853 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 27 … 1804-10-27 27 October 1804, New Orleans. “In my Letter of the 16th. Instant, I mentioned only six offices...
46854 Shuter, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Shuter, 27 October 1804 … 1804-10-27 27 October 1804, New York. “I have written you two letters sometime since relative to a demand on...
46855 Smith, Samuel Madison, James To James Madison from Samuel Smith, 27 October 1804 … 1804-10-27 27 October 1804, Baltimore. “I do myself the Honor to inclose you a letter received by me from...
46856 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas III. Robert Smith’s Remarks on the Draft, 27 October … 1804-10-27 3d. line— thereof —whereof— 6h. line &c—until a Bond with sufficient sureties shall be given to...
46857 Chambers, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Chambers, 27 October … 1804-10-27 I have to announce to you the sad & melancholy intelligence that Colonel Ephraim Kirby is no...
46858 Claiborne, William C. C. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William C. C. Claiborne, 27 … 1804-10-27 There is not in this Territory, all that political Union, which I could wish; But I verily...
46859 Parrish, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Parrish, 27 October 1804 1804-10-27 My mind for many years have been engaiged in religious concern on account of the sufferings which...
46860 Saint-Paul, N. D. F. de Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from N. D. F. de Saint-Paul, 27 … 1804-10-27 J’ai L’honneur de vous adresser un ouvrage dont le but Est De répandre la plus grande masse de...