Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Jean de Neufville & fils, 30 October 1780

From Jean de Neufville & fils

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Amsterdam the 30th Oct: 1780.

Honourd Sir.

May we be excused to trouble Your Excellency again with An Account of Four bills Amounting to four thousand four hundred Gelders on Mr. Laurens since our last;9 we wish we may receive now by the first mails directions About those we acquainted your Excellency with Some time ago,1 for Satisfaction to the enquiries of the bearers.

Our newspapers mention that the papers found with Mr. Laurens Should partly relate to the City of Amsterdam, and that they Shall be printed.

We have the honour to be with the most respectfull Regard. Honourd sir Your Excellencys most devoted and most Obedient Humble Servants.

John DE Neufville & Son.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9Of Oct. 25, above.

1Presumably a reference to the firm’s letter of Oct. 12, above; it had not yet received BF’s reply of the 26th, above.

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