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Results 46601-46650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Harwood to Munroe The first instalment of 40,000 dollars shall be paid at any time, in the year...
When I accepted the office of Collector of this port, I was very much influenced by a wish to...
I have to beg pardon for having so long delayed to answer your favor of the 10th. inst. covering...
Some time has elapsed since Intelligence reached this place that Major Allen Mc.Lane of...
I have duly Rec’d your letter of the 23d of October written by your direction by Mr Brent...
20 November 1804, New York. Refers to his 8 Nov. 1804 letter [not found] informing JM that all...
20 November 1804, Lisbon. “The last letter I had the honor to address to you under date of the...
20 November 1804, Bordeaux. “The numerous complaints which are made by Captains of Vessels...
When a man is overcharged with gratitude he is at a loss how to go about returning thanks for the...
Monsr. le capitaine Lewis dans le séjour qu’il a fait ici avant son depart pour le Missoury,...
The interest you have constantly manifested for all discoveries, connected more or less with the...
Mr. Duvall’s Respects to Mr. Jefferson.—Being about to decide on a claim of the U. States against...
I am verry sorry to Inform you that There has been a rebellion in South Carilina which Has proved...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Nicholson and will furnish him with the information...
if I thot that a Man of some merit & abilities might not with propiety, let his pretentions to...
I receved your letter the 6 Insant date ed the 24 ult. and not Haveing it in my power to answer...
I have received your kind favour of the 6th: instt: and shall be careful to enclose the more...
Under another cover, I enclose to you the documents laid on our table this morning— I have not...
The Terms on which I have let brood Mares are these— The Person who takes them breeds from them...
19 November 1804, Philadelphia. Complains that although JM’s 17 Oct. letter led him to expect a...
19 November 1804, Tunis. No. 21. “I have the honor to inform You, that on the 16th. Inst. eight...
19 November 1804, Chamber of the House of Representatives. “Thos. Griffin presents respects to...
19 November 1804, Cádiz. “I had the honour of writing you on the 4th. ulto. I have now the...
Le Capitaine Lewis a son passage avoit engagé les chef de la Tribus Ayoua a venir ici, plusieurs...
Aperçu de la Population des differentes Tribus sauvages du District de La Louisiane Nombre...
A late arrest of a Spanish officer in this City by the Civil authority, has occasioned much...
I took the liberty some time since of expressing to your Honour a wish that I might be considered...
My character having suffered extremely in the opinion of my constituents, through...
By the Schr Hiland Capt Hand I have taken the liberty to send you one of the Cast iron mould...
I take the Liberty of sending You a small parcel of Wheat , of a Species new to us, in this...
I have this morning laid before the Committee a short Sketch of the several Provisions contained...
I mentioned to you in a cursory way the other evening that before the meeting of Congress I had...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Reibelt. he understands from mr Reibelt’s letter of...
I send you 2. sheets of my common place, because on the 5. last pages of them are my abridgments...
18 November 1804, New Orleans. “I have the Honour to enclose you several Documents relative to...
I send you 2. sheets of my common place, because on the 5. last pages of them are my abridgments...
I Recieved your Letter of the 13th Respecting the Mahogany according to your Request I Looked to...
I received to day your favor of the 7th: inst: covering the journal & Speech not spoken—since...
In answer to your letter of the 15th. requesting to know whether 400 copies of the laws of the...
Circumstances have prevented my availing myself of your kindness, in permitting me to retire:...
17 November 1804, Department of State. “Until a more perfect statement of the sums payable under...
17 November 1804 , “ Amn. Consulate. ” “It appears by an Accot we have yesterday in an official...
17 November 1804, New Orleans. “I enclose you two other original Letters from the Marquis of Casa...
17 November 1804, London. No. 46. “In my last of October 2d. I reported the ship Louisiana—Daniel...
After my best respects to you, suffer me to inform you Sir, that not withstanding your benevolent...
I returned home last night from the Canal and found your favor of the 14th . Our directors meet...
I recieved last night your favor of the 14th. I continue extremely satisfied with the facility of...
I received your letter and have endeavoured to recollect the conversation you mention, soon after...
Last Night, my Dear Son, I received your kind Letter of the 3d of the Month and hold myself under...
The confidence I reposed in you the last session of Congress I have found, as I expected, was...