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Results 46801-46810 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have received this morning your letter of the 23d inst. I shall write to day or to morrow to a Mr. Timothy Phelps a Merchant in New Haven Connecticut to know whether he will undertake to store and deliver the Cloathing to the Quarter Master for the 1. and 2d. District formed in that State and if he will I shall send the apportioned quantity to him as soon as it comes into the public store. I...
Presuming the legality of the propositions contained in your Letters of the 24. & 25. Instant, I consent that you give an eventual instruction to our Minister at the Hague to postpone the instalment of a Million of Florins, to become due on the first of June next on account of the Dutch Debt; and I also consent, that you cause to be allowed for charges, upon the last Loan of 3,000.000 of...
The Bearer Mr. David Maitland is a partner in my House of Commerce & my particular friend he solicits the honour of being known to you, and I trust you will excuse the liberty I take in introducing him. Mr. Maitland wishes to become a Citizen of America & I have heard that there is a shorter way of getting at this benefit, than an absolute residence of two years in the Country, if such exists...
Savannah, November 14, 1789. “… In answer to your letter of the 1st. ultimo, I have to inform you, that the only public Convenience we have in this Port and Harbour, is a Light House on the Island of Tybee.…” ALS , RG 26, Lighthouse Letters Received, Vol. “A,” Pennsylvania and Southern States, National Archives. Habersham was collector of customs at Savannah. “Treasury Department Circular to...
Ayez la bonté d’agreer mes Complimens, et mes Respects, dans I’ocasion du depart de notre mutuel ami le Col: Smith, qui a passé quelques Semaines dans cette Capitalle ici: qui m’a fait l’amitié de passer bien des moments ensamble; et a qui, J’ai êu le plaisir de voire parffaitement acueilir par tout le monde qui l’a connue antèrieurement, et vue dans l’ocasion actuelle. Il pourrá vous dire...
Received philadelphia. 7th. April. 1792. of Alexander Hamilton Esqr. Forty five dollars which I promise to pay on demand 45 dollars
Your last Letter was handed to me a few Minutes ago; If mine to you this Morning admits the implication you Suspect, I pledge my honour it was not intended—the measures which have been proposed for an accommadation arose, I have no doubt, through the medium of our friends, with none but honourable intentions on either side. As you persist in not altering the hour of our Meeting I must rest...
Hampton, Virginia, January 29, 1794. “In a letter bearing date Augt: 17th 1793 I wrote to You respecting the balance of salary due me as Collector of this District. If You have given any directions about the matter they have failed coming to hand.… the amount that appears to be due at this time by my accounts rendered to Your Office is eighty Dollars thirty one cents.” ALS , RG 217, Segregated...
I have not tim to tell you the cause of my present troubles only that Mr. has rote to you this morning and I know not wether you have got the letter or not and he has swore that If you do not answer It or If he dose not se or hear from you to day he will write Mrs. Hamilton he has just Gone oute and I am a Lone I think you had better come here one moment that you May know the Cause then you...
Captain Edmund H. Taylor of the 8th. regiment, wishing the appointment of Inspector to the brigade to which his regt. belongs, has apply’d to me on my passing thro’ this town, for a letter of recommendation to you. Knowing but little of this gentleman personally, it became my duty to make the necessary enquiries. Colo Parker, who wishes him to receive the appointment—and several others in whom...