George Washington Papers

[May 1763]

[May 1763]

At Bridge Quarter

9 Negroe Sharers
10 in all
100,000 holes of Corn { 110,000 } lately countd
120,000 Tobo. Hills 106,100
7 Work steers
56 head Cattle
13 old Sheep
12 Lambs
2 Sows
5 Barrows
15 Pigs—6 Weeks old

At Ship Landing

Willm. Jackson
7 Negroe Sharers
8 in all
70,000 Corn holes { 77,056 } Countd
80,000 Tobo. Hills 81,158
45 Head Cattle
1 Boar
10 young hogs
15 Six Weeks old
5 One Week Ditto

May 13. Told my sheep & cut & Marked Lambs as follows—viz.

Ewes in all here 119 Ewe Lambs at H. 27
At Rivr. Side 1 R. Lambs for Killg. 13
At Creek 5 Weather Lms. 13
Weathrs. at home 18 At Creek Qr. 7
at Creek Qr. 4 At Rr. Side 1
Rams at home 7 61
at Creek Qr. 3

Tobo. Ground belonging to Muddy hole

at the Mill 13,100
Cowpen by Gate 4,200
By Muddy hole Swamp 5,800
By Lane & Road at Hannahs 4,200
Slipe below Hill near Do. 6,350
Joing. Rye & Woods 8,700
In all 42,350

Index Entries