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Results 46831-46860 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Copy: Library of Congress I received duly the Letter your Excellency did me the honour of writing to me on the 17th. Inst. inclosing a List of Prisoners made by American Vessels & delivered to the Capt. of the British Cartel Ship the James, on Acct. of the United States, I am very sensible of your Excellency attention in forwarding me this list and beg you to accept my thankful...
ALS : Public Record Office; copy: Library of Congress The rigorous Confinement of Mr L yet Continues. I did hope eer this there would have been some abatement in it. There is no telling upon what principle it is they confine Him a close Prisoner of State after so many precedents have been set. Sullivan, Sterling, Lee, Lovell, & many others. But why should we expect these folks to act upon any...
AL : American Philosophical Society Vandenyver a Lhonneur dassurer Monsieur franklin de Ses tres humbles Respects et de Linformer que ce Sont Mrs Hope & Comp damsterdam qui ont envoÿés les Effets pour etre acceptés avec ordre de les Leur renvoÿer revetu de cette formalité ou a protest. Je serai tres reconnoissant a Monsieur franklin Sil veut avoir la bonté de me les faire parvenir pour que je...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library I have received your Favour from Billy of the 25 Inst. & am sorry to hear you are laid up with the Gout, but I hope it will not last you long. The French say the Gout is a Brevet de Santé but it is a Commission which costs dear & I think not worth purchasing. I have communicated to Mr Austin your Letter & he thanks you for...
46835General Orders, 31 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Wayne[,] Colonel Bradford[,] Lieutenant Colonel Newall[,] Major Ballard[,] Brigade Major Van Laër Twelve waggoners to be draughted from the line and sent to the Orderly office tomorrow 12 ô clock—Two masons from the Pennsylvania Line to be sent at the same time. The officers composing the general court martial whereof Colonel H. Jackson is...
46836Council of War, 31 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War held at Head Quarters Prackness in New Jersey the 31st October 1780 Major Generals Brigadiers Lord Stirling Knox St Clair Glover Fayette Patterson Howe Wayne Hand Huntington Irvine The Commander in Chief states to the Council that since he had the honor to meet them on the 6th September last —Sir Henry Clinton has made a detachment from New York estimated at three thousand...
You will oblige me by forwarding the inclosed to Colo. Wood, as expeditiously as possible. It contains orders to send down Brigadiers Genl Spetch and de Gall of the Convention troops, to whose exchanges sir Henry Clinton has consented. The Gentlemen are both old and infirm and it is therefore to be wished that they may accomplish their long Journey before the severity of the season sets in. I...
I have to acknowlege the Receipt of your Excellency’s circular Letter of the 18th Instant covering a Return of the Troops credited to this State and also your Letter of the 21st enclosing Mr Duer’s letter with the Information respecting Mr Thos Smith. The Legislature previous to their rising provided for the completion of the quota of contl Troops of this State during the War, and charged me...
On my arrival at this place I laid your Excellency’s letter before Congress and addressed them on the business of the Southern department. I am happy to inform you that my appointment is perfectly agreeable to their views and wishes. But I am sorry to acquaint you that from the best account I can get of the state and condition of the troops in that quarter, nothing is to be expected from them,...
Upon the representation of Mr Morey that two Negro Men belonging to him, were detained as Soldiers in the Massachusett’s Line, contrary to his inclination, I gave directions to Brigadier General Glover to appoint a Board of Officers to enquire into the Justice of his claim, and to report the facts with their opinion thereon—A Copy of the Report I now do myself the honor to inclose to You. As...
I have received your Letter of the 24th Instant. As the characters and circumstances of the Prisoners at West Point are much better known to you on the spot, than they can possibly be to me, I have only to request that you will use your discretion with respect to them. The Proceedings of the Court on Burtiss have never been in my hands. There is I am informed by Gen. Irvine, a Chest belonging...
Conformable to the signification of your pleasure in your’s of the 29th June last, I take the liberty to enclose an account of such of my extra expences at Rhode Island, as were paid by me, and request your order thereon for the ballance. The General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island politely passed a resolve directing their purchasing Commissary to furnish the Commissary of Issues with...
I have just received information that Sir Henry Clinton was to embark last Thursday The Troops that have embarked are as follows Two Battalions of Guards The light Infantry a Corps of Infantry from the new raised Regiments Hessian Grenadiers forty second Regiment & Fannings Regiment also forty Men from Robinsons Regiment for Sir Henrys life Guards. Seven Sail of the line are to go as a Convoy....
I am sorry to be under the necessity of calling off your Excellencies attention from matters of moment to listen to a difference between the gentlemen of the medical department & me, but the good of the service, by a preservation of proper discipline, requires I should state facts & request your directions. Some time since a refusal from the doctors of the hospital to receive some sick...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Your favor of the 23. came to hand yesterday. We received notice of the invasion of Virga. yesterday morning and more fully last evening. I am sensible of the great difficulties you will have to contend with and that no practicable exertions can save the State from much injury whilst the Enemy have a total command of the Bay & rivers. The meeting of the Legislature...
I came to this place last night to receive General Gates’ directions how to dispose of the prisoners taken at King’s Mountain, in the State of South Carolina, upon the seventh instant. He has ordered them to be taken over to Montgomery county, where they are to be secured under proper guards. General Gates transmits to your Excellency a state of the proceedings of our little party to the...
By the Act of Congress of the 30 Instant, herewith enclosed, your Excellency will observe that Majr. Genl. Greene is appointed to take the Command in the southern Department; and you will also receive the necessary Information of the Powers and Instructions given to him by Congress, and that it is earnestly recommended to the Legislatures and Executives from the Delaware State to Georgia...
[ Richmond, Nov.? 1780. A letter from Col. John Gibson to Col. George Rogers Clark, Fort Pitt, 17 Dec. 1780, states that Gibson “received a Letter from his Excellency the Governor of Virginia wherein he informed me that Colo. Campbell had told him that I had a quantity of Cloathing which I received last summer for the men of my Regiment and that I had no immediate use for it as he expected we...
Whereas by an act passed at the General Assembly holden in the month of may in this present year and intituled an act for giving further powers to the Governeur and Council and for other purposes, authority was given for obtaining by impress among other things so many horses waggons and necessaries as might be wanting to supply the militia and other troops ordered into actual service. These...
I have leave to go in to N. York and Shall let get of [off] as soon as I can Settle my Affairs; You will oblige me in writing to […] French in fredriksburg who has a goald repeater, he was So Kind as to have it repaird for me. I shall be thankfull to you if you will Sell it and Send me the value of it by Some means to Europe. Adieu. Be my friend, do not forget me and persuede Yourself of my...
Quoique j’aie eu l’honneur de vous écrire depuis la faveur de votre Lettre du 4e., je dois néanmoins me souvenir que je n’y ai proprement pas répondu. Je n’ai pu me procurer une Copie de la Dépêche de Petersbourg, parce que les Plenipotentiaires ont exigé qu’elle ne fût point communiquée. Mais elle porte en Substance 1º. une Convention proposée par l’Impératrice de Russie, où, aux 5 articles...
Although I have had the honor to write to you since the favor of your letter of the 4th, I now realize that I did not adequately answer it. I have been unable to procure a copy of the dispatch from St. Petersburg because the plenipotentiaries insisted that it not be distributed. But, in substance, it contains 1. A convention proposed by the Empress of Russia whereby, with the five known...
I have the Honor of receiving your Excellencys Letter of the 23d Ultimo, acknowledging the Receipt of mine of the 19th. I am happy to find my Sentiments of things confirmed by your Excellency. What your Excellency has said with respect to the Improbability of Peace, and Treatment of Mr. Lawrens affects me much. I have taken the liberty of writing it to England for the public Perusal and...
I make no Apology for troubling you with a Letter, because your Excellency must know me by reputation, and because the purport of it is of a public nature. As to myself, I trust, you must be persuaded, there is not an American, now in arms, more ardent in our cause—I am sure none can have more reason to detest the British Government. When I left Great Britain, I did it with a full...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] November 1, 1780 . Transmits memorials from Captain Joseph Traversie and from “the Canadian families which have taken refuge” in Albany. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Preakness [ New Jersey ] November 1, 1780 . Sends details of British embarkation. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Totowa [ New Jersey ] November 1, 1780 . Announces regulation of Army by the Congressional resolves of October 3 and 21. Directs officers to meet and make arrangements conformable to these regulations. Df , in writings of Tench Tilghman and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Copy: Library of Congress I received duly yours of Oct. 13 & 20th. I am extreamly sorry for your Misfortune. The Storm was a terrible one, it was well you escaped with your Lives. Since your Departure I have received the Acct. of Messrs. Gourlade & Moylan, and I am astonished to find that I am charged with so heavy a Sum as near 100,000 Livres for the Expences of the Ariel. After having twice...
Copy: Library of Congress I duly received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 20th. past. But have been too ill to answer sooner. I am sorry that anything happened in the Disention of your Friend, that is disagreable to you or to him. I send down by this Post Directions to Commodore Jones to receive his Oath to the States & deliver him a Passport. But as there are other...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your Favours of the 14th. & 20th. past, But have been so continually harass’d by the Gout, as to be unable to write or think. I congratulate you on your mirculous Escape. But am extreamly concerned at the various Accidents that have so long delay’d & prevented your happy Return to your family, Friends & Country.— I thank you for the Information relating to...