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I have received this morning your letter of the 23d inst. I shall write to day or to morrow to a Mr. Timothy Phelps a Merchant in New Haven Connecticut to know whether he will undertake to store and deliver the Cloathing to the Quarter Master for the 1. and 2d. District formed in that State and if he will I shall send the apportioned quantity to him as soon as it comes into the public store. I...
Presuming the legality of the propositions contained in your Letters of the 24. & 25. Instant, I consent that you give an eventual instruction to our Minister at the Hague to postpone the instalment of a Million of Florins, to become due on the first of June next on account of the Dutch Debt; and I also consent, that you cause to be allowed for charges, upon the last Loan of 3,000.000 of...
The Bearer Mr. David Maitland is a partner in my House of Commerce & my particular friend he solicits the honour of being known to you, and I trust you will excuse the liberty I take in introducing him. Mr. Maitland wishes to become a Citizen of America & I have heard that there is a shorter way of getting at this benefit, than an absolute residence of two years in the Country, if such exists...
Savannah, November 14, 1789. “… In answer to your letter of the 1st. ultimo, I have to inform you, that the only public Convenience we have in this Port and Harbour, is a Light House on the Island of Tybee.…” ALS , RG 26, Lighthouse Letters Received, Vol. “A,” Pennsylvania and Southern States, National Archives. Habersham was collector of customs at Savannah. “Treasury Department Circular to...
Ayez la bonté d’agreer mes Complimens, et mes Respects, dans I’ocasion du depart de notre mutuel ami le Col: Smith, qui a passé quelques Semaines dans cette Capitalle ici: qui m’a fait l’amitié de passer bien des moments ensamble; et a qui, J’ai êu le plaisir de voire parffaitement acueilir par tout le monde qui l’a connue antèrieurement, et vue dans l’ocasion actuelle. Il pourrá vous dire...
Received philadelphia. 7th. April. 1792. of Alexander Hamilton Esqr. Forty five dollars which I promise to pay on demand 45 dollars
Your last Letter was handed to me a few Minutes ago; If mine to you this Morning admits the implication you Suspect, I pledge my honour it was not intended—the measures which have been proposed for an accommadation arose, I have no doubt, through the medium of our friends, with none but honourable intentions on either side. As you persist in not altering the hour of our Meeting I must rest...
Hampton, Virginia, January 29, 1794. “In a letter bearing date Augt: 17th 1793 I wrote to You respecting the balance of salary due me as Collector of this District. If You have given any directions about the matter they have failed coming to hand.… the amount that appears to be due at this time by my accounts rendered to Your Office is eighty Dollars thirty one cents.” ALS , RG 217, Segregated...
I have not tim to tell you the cause of my present troubles only that Mr. has rote to you this morning and I know not wether you have got the letter or not and he has swore that If you do not answer It or If he dose not se or hear from you to day he will write Mrs. Hamilton he has just Gone oute and I am a Lone I think you had better come here one moment that you May know the Cause then you...
Captain Edmund H. Taylor of the 8th. regiment, wishing the appointment of Inspector to the brigade to which his regt. belongs, has apply’d to me on my passing thro’ this town, for a letter of recommendation to you. Knowing but little of this gentleman personally, it became my duty to make the necessary enquiries. Colo Parker, who wishes him to receive the appointment—and several others in whom...
Under the same cover with this I have taken the liberty to enclose to you some observations of mine on a Letter from George Nicholas of Kentuckey to his friend in Virginia. You will perceive that I have treated you very familiarly, but I am under no apprehension that the purpose will be mistaken. It was a mortification that I could not get them out in proper time, when I had the vanity to...
I arrived here the 13th. of August for the purpose of reestablishing my health, by use of the Mineral Waters—My expectations have been fully met, for I have regained Ten pounds of flesh. I mean to Continue here until the 15th. at wh. time anticipate my health will be entirely good, and on the 1st. of October Shall (without accident) report for duty— I am with the greatest respect and esteem...
Treasury Department, Register’s Office, August 8, 1793. Sends “an Estimate of the Pro[ba]ble Amount of Rations which have been and which may be issued from the 1st. January 1793 to the 30th. September following by Messrs. Elliot & Williams Contractors for supplying the Western posts with Provisions.” LC , RG 53, Register of the Treasury, Estimates and Statements for 1793, Vol. “135-T,”...
Tho’ you may have no predilection to serve one printer more than another, as all of them, may have been obliging to you—yet, give me leave to mention a few Arguments, which I shall offer to convince you that my claims are better founded than some others, now candidates for the public printing. 1. I have one of the best offices in this City—consequently, having good hands, can do Printing work,...
I have to acknowledge your private letters under date of the 14, 18 & 19th inst. All I intended by the observation in my public letter relative to the regimental Paymasters &c. was, that as these were to be Lieutenants, and the 3 additional lieutenants described in the late law, under these characters, had not been, it was proposed they should be appointed. I have no objection to the custom...
I have lately received a letter from Capt Eddins of the 2nd. Regimt. of Artillerists and Engineers, on the Subject of Cadet Cary & Sergeant Hacket of his Company, who were lately arrested by the Civil Authority in Richmond, for rescuing a fugitive from justice. Capt Eddins expressed a Wish that they should be Ordered to join their Company; he speaks of having had a Conversation with you...
New York, March 15, 1791. “Mr. Philip Henry Livingston of this City together with his Father in law Walter Livingston having assumed certain debts due from us as administrators on the estate of the late Philip Livingston deceased, we have agreed to execute to him an assignment of his Father’s bonds & mortgage to our Testator. To perfect this Assignment we are advised that it is essential that...
[ Savannah, November 25, 1793. On January 16, 1794, Habersham wrote to Hamilton : “In my letter to you of the 25th November last.” Letter not found. ] Habersham was collector of customs at Savannah.
The letr. sent to your care, be pleased to return. Your undertaking is truely arduous but I trust as you progress in the work, difficulty will vanish. From your situation you must be able to form with some certainty an opinion concerning the domestic debt. Will it speedily rise, will the interest accruing command specie or any thing nearly as valuable, what will become of the indents already...
[ Paramus, New Jersey, December 6, 1778 . “… desire Colo. Harrison to write to Genl. Greene on the subject of his Letter respecting a change of ground for hutting. He may tell Genl. Greene, that the situation marked out in the first instance seems to His Excellency the most eligible; but that Genl. Greene must be a more competent judge, to which place the preference should be given.… We are...
Since my last to you, I have received your several letters of the 25th 26th and 29th of last month, & am glad to hear that the Troops continued to be in good health & spirits, notwithstanding the bad weather & the Roads; and that further indications of submission were likely to be manifested by the Insurgents. I have not received the rout of either column of the Army—nor a copy of the order...
I enclose to you, a letter to me from Tench Francis Esqr. this moment received, as the explanation of his application of yesterday for Cash. You will observe he now requires 35,000 Dols. You will perceive that it would be necessary to my expressing an opinion, 1st That a statement of the business between the Treasy. & the Agent has been furnished with your letter of the 4th of April committing...
Boston, January 31, 1794. “I have done myself the honor to address you several times since my return to this Metropolis from the Country.… I will not intrude upon you too long but will only say, that we are told that the United States are going to build a number of vessells of war, and fortify their Ports and harbours. If so and any thing you think me Competent too in either case, will thank...
Since writing you a day or two past, I have had the pleasure to receive your Letter by the Packet, and am rejoiced to find my hopes confirmed by your Opinion that we shall not be wanting to ourselves in our Conduct towards France. Immediately on hearing of the proceedings of the Admiralty Judge of st. Domingo, I remonstrated to the Government against them, and was without delay answered that...
[ London, October 19, 1798. Letter not found. ] Letter listed in Rufus King’s “Memorandum of Private Letters, &c., dates & persons, from 1796 to Augt 1802,” owned by Mr. James G. King, New York City.
Since writing the preceding letter, I am informed by Dr. Ewing, our Surgeon, that the small-pox has broke out in this town. The persons infected with it are removed to the pest-house in the neighborhood of the Garrison—and the Surgeon thinks that the men will be very much exposed—a few days will determine it—if the disease becomes prevalent, the Surgeon is of opinion that the men had better be...
With the inclosed letter which I received from Lieutenant Flagg of my regiment, I transmit his commission, conceiving it proper to address it to you rather than the Secretary of War. I regret the resignation of this officer, as I had formed flattering expectations from his future services. He belongs to Captain Chandlers company, who also some time since resigned, as he informs me—he anxiously...
As it is probable the enclosed might not have come to your knowledge from its contracted circulation I have sent it and you will see my reply to it in the Baltimore Journal of Monday next. Co Mercer has lodged the communications, with Mr. Angell except your last . Mr Angell does not mean to publish them unless he shall give more explicit directions than are contained in his of the 18th of...
I have the honor to inclose you a paper delivered me by Mr. Bournonville on the part of the Minister of France reclaiming against the demand of tonnage on the vessels which came hither from the West Indies in their late calamity. It is urged that they were driven out of their harbours by superior force, obliged to put to sea without water or stores, and therefore to make the first ports where...
I have Received Your letters of the 6th & 7th Instant I do not Believe that any officer under my Command has ever in the Presence of the soldiery intimated their opinions of the Badness of the Quality of any thing furnished them; nor have I ever heard a murmer from the Soldiers on the Subject I did Conceive myself that part of the Cloathing sent to my Regiment was of a Verry Indifferent...
agreeably to the Direction of Brigadier General Wilkinson I have Enclosed a Copy of a letter from me to him I have the honor to be Sir with Very great Respect your Most Obedient and Very humble Servent ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress), enclosing Hamtramck to James Wilkinson, December 20, 1799 (copy, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
Statement of the Salaries of persons employed in the Foreign branch of the Department of State, as also of the actual disbursements and expenses in the discharge of their respective offices and employments from October 1. 1791 to July 1. 1792. Note, the persons employed abroad on the fund of the Act concerning foreign intercourse, are required to make up their accounts annually on the 1. July....
Agreeably to the act of Congress of the 8th. May 1792 entituled “an act making alterations in the Treasury & War Departments” this office was furnished from the Department of the Treasury, with the Instructions under which its duties were to be performed. They also pointed out those of the Pay Master General, and it appears to have been the intention of the Comptroller as well as that Act of...
In Concequence of the arrangements that I had previously made I arrived here the on the 22nd Instant & proceeded Immediately to Cuting timber for Huting the Troops on making an estimate of the Timber & Boards or plank that will be necessary for Covering the three Regiments, I find It will be Utterly Impracticable to procure a Sufficiency as the waters are too Low to procure it from the Upper...
In consequence of your letter of the 4th. Ultimo informing me that you had appointed Capt. Edmund Taylor of the 8th. Regt. Brigade Inspector, I have put him in Orders; from the little I have seen of him, he appears to have been judiciously selected. He is very desirous of receiving instructions from you marking out his duty. I wish you could transmit a short summary of them as soon as you...
I have a son of about Twenty years old unprovided for, who has an inclination to be an officer in the army. Capt. Fondey of the 12th. Regt. is personally acquainted with him, has written a letter of Liet. Colonel Smith, recommanding him in strong terms for a Lieutennancy in the 12th. 1’ Regt. Govr. Jay has been so Oblideing to Assure me that he would by this mail write to the Secretary at War...
I dropped you a hasty line to-day, acknowledging the receipt of your letters of the 7th. & 8th. I now inclose a copy of the new British Instructions, with Mr. King’s remark upon them. These, I have not the least doubt, are the instructions which the American captains from the West Indies, by misconceptions, have represented to be so injurious to our commerce. Mr. Liston knows of no other; nor...
C’est avec bien du Plaisir, mon très cher Général, que j’ai reçu hier Votre Lettre du 22. aout dernier. Vos Souhaits sont déja en quelque Sorte remplis, puisque on est convenu ici que, d’un Coté, on n’employera point aux opérations terrestres des Troupes anglaises, vu que les forces auxiliares de Terre devront ètre uniquement américaines, tandis que, de l’autre, la Marine Sera purement...
[ Marblehead, Massachusetts, July 28, 1792. On August 18, 1792, Hamilton wrote to Gerry : “Your letter of the 28 Ultimo was duly received.” Letter not found. ]
It was my Intention that Lieut Richmon should have went to New York before this, but Capt. McClaries Muster and Pay Roll and Recruiting Accts. did not Arrive untill last Evening, the Rods a cross the Mountains are almost impossable the Snow at this time is three feet Deep, I have directed Capts. Bissell and McClary to march with there Recruits and to Leave one Serjt. at each of there...
War Department, Accountant’s Office, August 12, 1794. Requests the Treasury to provide five thousand dollars for various expenses of the War Department. LC , RG 93, Letter Book, 1794, National Archives.
[ New York, September 10, 1790. On September 10, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Walker : “In answer to your letter of this date.” Letter not found. ]
I have this moment received your letter of the 10 inst I presume before this can reach you that you will have received copies of Contracts made by Mr Rhea of Trenton for supplying rations at the several recruiting stations mentioned by you I expect also that Mr Huntington of Connecticut will have complete d his Contracts in due season, at least that no delay will be experienced to the service...
A letter of the Accountant of the war Office to the Contractor at this place, mentions: “From this statement you will observe that there has been two deductions from your account, to wit—The amount of the inclosed voucher being 125 Dll paid by you to wm. Hunter for six months rent of a house occupied by major Tousard, rejected because the charge is uncommon—and therefore ought to have been...
Albany, October 28, 1786. States that the sheriff of Montgomery County who “has been attached for a Contempt in proceeding to the Sale of Croghan’s Land,” wishes Hamilton “to take the necessary Steps to defend him.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
The recruiting Officers in this State wish exceedingly that the clothing & arms for the Soldiers they inlist may be sent to the several places of inlistmt. After having seen & conversed with Col. Taylor & the Field Officers on the subject—I venture to request you will permit them to be gratified. I am confident the service will receive much benefit from it. The clothing & arms will be safe—&...
your last inclosing thirty dollars has been receiv’d & your taxes paid—and your acct stands thus 1803 Viz Dr to ballance of old account $3.57 Oct to postage of a letter .50 29 to taxes paid (see bill) 13.39 to commissions  5.00 22.46 Cr By cash per mail 30    Ballance Cr $7.54
[ New York, November 11, 1791. On November 20, 1791, Hamilton wrote to Lamb : “Your private letter of the 11th. instant duly came to hand.” Letter not found. ] Lamb was collector of customs in New York City.
The nature of my business has allowed me but a few liesure moments since my return to this place. I called pretty early, & repeatedly on General Schuyler, but have not had the good fortune to find him at home: If I had I am not sufficiently known to him, to expect his confidential communications on a subject so delicate as that of the approaching Election. Knowing that truth & the public good...
Your indisposition has prevented me from giving you as much trouble in making my communications to Congress as otherwise, I might have done. The article of your Notes which respect the loan in Holland, I am somewhat at a loss to frame into a paragraph for the Speech, and therefore pray your assistance. I had got it as pr the enclosed, but upon a revision, it does not appear right. Be so good...