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Results 46681-46690 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I wrote You on the 22nd & 23rd. I now set myself down to trouble You once More. As neither Cols. Meades or Harrison’s Depositions may ever reach me & if they do, As they will contain no Information respecting the Papers taken in Andre’s Hand I am to beg you, to be so Obliging, as to send me Your Deposition, by the first Conveyance; Of what my Conduct was, or appeared to be to You, from the...
I think it my Duty as a Man of Candour & Generosity, to inform You, that for your Information in our Interview of yesterday, I had every reason to convince Me, That Mr. Tripp’s Information, so distressing to Me, & in which my warm & pointed letter of the 21st. to You, was founded; was communicated to me in a very disingenuous Manner & Air & that he mentioned to Me more, than was contained in...
(I) ALS : American Philosophical Society; (II) ALS : Reprinted from Stan V. Henkels sales catalogue no. 1415 (May 22, 1928), p. 8. I have this moment the Honour of your Letter of the twentyeth of this Month and it is, as cold Water to a thirsty Soul. I have been busily employed in making Enquiries, in forming Acquaintances and in taking Advice.— In hopes of Mr Laurens’s Arrival, and wishing...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The letter of Sepr. 18 with an inclosd Bill reachd me but a very few days ago, & I immedeately made the necessary enquirys about Mr Jones. This Genn. [Gentleman] is not in England but I hear He is coming this way, & is at present in Amsterdam, where (I suppose) he is playing similar tricks to those He has imposd upon You. The good old Doctor of whom I...
AL : American Philosophical Society Made. De Rochambeau est pénétrée de Reconnoissance des Bontés de Monsieur frankln, Elle lui demande en graçe de les lui continuer, et Elle lui demande la Permission d’aller quelque fois passer quelques moments avec lui, Il Seroit bien Aimable quand il passe au Palais Royal S’il vouloit bien l’honorer d’une petite Visite Elle loge dans la grande Cour, et il...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: E. Marie Lorimer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1957) I wrote you last Post a particular Letter relative to Mr de Chaumonts affairs since which I find they are publicly known & the alarm is general. Every man who has taken my Bills on him in this Place have mentioned to me his stoppage of payment, but I am happy to find they have great Confidence...
Yesterday I was honored with Your Excellency’s Favor of the 21st by Colo. Lamb. I am sorry to find that such cogent & just reasons render it improper, & have influenced Your Excellency to direct, that the Enquiry into my Conduct be extended no further back, than during my unhappy Connexion with the guilty Arnold. A friendly Opinion to that Effect from Colo: Harrison, had in some Measure...
46688General Orders, 24 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow. Brigadier General Glover[,] Lieutent Colonel Commandant Sherman[,] Lieutenant Colonel Murray[,] Major Talbot[,] Brigade Major Smith The sub clothiers of the different corps are to apply tomorrow morning eight ô clock at the clothier general’s store for their proportion of shirts and shoes. Major Platt, late Aid De Camp to Major General McDougall is appointed...
I have had the Honor of proposing to the Genl Assembly of Connecticut a Method of pay’g the Army, with solid Coin, and furnishing Magazines of Provisions, with the same Currency; & not compel your Excellency, to distress the Inhabitants of the Jersys; who have repeatedly sustained great Injurys, both from the Enemy, as well as our Army. Your Letters upon that Subject laid before the Assembly...
[Philadelphia] , 24 Oct. 1780. Denning writes from the Treasury Office that traveling to New York in July he observed “unpardonable negligence” in the management of flour magazines, especially at Pittstown and Hackettstown, New Jersey. Denning wanted individuals held accountable, and was upset to learn from Ephraim Blaine, commissary general of purchases, that Charles Stewart, commissary...