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Results 46831-46860 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Copy: Library of Congress I received duly the Letter your Excellency did me the honour of writing...
ALS : Public Record Office; copy: Library of Congress The rigorous Confinement of Mr L yet...
AL : American Philosophical Society Vandenyver a Lhonneur dassurer Monsieur franklin de Ses tres...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library I have received your...
46835General Orders, 31 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Wayne[,] Colonel Bradford[,] Lieutenant...
46836Council of War, 31 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War held at Head Quarters Prackness in New Jersey the 31st October 1780 Major...
You will oblige me by forwarding the inclosed to Colo. Wood, as expeditiously as possible. It...
I have to acknowlege the Receipt of your Excellency’s circular Letter of the 18th Instant...
On my arrival at this place I laid your Excellency’s letter before Congress and addressed them on...
Upon the representation of Mr Morey that two Negro Men belonging to him, were detained as...
I have received your Letter of the 24th Instant. As the characters and circumstances of the...
Conformable to the signification of your pleasure in your’s of the 29th June last, I take the...
I have just received information that Sir Henry Clinton was to embark last Thursday The Troops...
I am sorry to be under the necessity of calling off your Excellencies attention from matters of...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Your favor of the 23. came to hand yesterday. We received notice of...
I came to this place last night to receive General Gates’ directions how to dispose of the...
By the Act of Congress of the 30 Instant, herewith enclosed, your Excellency will observe that...
[ Richmond, Nov.? 1780. A letter from Col. John Gibson to Col. George Rogers Clark, Fort Pitt, 17...
Whereas by an act passed at the General Assembly holden in the month of may in this present year...
I have leave to go in to N. York and Shall let get of [off] as soon as I can Settle my Affairs;...
Quoique j’aie eu l’honneur de vous écrire depuis la faveur de votre Lettre du 4e., je dois...
Although I have had the honor to write to you since the favor of your letter of the 4th, I now...
I have the Honor of receiving your Excellencys Letter of the 23d Ultimo, acknowledging the...
I make no Apology for troubling you with a Letter, because your Excellency must know me by...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] November 1, 1780 . Transmits memorials from Captain Joseph Traversie and...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] November 1, 1780 . Sends details of British embarkation. Df , in writing...
Totowa [ New Jersey ] November 1, 1780 . Announces regulation of Army by the Congressional...
Copy: Library of Congress I received duly yours of Oct. 13 & 20th. I am extreamly sorry for your...
Copy: Library of Congress I duly received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your Favours of the 14th. & 20th. past, But have been so...