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Results 46801-46810 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
This badge has renewed with us all the story of the consultation of Doctors on the case of the broken leg which was cured in an instant by binding with rope yarn. Madison was with me the day I received your letter, which I read to him and produced the figure and inscription of the badge. He laughed so that it was long before he could speak to me. He then told me that he had at one time a...
[ Totowa, New Jersey ] October 30, 1780 . Does not think that a campaign at this time is feasible. States that American force is not large enough to attack New York. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Light Camp, New Jersey, October 30, 1780. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] ALS , sold by C. F. Libbie and Company, Boston, December 12, 1895, Item 312.
Copy: Library of Congress Tho’ late, it is with great Pleasure that I congratulate your Excellency, on the high and most important Office in which the discerning Eye of your souveireign has lately thought fit to place you. A severe Access of the Gout which has kept me for a fortnight past in continual Pain & Fever, prevented my sooner waiting on you with my Respects. They are however not the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I still remain without any Letters from you; Our Kinsman Mr. Williams wrote me some time ago, that your Letters were put on board the Kensington Capt. Smith, who sailed with the Alliance, but having sprung her Masts, was obliged to put back— She is not yet arrived— I have a few Lines from Temple dated in March, desiring me to send you some Nuts & Apples. I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you the 2d Inst. again troubled you with a few lines. I acquaint you that I have been unfortunate enough to loose my Ship in this Harbour, by receiving much damage in a Gale of Wind On the 10th. Inst. In consequence of which thought well to Overhall her, and found her unfit for Sea: As you are at the helm Of affairs, and I entertaining the highest...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Connoissant votre bon Coeur toujours disposé à obligér et mon mari et moy nous trouvans forcés de Chercher à nous procurer quelque dedomagement des pertes que nous avons essuyes par des Banqueroute et en manquant douvrage de notre Etat pour La fonderie. Permetez moy de madressér à vous pour vous prier trés instenment Monsieur de vouloir bien nous procurer...
ALS (draft): Columbia University Library; copy: Library of Congress The Pleasure given me by your Letter of the 2d. Inst may more Easily be conceived than expressed. I am greatly obliged by your Attention to my Embarrassmts. In my last on that Subject which you recd. was a Copy of my Letter to Count D Vergennes from which it appeared that the Sum I shd. have occasion for wd. probably be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society May we be excused to trouble Your Excellency again with An Account of Four bills Amounting to four thousand four hundred Gelders on Mr. Laurens since our last; we wish we may receive now by the first mails directions About those we acquainted your Excellency with Some time ago, for Satisfaction to the enquiries of the bearers. Our newspapers mention that...
Lieutenant Meydenger will deliver Mr Joshua smith into your custody. You will immediately send him by Water from King’s Ferry to General Heath at West point, under charge of an Officer with a proper Guard. You will likewise forward all the dispatches which Lt Meydenger will deliver you. I am Sir Yr most obt. Df , in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Lt. John Jacob...